Status: Updating slowly. :)

In Darkness & Light

When I'm At Home

I woke up the next morning, finding the warmth and softness of a blanket on top of me. I knew I wasn’t on the bus because underneath me I felt sheets and I was sinking into a mattress. Once my eyes fluttered open, I was definitely not on the bus. I was in my room. My turquoise walls, one wall covered in posters and pictures I hung up years ago and haven’t taken down yet. I sat up slowly, confused by it all. How did I end up back home? I pulled up the blankets from over me and I glanced down at my outfit. I was wearing pajamas. My puzzled train of thought stopped once my bedroom door opened.

Garrett strolled into my room, not expecting me to be awake. He was fully dressed, wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a gray vest. His hair was neat, and he looked like he would always. Once he saw me awake he instantly smiled at me.

“Good morning, my love. What do you want to do today?” He said sweetly, walking over to my bed.

He sat on the edge, and then wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body closer to his. I moved away from him, and he could tell I was confused because he tilted his head to the side. “What’s the matter?”

I gave him a shocked look. “What do you mean what’s the matter?! Why are we at my house? Where are the zombies?”

He tilted his head even more. “What zombies?”

I started to feel worried, and my facial expression showed it. “Me and you… and John and Pat… we were running away from zombies… we were in a zombie apocalypse!” I flung my hands around in utter confusion.

He let out a soft chuckle. “You were dreaming, love. Wouldn’t it be obvious that it was a dream? As much as I think zombies are rad, a zombie apocalypse will never happen.”

I pouted and he put his arms around me again. “Me and you were broken up, too. In my dream.”

He frowned, planting a soft kiss on my lips. “We’ll never break up, Ana. We’ve been dating two years and strong.”

I felt my cheeks get red as a situation popped into my mind. “And in my dream… we never had… you know…”

He chuckled again and kissed me again. “Well, we still haven’t. But I want to wait, until you’re ready.”

I loved this man so much, why was I telling him I wasn’t ready to give him my all? Before I knew it, we were lying on my bed; he was on top of me. He planted soft kisses down my jaw, and then he started to kiss my neck as he rode my shirt up. He pulled away from my neck, just enough time to lift my shirt above my head. His hands cupped around my black laced bra, and then he leaned in to kiss me. This was more of a passionate kiss, and I tried hard to meet the passion he was giving me.
He was still on top of me as he slid his vest off, placing it onto the floor. I moved my hands up to his shirt, helping him take it off. He leaned down, putting his hands on my back as he pulled the clips, holding my bra together. I bit on my lip, kissing at his neck as he removed my bra, his kisses trailing down to my breasts. I opened my eyes, his tongue working magically around my nipple, his other hand moving to my other tit, his fingers rolling around my other nipple. I bit on my lower lip, looking up to the ceiling as I took a deep breath. His lips slowly moved up to my jaw, and then he kissed my lips gently as he moved his hands to my hips. He pulled at my sweatpants, his eyes lighting up as he looked up to me. I started to blush. After my panties were off, and his pants were off, he climbed back on top of me…


“Annnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I heard John shout as the bus flew over a bumpy road that was not supposed to be sped over.

My eyes flung open, quickly finding the comfort of Garrett’s arms around me. My feet were hanging off the bus seat I fell asleep in. I looked up to John’s smirking face and I heard Garrett laughing. I sat up, Garrett’s arms letting go of me.

“Huh..?” I said sleepily and all three of them laughed at me.

“You were MOANING in your sleep!” John laughed, on the verge of tears. My face got hot and then I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Pat, Jesus dude, could you go any faster?” I said, trying to avoid the subject. Oh my god, I moaned out loud. Holy shit.

“Well sorry! There ARE zombies chasing is if you didn’t notice.”

I laughed once more and I stood up. I walked to the back of the bus to get a bottle of water and then I came back to the front and sat next to Garrett. “So, where are we?”

“Just about to enter Utah,” Garrett answered as he chewed on a granola bar.

“Where are we going?”

“North Dakota,” John answered. “We figured, who the fuck lives in North Dakota?” We all joined in a laugh.

“What did I miss while I was asleep?” I asked as I sipped my water slowly.

“Pat hit a zombie with the bus! It was so kick-ass,” Garrett said.

“I didn’t hit it, I FUCKING HIT IT!” Pat screamed from the front. We had to be going 80 miles per hour.
We all laughed once again and I reached for my cell phone. “Is anyone getting a signal?”

“I got a bar an hour ago but the minute I tried to call my parents I got no service again. Apparently the zombies tore down the cell phone tower in Phoenix. We’re hoping once we get to Utah there will be some service,” Garrett answered.

I checked my phone, no service. I leaned into Garrett and he put his arms around me. I looked out the window, out on the open road. There were no cars, no bodies. It was just us. Before I could speak again John spoke.

“Hey guys, guess what I snuck back at that store before we almost got raped by zombies?”

Garrett and I turned our heads to John as he pulled out a bottle of spray paint.

“John, why is that of any importance?”

“Because it’s yellow, duh.”

I tilted my head, confused, and Pat stopped the bus. He stood up from the seat and looked at John, grinning as he opened the bus doors. “Everyone out!” John said as he leapt from his seat and hurried off the bus with Pat. Garrett stood up and walked with me off.

John was shaking the bottle of spray paint as he stood next to the school bus. He opened the cap and started to spray over some of the letters that said “school.” Once he pulled away, we all burst out into a fit of laughter. The side of the bus now said “cool bus” with a gap between the c and the o. John ran to the other side, the three of us following behind him. We all laughed as he sprayed the other side.

“Now we ride in style, mother fuckers.”
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wowowowoww i am SO sorry i have not updated this in MONTHS. i have been busy with my other fic and school has taken over my life :( this isnt much but i will definitely start writing this more because i miss this story sosososo much! comment, subscribe, and rec! xo