Baby I'll Be Your Frankenstine

What does the G stand for?

Lidi's POV

"Hey Gee! What are you doing??" I ask when I see my older brother hefting a huge bag into his room.

"Frankenstine is staying the night, this is his bag of stuff," He said in a strained voice.

"Umm...Stuff?" I ask scared.

"Cloths stupid! Not that kind of stuff!" He said as I laughed at his bright pink blush. "Frankie!!! Lidi is picking on me!!!"

"Lidi lay off him," Frank said ruffling my hair.

" Eh, make me Francis!" I say giggling at his cringe.

I follow them into the house lauging as they glare at me, "You know, that whole evil look thing your doing, it doesn't work on me,"

"Go away Lidia Elana Way!!!" Gerard yells using my full name? Oh no he didn't!!! I explode,

"Oh no you did not just use my full name Gerard Arthur Way!"
I say in a huff and walk away.

Gerard POV

"Well then, now that my sister is gone..." I say as we finily enter my basement room.

"What did you have in mind Gerard?" Frankie asks with a smirk.

"Skittles!!!" I squeel holding up the extreme pack. Frank's face lit up with joy at the mention of his favorite candy. He popped a handfull into his mouth and bit down.

"Oww!! Gee! These skittles are hard!" He wined.

"I'm hard Frankie," I say smirking.

"Gee!" Frank says blushing.

"What does the G stand for?" I say quoting one of the best cartoons on T.V. Invader Zim

"I don't...Know," He says with the cutest Gir voice Ever!

Frank's POV

Did he just say...? What the heck?

"Fraaannnnkkkkiiieeeee!" He whines.


"I keeel you!" Gee says, doing his best Achmed impresssion.

"Sure Gee," I say sighing.

He grabs a bottle out of the fridge. What is it? I eye Gee's hand and see a Bud Light.



"Why are you drinking Bud Light?"

"Coz I waaannnnaaa!" He slurs. Damn, it's already kicking in.

"Gee, stop it!" I say, scolding him like a parent.

"Nooooooo, Iiii don't waaaannnnnaaaaaaa."

He starts running around the room.

"I keeell youuuuu," He grins drunkenly.

"No, bad Gee! No booze for you!" I say grabbing the bottle.

"Fraaaaaaannnnnnnkkkkkkkiiiiiieee!" He protests.

"No." I say pulling the bottle out of his reach.

"I'mmmm tiirrreedddd."

"Sure, " I say as I drag him to his room. I hate it when he's drunk. He doesn't drink a lot though. So that's good.

"I think I'm going to puuukkkeee." He says suddenly.

He throws up on the floor then collapses on the bed covers.

"Lay with me, Frankie."

I crawl in beside him, hoping he isn't too hungover tomorrow.

"I luvvv you Frankie."

"I love you to Gee."
♠ ♠ ♠
What is up my Home Fries!? This chapter is a collab wrttin by both Me and Rin. XD Im at her house its 2:20 am and we both have Mt.Dew Highs! I am dressed up as Itachi-san and doing pole dances! I take cash and credit cards! XP Ok so I munna pole dance now cya later home fries!

Love and Cheesy poofs
Evee-Chan and Rin-Chan