Status: Active for the Summer

Heartbreak Warfare

Chapter Two

Laur90210: Getting lose like a perm tonight @KaitBait @Shelbster101

“I don’t know what to wear!” Shelby shouted from inside her closet. I was straitening my hair. “I’m just wearing jeans and this shirt.” I said. She turned to look at me, “You look cute though!” She huffed. I had to laugh; I was wearing skinny dark jeans and a black sweater. Not cute at all.

She went back to throwing clothes around and I opened up my twitter on my computer while I grabbed the next section of my hair. One status caught my eyes, his. I felt my heart sink when I read it

– Taking off tomorrow and landing in the middle of nowhere for school. Can’t wait! –

I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not, but if he was then don’t come. I shut my computer out of frustration and pushed it away from myself. “Everything alright?” Kate asked. I didn’t even realize she had walked in. “Yea, just a guy from back home is being annoying.” I said grabbing another section of hair to straighten. “From Cali?!” She asked excited and I laughed, “Yea from Cali.” “God, you are so freaking lucky.” She moaned lying down on my bed. I smiled at her before thinking; you have no idea how unlucky I was.

“So you told them we were coming right?” I was asked. “Yea, I told Tommy we were on our way up now.” We had to take a ten minute bus ride to get to the apartments on top of the hill, where ALL of our friends lived. We always complain that we were so dumb picking the dorms over an apartment. “I just wanted the experience” that’s the excuse we all used when people asked why we did live in the dorms.

The bus made its way up the hill, barely, I swear one day it won’t make it up the mountain, I just hope we aren’t on it. I smiled at the quick thought of Nick riding the bus for the first time and having it slide backwards down the hill ending in a big crash.

“Laur? Are you coming?” Shelby asked laughing slightly. I shook my head from the imaginary scene and stood up, “Yea, let’s go!” I said excited. I needed to let lose tonight, enjoy my last night before Nick gets here and ruins everything I had hoped for.

“This bed is on fire with passionate love! The neighbors complain about the noises above, but she only cums when she’s on top!” We all sang at the top of our lungs while laughing. I’m not too sure why but we’re always belting out Matt Nathanson when we’re drunk. The guys even join in now.

We all took yet another shot and I marked my wrist. It was something us girls decided to do, mark a tally for every shot you got down. So far, I had six. “Wanna go visit the other boys for a little?” Shelby shouted over the loud music. “Yea!” I said loving the idea. Our other guy friends lived across the lot. We ran across the lot dodging the cop car driving around trying to catch the tipsy college students on a thirsty Thursday night.

We knocked and then walked ourselves in. “Ten to one, Mike isn’t wearing a shirt!” I called out as we walked in. I turned the corner and saw him sitting there smiling at me, “You win this time.” He said standing to go put on a shirt no doubt. For some reason whenever we were here, they never wore shirts.

We all took two more shots that I marked on my wrist. But then, something happened. I was having a great time, really feeling at ease for the first time since I had left the west coast. I was comfortable here, these people, my friends, were making me laugh and cared for me. So when the boys asked me to take some more shots with them I didn’t deny their offers, I didn’t mark them on my wrist either.

Last thing I remember is seeing Shelby walk out of the bathroom. Then, I have no idea where the night took me but it was not where I expected to be the next morning.

I woke with a blanket wrapped around me. I groaned. “What happened last night?” I asked out loud to the darkness, it was early morning. I then noticed where just exactly I was - Tommy’s bed.

My eyes became large with worry, confusion, shock, and any other emotion I was feeling. I then noticed someone was lying next to me, very close. “Please be Shelby or Kate, Please be Shelby or Kate” I hoped quietly as I peeked my eyes open. It was Tommy, laying there asleep facing me. “Oh my God.” I said and I saw him smile. “We didn’t do anything.” He said opening only one eye. I immediately felt relief wash over me. “Oh I didn’t think that we did or anything.” I said awkwardly lying. “I’m sure” He said rolling over to face the other way.

I sat there trying my hardest to remember what exactly happened last night and how I ended up here. “Tommy?” I questioned quietly, I didn’t know if he was asleep or not. “Hm?” He asked not facing me. “What did I do last night? I don’t remember a thing!” I whispered harshly leaning on him so he’d pay attention. I normally wouldn’t be so pushy or close to him, I had to be drunk still. “You didn’t do anything, you guys came back here and you walked in here and fell asleep. Snoring pretty loud might I add.” I could feel my face heat with embarrassment. “I do not snore.” I said immediately and he laughed. “Yes you do, but it was kind of cute, so don’t worry.” He said shifting around under the warm comforter. “I have to pee.” I said quickly getting out of the bed and making my way to the bathroom down the hall, stumbling in the process.

I groaned when I looked at my reflection. I had makeup smeared around my eyes, like I had been crying last night. Oh my god. What if I cried last night? What if I said something or did something stupid? I slightly started to panic. Blacking out was not so funny anymore.

I wiped off the smeared make up and re did my hair so I didn’t look like such a mess. I made my way to Tommy’s room and found him talking to Shelby. “Shelby. I don’t remember what happened last night.” She only laughed at me with Tommy. I was so embarrassed and felt like they weren’t telling me something. “Did I cry last night? My eyes feel like, swollen and my makeup was all over.” I said squeezing in between them on the bed. “Not to my knowledge.” Shelby said to me and I looked at Tommy. His eyes were closed when he answered with a “I don’t know, I came in here and you were snoring.” I groaned. “You were both snoring last night!” Shelby said trying to help me out but it wasn’t making the situation any less humiliating.

“What time is it?” Shelby said suddenly. She had class today, thank God I didn’t. “6:45” Tommy answered. “I need sleep” I moaned rolling over. We all silently fell back to sleep. I secretly loved that I was so close to Tommy. Who knows if I was last night or not because I sure as hell don’t, but this, this I would remember.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, Nick should be coming up in the next chapter for those of you wondering.

Let me know what you think please!
