Status: Active for the Summer

Heartbreak Warfare

Chapter Three

Laur90210: Whose phone charger did I steel last night? I sincerely apologize…#kleptodrunk

I practically ran home from the top of the mountain. I felt like I was going to vomit at any given moment. Tommy offered to give me a ride down to the dorms but I felt too bad accepting and I could easily picture myself throwing up in his car. Then I for sure would die of humiliation. I reached my door and quickly unlocked it. Shelby was napping in her bed and I tried to be quiet as I searched for Advil. I then flung myself on to my own bed; I was definitely going to be sleeping this hangover off.

When I woke up I decided that I most definitely needed a shower. Shelby wasn’t here, must be at class. I gathered my things and made my way to the bathroom I shared with twenty three other girls.

I could hear girls talking as I shaved my legs, “Oh my god. I SWEAR I saw Nick Jonas here today.” “Bull shit. There’s no way!!” “No for real!” I smacked my hand to my head, Nick. I forgot he was here. Great. I quickly finished up and got out of the shower.

More girls were in the hallway chatting about how Nick Jonas was here. They reminded me all so much of the fan girls Nick dreaded, that made me laugh. When I was all changed and my long hair was brushed through I decided to unpack my bag from last night, the one I don’t remember. I threw all my dirty clothes in my laundry and put away all the other stuff and then I found three phone chargers. Three. One was mine, who did the other two belong to?

I plugged in my almost dead phone and opened up my computer. Logging on right away to facebook, and then twitter. Almost everyone’s tweets were about Nick Jonas at our small town college. I can’t believe he’s actually here. I checked his twitter,

This place is tiny, but I think I’m going to like it here.

Great. Of course he’ll love it here. Why wouldn’t he? It’s everything I hate. Only natural for him to love it then right? I groaned as my door swung open. “Lunch?” Kate asked from the doorway. “Yea, let me get ready real quick.” I said shutting down the computer.

“So have you seen him?” Kate asked with excitement. “Seen who?” I asked while checking to make sure I had my ID, without it we couldn’t eat. “Nick!” She said whispering and grabbing my arm. I looked up and took a breath, “No, no I haven’t seen him yet.” I looked to the ducks by the reflection pond and smiled, no matter what they were always there. Apparently they even stay during the harsh winters here; they just never want to leave. I don’t understand why any person or animal would want to stay here.

“I saw him, across here.” She said stretching her arm out and pointing it towards the opposite end of the reflection pond. “What was he doing?” I asked her. “Coming out of the Smith building, getting a tour I bet.” She said as we turned the corner. “Remember when we pushed mike in the pond?” I asked laughing at the memory from earlier in the year. The reflection pond is only about two feet deep and we weren’t allowed to touch it. But we decided to push our friend Mike in when he wasn’t paying attention. Somehow we didn’t get into any trouble, luckily.

We both were laughing at the memory of Mike’s shocked face and soaking wet clothes. We weren’t paying any attention to where we were walking, and Kate walked right into somebody coming out from the bookstore. Books flew everywhere and I heard loud thumps as they landed against the cement, along with Kate.

“Oh my God are you okay!?” I asked still laughing but offering my hand to help her up. She seemed to be shocked. “What’s wrong?” I asked still giggling. “I’m so sorry.” I heard a very familiar voice say from above us. I slowly turned my head and there he was.

Nick Jonas.

“Lauren!” He shouted, forgetting about his new textbooks that were thrown across the walkway and my best friend who was lying on the ground star struck. “Why are you here?” Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

He scoffed and let out his chuckle, “Oh it’s great to see you to!” He said sarcastically as he bent down to pick up his books. Kate began to help him finally coming to her senses and I just stood there.

“Why are you here?” I repeated louder, more authoritative. “Thanks” He said to Kate with a smile and she only smiled while handing him the music theory book. “To go to school, why else would I be here?” He asked. Just like it was the most normal thing for him to be here.

“So you’re a Lion now?” Kate asked making conversation. “Yea, I guess I am.” He said smiling at her again. “Shut up Nick, how long are you going to stay here for? A month? A week? Just long enough to get under my skin again?” I freaked. Kate looked shocked and so did Nick. I was even a little shocked myself but I refused to show it.

“I’m here for the next four years. Just like you.” He said with his Jonas smirk. I wanted to slap it right off his face. “Well, enjoy it here. Hope you have fun. Come on Kate let’s go eat.” I said grabbing her arm and pulling her away. “

Thanks Laur! You know I will, I’ll call you later!” He shouted after me and I rolled my eyes. “What is going on?! Do you two know each other?!” Kate asked trying to keep up with me. “You could say that.” I said as I swung open the door to the café.

This was going to be a long, long, four years.
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please let me know what you think!