Baby I'll Be Your Frankenstine

DANGIT I thought you were sober

OK Frankie is with me watching YouTube videos.

Huh? What's this? I wonder as I click on the video link.

The Naruto OP plays. Its all in Japanese. >_< Dang.

The episode is called:

The Beast Explodes1 Burst Blow and Break Through!!

Hey that kid with the bowl-cut is drunk! Crap, I need a beer!

I walk to the kitchen and grab a can of beer.

Oh, yes! Nice cold booze.

I drink it and the kitchen sways.

Oh God, drunk at last. A smile creeps along my face and I wander aimlessly into the living room.


She looks at me.

"Gee, you're drunk."

I just smile stupidly.

Lidia walks in.

"Claudia what's up--Oh my God, Gee!!" She says.


"You're drunk!"

"Of course I am! Booze is my life!" I smile.

She slaps me across the face.

"Gerard Arthur Way! You said you were sober!" She snarls at me.

I just stand there, dumbstruck in awe.

"Sooo, Aii Diiiidddd...?"

The room swims and I feel light headed.

I fall on my face and Lidia just shakes her head in shame.

Cloudy helps me up and I feel worse.

"Claudia, Go away."

"No Gee! I'm pissed at you for getting shitfaced!' She snaps.

I fall back on the floor and I feel like I'm going to hurl.

I twist my body away from my sisters and puke.

I glare at them when I'm done and I snarl at them:

"Just leave me the heck alone!"

I want them to leave so I could at least collect myself.

They take me to my room and I fall asleep instantly.

They run thier hands through my hair, and loook at me pitifully.

"Gerard, why are you doing this to us? We don't want you to bury yourself!"


I wake up with the Blue Man Group playing a full concert in my head.

"Ouch! My head." I moan.

Mikeums walks in.

"Gee, you got wasted yesterday," He complains.

"Why is it your problem!?" I snarl at him.

"Because you're killing yourself!" He screams at me.

My head throbs.

"Mikey, headache!" I moan.

He throws a pillow at my head and it explodes in pain.

Frank walks in.

Oh, no! Frankie's here!

The whole bedroom sways and gets pulled out under my feet.

I fall on my face and Frank comes and picks me up.

"Gee, you're killing yourself," He says sadly.

I glare at him.

"Why do you all care for me?!"

"Well," Frank starts. "Lidia, Claudia and Mikey are your family Gee, and I, well, I'm your boyfriend."

I look at him.

"Frankie, do you really mean that?" I say.

"Yeah," He grins.

I lean over and give him a quick peck on the cheek and smile at him.

I pull away from him.


Ew. I just puked on his shoes.

He helps me up and I fall on the floor and puke again.

"Geez, Gee," He sighs.

Mikeums walks over and helps Frankie with me.

I mumble something like: "Mikey, go away, I am fine!"

"Nuh-uh Gee, you're not fine!" Mikey says.

"Frankie, I'm fine, you know that?" I say.

He covers my mouth with one finger and smiles.

"Shh, Gee, don't talk."


"What Gee?" He uncovers my mouth.

"No fair Francis!"

Frank hits me on the back of the head and giggles.

I smile at him and I rub the back of my head.

"Owww, Frankie, I have a headache!"
♠ ♠ ♠
My 'sister' Emmy helped me write this. We werer watching Rock Lee in Naruto when he was drunk. She thougt of Gee getting drunk while wathicng it! ILYLAS Emmy!
<333 Rinni