The Lodge

"Old wives' tales"

"Enchanting, isnt it? Beautiful portrait of the woman, its hard to look away"

David turned, very startled and surprised, as he heard a voice come from behind him. There stood Jessica, the greeter. How long had she been standing there?

"Uh, uhm, yeah.... Rebecca? Right? I read a little about this while searching for places to stay." David was unsure on what to say.

"The whole resort is based on the story of Rebecca Potter, almost everything is themed Rebecca."

Jessica spoke while she started at the portrait as well, not looking away.

"Whats Rebecca's story? She's supposed to haunt the hallways and rooms of the resort, right?" David Asked.

Jessica shifted under her own feet, and turned away from the portrait to look down at her hands, as she played with a pen in her hand

"For most people, Its just a joking matter and a mere attraction technique. But for most of us that work here every day and who have been part of this resort for a while... its... its not quite a "supposed" story, but its very real for us."

Jessica moved on next to David, and leaned on the table, only to stare again at Rebecca's portrait.

"When I first came for my job interview, I was interviewed at the Red Dog Saloon. After a long and successful interview, I began chatting with the resort director, and so she began talking about the story.... Rebecca, a young, flirty, and beautiful chambermaid who was murdered by her jealous lumberjack boyfriend after he found her in the arms of another lover, now haunts the resort in search for a new lover, something that happened some time in the 1930's"

Jessica smiled faintly

"At that moment, I thought it was very silly for people to believe in ghost stories, I always thought they where complete bull shit. I still remember the exact words I told the director. " " hahaha, sorry but I do not believe in silly ghost stories. There is no ghost! With all due respect but any one who truly believes that there is the ghost of a red haired bitch playing tricks on people must be a complete moron!" " Then and there, for no freaking reason, one of the plastic vase's hanging on the wall fell and hit my head, it wasn't even heavy, and the room was dead in silence, it gave me a deep nasty cut on my eyebrow, a plastic vase! Then the chair moved back and I fell on my ass, I got up and ran out of the resort, I was scared shitless. I came back the next day, not talking about the incident, but just apologizing for running out. I became a strong believer since."

Jessica now turned to look straight at David.

"Listen, The Lodge... has this spirit, don't know much about the paranormal, but there IS a presence here, a spirit. Call it Rebecca, call it whatever you'd like, but theres a spirit. If you believe in the spirit, You'll get mischievous playful pranks, which mostly happen with men, and if you do good for the lodge, it'll leave you alone... but, you better not push the spirits

People kept walking into the lounge, it was getting busier as the day progressed.

"Theres a guest book that has stories of supposed encounters of the people who've stayed here, hope you enjoy your stay, I gotta get back to work"

As Jessica walked back behind her counter, David went over to the main hall. On a table lied a book that had a bunch of stories about people experiencing the "paranormal" the following stories Read:

--- I was eating down at Rebecca’s and I had to go to the restroom so I left to go back to my room and I was sitting there and I heard the floor squeaking as if there was a person walking towards the door and it stopped right outside the door and then I heard tapping noises in the wall but it stopped so I tried to make myself believe it was the people in the next room. About a minute later and I look to the shower and all of sudden and then the curtain moved as if a big breeze came through at the curtain and it only waved once and then it stopped completely still. I can’t lie, I ran out as fast as I could. I never thought something like that could happen to me.
- Avalon W.

---About 5:00 a.m. I awoke and felt my friend move over to my bed, to be under the air conditioning vent.* She was so quiet that I couldn't believe she'd already moved my book, magazines, purse, etc. that I'd left on the bed. I heard the whispering and movement of air as one moves quietly at night and then a sigh of bed and woman, and the bed sink in on my left. Another sign and whoosh and the pillow and mattress settled a bit lower.

I held still because I didn't want her to know I was awake. But then I opened my eyes and saw that my friend was still in her own bed. There were no further sensations.

I vow I do not have sensations like this; in fact this is perhaps my first experience.

*She's hot natured but took the other bed so I'd told her if she got hot in the night, she could move over by me.
-Raymund, Texas.

---I stayed at the Lodge a few years back, and during the night I felt something grab my big toe more than once. Never told anyone at the hotel. I know the Lodge has a guest book for recording strange occurrences. Have there been other guests who've had their toes grabbed / pinched. Trying to settle a bet with a friend. I know this is a silly request, but a response would be appreciated. Thanks.

- Javier G.

David was now very intrigued by these stories, He had always had this fascination about the "mysteries" of the world, which he spent alot of time thinking about. David decided to check out the gift shop, maybe there was a book or something on Rebecca, David planned to but a souvenir anyways. He walked to the hallway on the left of the entrance, where the gift shop was.

As David entered, a really old lady behind a counter smiled and greeted Him with a warm "Hello"

The shop was very small, straight ahead was a rack with a bunch of sweaters and shirts, and closer to the entrance where all sorts of little curiosities, mugs, key chains, letter pictures, all the usual stuff. In front of the counter where books. Wa-la! Books that mentioned Rebecca and ghosts in their titles. David moved aver to the book shelf, and spend several minutes looking and shuffling through all the books. David had lost track of time, but he must have spent a while looking through them, because the old lady behind the counter finally remarked

"You seem to be very interested in ghost stories" The old woman with a name tag that read "ANGIE" asked.

"Oh... was talking to the greeter a few minutes ago, and, she told me about the story of Rebecca Potter, the ghost who was supposedly murdered. It kinda sparked my interest." David moved closer to the counter, as if expecting another story, and sure enough he got one. Angie laughed softly

"haha, Jessica always off people. Telling the story about Rebecca. She's gotta stop scaring the little kids" the old woman said jokingly.

Was Jessica making things up? David thought to him self. "Is the story about her ghost attack made up?

Angie turned into a more serious expression, not of total discomfort, but it only showed a weak smile on her face.

"I do believe her, since I experienced something my self. I was always skeptical about the paranormal, not a believer, but not discarding the possibilities. When I first started working here in the early days, I had a customer named Rebecca, I told her about the "Legend" we had about a ghost named Rebecca, and that she would get alot of joke references since she sported the same name. I can't remember well the rest of the conversation, but we joked around and laughed about the story of Rebecca, and suddenly, one of the books in a top shelf fell on the floor, open to a page that talked about Rebecca Potter. The was no reason for the book to fall, the shelves placed on the left at that time where solid, hard, steady wood. No breeze or air came inside, and even so, its a hard cover book. There was no reason for it to fall. Ive treated the Rebecca story with respect since then, even tho ive had several experiences."

After chatting for a while, David went on to purchase a shirt, then said goodbye to the store owner Angie. David kept thinking about the stories he had read and heard, and wondered if perhaps, maybe, just maybe, he'd experience something himself.
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*** mean that The stories about the ghost told in this chapter, are "real" in the sense that actual people have told them, actual people who've visited The Lodge or staff who work at the Lodge. The "fictitious" part is that the stories were not told by the people here, the name of the shop owner is a different name than her actual one. I forgot to say that also the waiters names from the previous chapter and the greeters name where also changed, but the people are real, im just using them in the story