Status: Active for the Summer

Heartbreak Warfare

Chapter One

Laur90210: missing the west coast.

I stared at my wall, filled with pictures of so many faces I grew up with, the ones I missed more and more every day. I regret leaving home so much. I should have stayed. I should have never said those things to him.

Why did I run? I always have to run as soon as I start to feel. Now I was miles away from everything I knew and loved. Miles away all because of him. I didn’t get the chance to enjoy my last summer as a care free teenager, I wished it away. I dreamed, wished, and hoped all for the day I got out of that town and on my own. I was so excited to go away and meet all new people, secretly hoping the whole time I would meet someone who could fill the void in my heart that he made. I just didn’t know it was going to turn out this way. Ever.

“Hey, wanna go get some lunch?” I twisted around to see my roommate, “Yea, I’m starved.” I said shutting my laptop. “Great. Kate is going to meet us down there.” She said smiling and grabbing her ID. I grabbed my own and slipped on my sweatshirt. It was starting to get cold here already on the east coast. I immediately thought of the ocean and the warm breezes back home on the west coast. My heart lurched in my chest but I ignored it.

We walked down the three flights of stairs to the lobby. It was filled with kids studying or watching the huge TV. It was always crowded in here at all times and I never understood why. It seemed boring to me. I felt the cold hit my face as I walked through the doors that lead us out to campus, the very small campus that I didn’t care too much for. I saw the same people every day in the same places. It wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t great either. My roommate made things a lot better, we were close friends. She seemed to be just like me which was strange to me. I never liked people who reminded me of myself, so why did I like her? I had no idea. But I was glad that I did.

We walked past the reflecting pond and talked about dance team and how we were dreading practice later. I was still sore from the night before at zumba, I was more out of shape then I had thought. We walked into the cafeteria that was two sizes too small. We separated getting our food, I knew she’d come back with a turkey hoagie with no cheese, just mustard and lettuce on a whole wheat roll. I went for the salad bar like always. The food here had been making sick, salad is the only thing that doesn’t and sometimes the “specials”, on a good day anyway.

I grabbed a cup and got myself some iced tea from the soda dispenser. We met back up at the long checkout line where we continued our conversation from before. We found a table and soon our friend Kate joined us talking about how she was excited because someone famous was actually coming to this small town in the middle of Pennsylvania. “Who?” Shelby questioned excited. I wasn’t really paying attention; I was staring at Tommy across the way. He was so cute and made me not hate this place so much.

“Why is he coming here?!” Shelby practically shouted and I snapped my head over. “SHH!” Kate said to her and Shelby laughed while apologizing. “Who’s coming?” I asked taking a sip of my drink. “Nick Jonas!” Shelby whispered to me with excitement.

I almost threw up. Right there.

“What?” I said flatly. “Yea, I saw his transcripts in the office today; he’s coming later this week from California. No one is supposed to know so please don’t tell anyone, I could lose my work study.” Kate said explaining. “Why is he coming here?” I asked angrily. “I don’t know?” Kate said slightly confused and taken back. “Sorry” I said with a slight smile trying to play it off. It didn’t work. “Why do you seem so mad?” Shelby asked taking a bite of her hoagie.

What was I supposed to say? Oh because I dated him for three years and tried to escape when I broke up with him by coming to this middle of nowhere college and yet he still found me. “I um-” thank God Tommy interrupted me by walking up to the table. “Hey girls, what are you all doing tonight?”

I quickly thanked God for the distraction while Kate answered him with “Nothing, what about you guys?” “Nothing, want to come up? We have some handles we got today.” He said and I smiled. “Yea, what time?” I asked answering for us all. We all loved these boys. They were gorgeous. “Um, 9ish” He said, “We have dance team until 9:30 but we’ll come up once were done and ready and stuff.” Shelby said. “Oh alright, sounds good. Lauren just text me okay?” He asked me. I nodded and smiled as he started to walk away.

“Ugh, he is so hot.” I said as soon as I was sure he was out of hearing distance. “He is. And he wants YOU to text him! He’s so into you.” Shelby said and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

She was always building up my confidence by telling me I could definitely get this guy or that guy or that they were into me. I knew it wasn’t true but I loved that she was nice enough to say it was. “Getting lose like a perm tonight!” Kate said and we all had to laugh. My friends were weird, and I loved it.

So there were perks to being here. The people, or my friends at least, they made me forget that I wasn’t on the west coast and stuck in this small town. They always asked why on earth I’d leave California for this place. I always just said I wanted something new, which was the truth…just not the whole story. I can’t believe he found me. I was sure he never would. I sighed pushing my salad around on my plate, I wasn’t so hungry anymore.
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Hey everyone, so I started this while I was at school this year one night when I was bored so I finally decided to do something with it.

Hope you all like it :)

Comments would be greatly appreciated!!