Baby I'll Be Your Frankenstine

With drawl Symptoms and the secrets out

Gee's POV

I haven't had a beer in forever. I need it.

"Gee?" I hear Frankie.


"Are you OK?"

I nod weakly.

"I feel like I'm going through with drawls."

"That sucks."

"My head keeps spinning..."I moan.

"Lidia, Claudia, where are you?" Frankie calls.

My two sisters run in and turn on the light to my room.

"" I gasp.

"My head hurts," I whisper.

Cloudy walks over and rubs my head.

"Anything else hurt?" She asks, concerned.

I nod slowly, "My stomach's been killing me."

"It's like no matter what I eat, I eventually throw up."

"Gee, its just the with drawl symptoms." She whispers.

"Yeah, well I hate it!" I snarl.

My stomach churns. I feel sick and I'm shaking.

Frankie walks over and rubs my back.

"I know what'll help," He says smiling.

"Ugh, Frankie, just let me deal with it."

"Shh, Gee, I'm gonna make you feel better, OK?" He says covering my mouth.

I feel something rise in my throat. I try to push it back down, but no luck. I push Frankie's hand a way from my mouth. My mouth opens and I vomit on the floor. Frankie rubs my back and my sisters hold my hand as I empty my stomach all over the floor.

"Oh, Gee," They whisper, treating me like a very sick child.

Wait, I am sick!

Frankie leaves and comes back 10 minutes later, with chocolate ice cream, and a glass of apple juice.

"Are...are you sure this will help?" I stammer.


I grab a spoon and dig it into the chocolate cream. I spoon it into my mouth, waiting for the worst. Will it make me puke even more?

I eat my ice cream and so far so good. I haven't thrown up yet.

Frankie gives me the juice and I slowly start drinking it. My stomach feels like its being punched a thousand times. Suddenly it explodes in pain.

"OUCH," I gasp.

"What?" Frank asks worried.

" st..stomach...ouch!"

I throw up and it splatters all over my jeans. My throat hurts, and by the back flips my stomach is doing, I'm definitely not done.
I heave and gag, and shake violently. I finally mange to stop for a minute and catch my breath.
I hold my stomach in pain. I'm doubled over in my bed, sick, sick, sick. Frankie removes my hands from my aching stomach.

"Gee, holding it won't make it go away," he whispers softly. "you need to eat something and get medicine."

He tells Lidia to grab some pepto.

"Frankie," I whine. "Make it stop hurting." I draw out the 'a' and the 'i', which makes me sound like a 3 year old.

"Lidia's getting medicine, so you hang tight," he says.


"Geeee!" Lidi calls. :"I bought you meddicciinnneeee!"

She gives me a cup of pink liquid. I reluctantly drink it.

My stomach twists and I feel like the medicine is going to not work at all. Suddenly I tense up. My head spins and I start to convulse.

"Gee! Gee!' everyone calls.

My brain is too foggy and my eyes roll back. I'm having a seizure. I read in my health book, back when I was a freshman, that alcohol with drawls could cause seizures and sickness. I never thought it was going to be me. Me the one who had a screwed up life. Me who at least excelled in art and literature. Me who now is an alcoholic. A druggie alcoholic. I convulse until I black out.

"Lida! Get mom!!"

"Gee! Gee, can you hear me? Its Cloudy."

"Gee, I love you, stay strong."

"Gee its like Frankie said just now, stay strong."

"Gerard, honey? Can you hear me? What hurts? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

My eyes open.


"Gerard!" She gasps, throwing her arms on me. "Lidia told me you blacked out. Maybe we should take you to a hospital."

"I'm fine," I lie. The truth is...I'm horrible, I can barely eat. I feel sick half the time. Also that seizure I had, well, lets just hope it doesn't happen again.

"Are you sure Gee?" She asks.

"Well, maybe we should get it checked out, make sure that I'm OK," I reassure her.


I wait in a hard wooden chair and Frankie is playing with my long black hair.

"Gerard Way."

I am taken to a hospital room and a nurse comes in.

"What's wrong?"

"He blacked out after being extremely sick, and he had a seizure." Lidia explains.

"..A seizure?" The nurse raises her eyebrows.

Lidia nods.

"Gerard, come withe me." She says.

I follow her into a room where there is an MRI scanner.

"OK now lie down."

I obey.

I feel a sudden pain in my arm. I look over, its a needle.

I flip out and start shaking.

"Gerard, lie still, we're going to start soon."

"Oh...OK." I stammer.

I am slid into a container and I hear sounds that sound like drum beats.

"OK Gerard, you're doing great, only 2 more minutes." The nurse says after about 40 minutes. Thank goodness.

I am soon brought back into the lighted room. I squint my eyes.

"There, all done."

She takes me to the room and a neurologist is brought in.

"OK Gerard, lets take a look at the MRI scan." He says. "By the way, I'm Doctor Richards."

I nod in understatement.

He pulls out the stills.

"Is that my brain?"

"Yeah, I see some black areas. The nurse said you had a seizure?"

I nod.

"Well this is where some of your cells are dead. It looks like alcohol abuse to me."

Mom squeaks from shock. Frankie and my sisters are looking at the doctor with a 'how-did-you-figure-that-out-we-knew-that-already" look.

"We're going to keep you overnight in the Detox ward. Just to be sure."

I am taken to a hospital bed and wheeled to a green hallway, the sign reads "DETOX WARD"

I stop at room 405, and am immediately hooked up to various machines.

I fall asleep after they leave.

I'm so worn out. The with drawls are killing me.

"Mr. Way?"

My eyes open.

"We decided to put you in the mental ward. Your sisters said you were depressed and doing six lines."

"WHY?!" I gasp.

"Its so you won't hurt yourself."

"How the fuck would I do that?!"

"We need to find out why you're depressed."

They leave.

I fucking snap.

"Dammit! What the fuck are they thinking?!" I snarl, trying my best to somehow make myself bleed. Bleed. Bleed. Bleed.

Aha! I've got it!!

I rip out my IV and blood pours down my arm.

I lose consciousness and black out.

*The next DAY*

"Gee?" I hear a voice from the doorway.

"Frank?" I say, sitting up.

"What did they say?"

"The doctors?"

"Well, I'm in the mental ward. They saw my arm yesterday."

"What happened?"

"I pulled out my IV."

"I wanted to bleed." I continue.

"Worked pretty damn well too." I say grinning.

"They flipped?" he asks.

"Oh yes, they did!" I smile. "Put me on drugs to knock me out, stitch up my arm, drug me some more."

"Gee." He sighs sadly.

My features crumble.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

His head jerks up.

"Whats wrong?! What's wrong?! You're whats wrong!! Gee! You're killing yourself!"

"Frankie!! Get the hell out!" I scream.


"Just get fucking out!!! Fucking out!!"

He leaves and I call a nurse to check on me.

"Mr. Way?"

"Give me drugs, I don't give a fuck, Anything to knock me out!!"

"I cant do that."


"I'd be killing you, so to speak."

I snarl at her to leave and let me alone.

I fake moan so they will give me a sedative. Works like a charm, I'm engulfed in darkness.
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UPDATE! Now comment damn you.......Commmmmmeeeeennnnnnnnnntttttttttt!!!!!!!!