Baby I'll Be Your Frankenstine

Frank and Gee

I take Sky to school and walk her to her 1st period class.

Then I head off to PE.

I walk into the locker room to find Gerard in a corner holding his side.


He spins around.


I convince him to not participate in PE today.

He sits at the bleachers and watches us play kickball.


I head to our usual table and find Sky in convesation with Lidia.

Gee pushes the chicken and noodles around his tray.

"Gerard, are you going to eat or not?" Claudia asks him.

He pushes his tray aside.

"Did Dad wail on you again?"

"Obviously," He snaps. " My whole body is being ripped apart, piece by piece!! And you two I need you, you are the only ones who will confort me when I am laying in a pool of my own blood!!"

The bell rings and lunch ends for the day.

^After school^

Sky suggested that the Ways hang out at our house today.

I call Mom and let her know I have company coming over.

^at my house^

We all debate on wich movie to watch. 20 minutes later we all are watching School of Rock.

' Ok, I have a hang over, who knows what that means?"

"It means you're drunk."

"Wrong!! It means I was drunk yesterday!!"

'IT means you are an alcoholic."


"Dude you have a problem!! You don't come to work hungover unless you are an alcoholic!!"

Gerardsmiles and starts laughing. I'm so happy to see that beautiful smile. His true smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok evee, here is franks POV