I'd Do Anything to Hold Your Hand

Chapter Seven

Ally's POV

"Well are you ready?" Niall said when I walked back into the room.

"Yea, I’m ready." I said fixing my hair in the mirror.

"What took you so long?" Niall said while wrapping his arms around me. I loved the fact that he was taller than me. We looked so good together. I was looking in the mirror and all I could think was how I wanted to be going out there holding his hand not Harry's.

Especially after what had just happened with Harry. But that was the last time ever that we would do that. Harry had found his forever and always, and all I could hope for was that Niall could be mine.

I hadn't realised how much I fancied Niall until that moment. It was like a wave of emotions has washed over me. I wasn't really sure if he felt the same way towards me. I mean I knew he had feelings for me but I just wasn't sure how strong of feelings they were.

"Babe are you okay?" Niall said. He must have seen the look in my eyes, getting to deep in my thoughts.

"Yea, I just wish I was holding your hand while walking out." I said turning around to look into Niall's deep blue green eyes.

"Ally, I know, I wish it were me too. But you’re doing something for a friend. Someone you've known for a while. It won’t have to be long only a few months." He cupped my cheek with a comforting touch.

"But what happens when I want to go see you, and we want to go out and do something. Everyone is going to assume that it’s me and you, and not me and Harry. Babe, the fans already know!! I don’t even know why those guys are even trying to hide it. They don’t even deserve a gold star, that’s how bad they are at it." I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

"It’s okay, babe. And believe me we all know that they know, and we don’t know why they keep trying. Harry and Louis plan on coming out within the next 6 months so it won’t be long. And we'll be able to go out. We'll just have to be a little discreet about it. It shouldn’t be too hard. But believe me we'll make it work. I promise. ."

I looked at him and smiled, “You know how much promises mean to me."

"I know." He said leaning in to kiss me.


We walked out of the hotel and fans were everywhere. Me and Harry were hand in hand. Today we had to ''promote'' our relationship. Yes that’s the actual word that management had told us before we left.

I didn’t want to do the classic ''Elounor'' thing and go get Starbucks and shop my ass off, because in reality I liked doing that with Louis not Harry.

Honestly back at home, when the boys were on break me and Louis would somehow sneak around any cameras and go shopping. I loved shopping with him. It was so fun. At least I knew why Eleanor loved being his cover so much. He was a great shopping buddy.

I figured this would be a good time to whisper something to Harry. So I whispered something that I knew would make him smile and probably get a laugh out of him.

"I know I don’t have an ass as good as Lou but you'll have to pretend." then I sealed the cheesy thing I said with a kiss on the cheek. Harry smiled and laughed that howl laugh he does when Louis says something absolutely ridiculous. I had picked up a few things from his actual, humor wise I mean.

We had escaped the fans and were free now. We went to Starbucks, because I mean in all honesty I really did love the place, and then we took it to the beach.

I told the almighty management not to hire any paps because it would be more believable if there were fan pictures. Yea , they didn’t listen and frankly I didn’t care. Actually as of the moment I saw the first paparazzi take our picture, I made a pledge to myself to make the Larry shippers believe in them even more, if that was even possible. And I was going to do it in ways I knew they would pick up on. I mean I did have a Tumblr afterall. They all knew I did.

No one could know about my new motive though. So I did play it up for the cameras but when it would come to my Tumblr and Twitter it was going to be hell.


When we were back at the hotel, the try harders told me to go confirm mine and Harry's relationship on twitter or wherever I had to. I agreed of course, I only had about 6 days left to get across that we were actually in a relationship.

There were what seemed like a thousand mentions asking me if me and Harry were dating. I picked one and replied with a simple "yes love :) xx".

They went crazy of course. So I opened up Tumblr and looked at my asks. Only 100, that was good. I wasn’t surprised because not many of the fans knew I even had one but some did find it which I was alright with.

A majority of the anons were asking me if Me and Harry were dating. Some anons were asking me why I was being Harry's beard if I shipped Larry. That’s one thing I loved about those shippers I never even said I shipped them they just knew by certain things I said or did.

I made a post answering both questions.

There's tons of the same 2 questions in my ask right now.

1) yes me and Harry are together :)xx

2) you guys know whats right. just please dont hate me.

And that was the first of my many ways to just support my best friends when I was suppose to make the hype die down.
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This is probably a weak fic, but im working on trying to make it stronger. i hope you guys are liking it so far.