Someone to Come Back To

Every Time

Dr. Angela Banner tried to fight against the rope that bound her to a wooden chair, but could not loosen the knots that restrained her. She froze when a figure came into her view, tall and lean in Asgardian armor, not unlike Thor's. "So you're the other famous Doctor Banner," Loki said, circling around her. "I must say, your incident must have been helpful considering what happened to your husband."
"My husband is going to kick your ass," she snapped. "Taking me was a mistake, you antlered moron. You've made him very, very angry." In fact, she could imagine the roar of the "other guy," as Bruce called him, on his way to find her and protect her.
Loki snickered. "That was my plan."
"You have no idea what you've started," she spat. "Phil was right those years ago, you're always going to lose. You're fighting people who have much more to fight for than you do."
"They have no way to find me," the god purred, leering at her like prey.
"Sure about that, Reindeer Games?" Tony's voice asked, muffled by his Iron Man mask. Behind him stood Thor, Clint, Natasha, Steve and Bruce. They all looked ready to fight, except for Bruce, who just stood at the back, looking livid, but not changing into the "other guy."
"You okay, Ang?" Bruce asked, concern flirting over his face before the anger resurfaced.
"I'm fine, just kick his ass," she answered as Clint untied her. She went and stood beside her husband and reached up to whisper in his ear. "Get angry, love."
Bruce didn't need any more prodding than that, and with a feral cry, the "other guy" took over. Angela watched with a sick, satisfied smirk as she knew that Bruce would take care of the god who had threatened her, who had threatened their world for a second time.
The Hulk plucked up Loki and smashed him against the cement floor several times with a savage growl before letting him drop. The collapsed God of Mischief let out a low moan of pain. Tony chuckled, letting his mask pull back, revealing his face. "You'd think he'd have figured out by now to not piss Bruce off."
Angela skipped past the rest of the Avengers to take the large, green hand of the Hulk into both of hers, her small hands barely encompassing his palm. "Bruce, time to come back," she told him softly, pressing against him gently. The Hulk stared down at her for a moment before beginning to shrink down and become Bruce once more.
When the Hulk had subsided and Bruce wrapped his arms around Angela, she sighed happily. "Don't let go," Tony cautioned. "Because none of us need to see you naked."
"That's definitely a sight just for me," Angela agreed while Bruce chuckled.
"Tony, you asked how I kept a lid on it, well, I have someone I want to come back to every time. Also, it's hard to get angry when you have such a beautiful woman that likes to spend all of her free time on top of you," Bruce said with a laugh, squeezing his wife.
She chuckled. "We spend weeks secluded. Plus, thanks to good ole gamma radiation, even if an incident does happen, I don't feel pain and in a matter of seconds I'm completely healed again." Angela turned in his arms, still keeping Bruce covered to the Avengers, but also able to see them herself.
"I don't supose anyone has an extra pair of pants? It's getting hard to behave," Bruce said with a smirk.
Angela chortled and accepted the pair of trousers Clint offered for him. Bruce put them on and came to stand beside his wife, wrapping an arm around her waist. Thor picked up Loki and shook his head at his brother.
"So have you decided to stop making me angry?" Bruce asked him.
"Your wife was right," Loki panted. "You, as she put it, kicked my ass."
"A word of advice, then. Stay the hell away from my wife, and stay the hell away from my planet," Bruce suggested.
Thor led Loki away and into the jet that Angela was sure was waiting for them outside. The rest began to follow, but she held Bruce back for a moment. She pressed her lips against his for a moment before whispering "Thank you. I knew you'd find me."
"I always do," he answered, kissing her back. "You know, the sooner we get on that jet, the sooner we can get alone," he suggested with a laugh.
"Sounds like a plan to me."