Status: Active for the Summer

Heartbreak Warfare

Chapter Four

Laur90210: When you go out for dinner should the guy and girl split the bill? Or should the guy pay?
TommyJones: Guys all the way, you aren’t paying @Laur90210

“Wait. You two dated for three years!?” Kate said to me. I wasn’t looking at her though, I was looking down at my salad that I had been eating kind of ferociously. I was angry and taking it out on the lettuce and croutons in front of me.

“Yea worst mistake of my life probably.” I said finally looking at her. “What happened?” She questioned. I knew she would want every single detail, but I didn’t want to talk about it so I lied, “I didn’t want to hold him back so I ended it.” I said with a shrug. “Then why were you so mean back there?” She asked not believing me. “Because, because, because…” I couldn’t think of a reason that would make sense with my previous lie. “Because he didn’t seem to care?” Wasn’t that the truth. “Yea.” I said honestly looking at her.

“I’m sure he did Laur, have you even talked to him since then?” “No.” I said shaking my head. “Then how do you know he didn’t care?” “He never called, never wrote, he never did anything.” I said getting a little loud. Thinking about everything was starting to piss me off again. “Laur! He followed you across the country!” She said and I sighed. “Kate, he’s only doing it to piss me off.” “This isn’t making sense to me.” She said shaking her head. “It’s complicated I guess.” I responded picking up my phone. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore.

I was in my room working on homework for my Sociology class when there was a pounding at my door. “Were you expecting anyone?” Shelby asked from her bed. “No, are you?” I asked and she shook her head no. She jumped up and opened our door.

“Hey Shelbs, what’s up?” I smiled at the familiar voice and my stomach set off butterflies. “Nothing, doing some work. Come on in.” She said turning and returning to her bed winking at me in the process. “Lauren! What are you doing?” I chuckled, “Homework, what about you Tommy?” He shrugged and leaned against my closet door, “I was going to go to dinner, wanted to know if maybe you wanted to come with?” He asked. My smile got wider as he asked the question. “Um, yea absolutely!” I said jumping up from my own bed. “Cool, I was thinking Mama’s?” He asked as I grabbed my ID, “Oh, I don’t have any real cash on me; we’ll have to stop so I can take some out.” I said.

Mama’s was a real restaurant off campus, we didn’t travel to very often unless it was a birthday or we all were sick of the cafeteria food. “I got ya covered.” He said handing me my coat, “Tom I’m not letting you pay for me.” I said grabbing my coat from his hand. “Yea you are, it’s the least you could do after snoring in my ear all night.” He said and my face grew red. “I do not snore!” I said and he laughed at me. “Have fun you two!” Shelby shouted from her bed, “Oh Shelb, do you wanna come with us?” I asked remembering my roommate, “Nah, I’m going with Kate to see Nick Jonas eat dinner in the cafeteria.” She said and I rolled my eyes at her as she wiggled her eyebrows. Kate had told her all about my history with Nick.

“Nick Jonas, that kid was in my Stat class earlier.” Tommy said as we left the building. “really? That’s cool.” I said not really caring at all. I guess this took him by surprise, “Wait, I just told you that Nick Jonas is in my class and you aren’t shocked or begging for me to introduce you to him?” I giggled at his shocked expression, “No, I honestly don’t care.” I said and he smiled, “Good.” “Why is that good?” I asked. “Good to know you aren’t interested in him.” He said shrugging. Why did he care who I was interested in? I wanted to ask but then again, I didn't.

“Oh shit, Tommy we never stopped so I could get money out!” I realized half way on the way to dinner. “I told you Laur, I got this one.” “That’s not fair though!” I said complaining. “Shut up and let me pay for you okay? What kind of guy would I be if I made you pay?” “a normal one?” I said laughing and he shook his head. “No good guys make a girl pay, come on didn’t your last boyfriend tell ya that?” He asked and I looked away down the road, “my last boyfriend? He always paid.” I said remembering the fights over the bills at restaurants, and then the air plane tickets, and hotels, the presents.

“Well good, I would have to beat him up if he didn’t treat you right.” Tommy said as we reached the little place. I laughed at the mental image of Tommy hitting Nick.

Dinner was perfect. We talked about almost everything, family, friends, why I left California and why he wanted to switch lives with me. He had me laughing at almost every minute. Then he paid at the end of the meal and reached for my hand on the walk home. I didn’t pull away either.

“What are you ladies up to tonight?” He asked when we reached my dorm building. “I think we’re going to the Soccer house tonight.” I said and he nodded. “What about you guys?” I asked. I felt awkward because I knew the kids smoking on the porch could hear us. “I think we might just be hanging tonight at Rich’s but tomorrow night we’re having a party, you better come.” He said and I nodded, “If that’s my invitation, I’ll be there.” I said with a scoff and he rolled his eyes at me.

He leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips and pulled away slightly, “You’re always invited to be with me Lauren.” He whispered and I smiled. “Thanks for the night Tom.” I said back and smiled. “Anything for you Laur.” He said with a wink and then he turned around and made his way to the bus stop. I was blushing and smiling from ear to ear and I didn’t care if the smokers were staring at me. I ran in the building and straight up the three flights to my dorm. I threw open the door and shouted, “He kissed me!”

“What!?” came two voices and then a deeper third one said, “Who?” I whipped around to the source of the deep voice. There laying on my bed was Nicholas.

“Why are you laying on my bed?” I asked putting a hand on my hip and he laughed at me. “Nick I’m serious!” I shouted angrily. “Sorry Laur, but you know your mad face and stance always makes me laugh.” He said slowly sitting up. “Get out!” I shouted at him pointing to the door. “Wait Laur, Tom kissed you tonight!?” Shelby shouted twisting me around. I smiled at the memory flashing in my head, “Yes! And he said the cutest thing to,” “Can’t wait to hear this.” Nick said from behind me. I ignored him.

“He said, You’re always invited to be with me Lauren.” “What?” Kate asked a little confused and I heard Nick’s snort from over my left shoulder. “Oh well I guess you would have to know our conversation. But trust me it was cute.” I said and Shelby squealed with excitement. “You are so freaking lucky! Tommy is great, what are they doing tonight?” “Nothing but tomorrow they invited us up for a party at their place.” “Can I come?” Nick asked and I twisted around, “What?” “Can I come?” He asked again shrugging. “No.” I flatly said and he nodded. “Yes you can obviously come.” Kate said punching me in the arm. I rolled my eyes.

“Why are you here?” I asked him again. “I told you I’d meet up with you later.” He said in an obvious tone. “No, you said you’d call me later.” “Ha! So you were listening to me!” He said with a smirk. “Okay well you still need to leave.” I said getting annoyed. “Fine. I have to get ready anyway,” He said getting off the bed. “I’ll meet you ladies back here at 10:30?” He asked towards Kate and Shelby. “Yea, that’s great.” Shelby said as he reached the door. “See ya then.” He said with one wave and then walked across the hall and into the room. He waved to me and then shut the door, “Why the fuck did he go over there?” I asked my two best friends, “Turns out he lives there!” Kate said shutting my own door.

“I hate him.” I said out loud, “Laur, chill. It won’t be so bad. Plus Tommy kissed you!!” Shelby said changing my mood again. “So true, he did!” I said and my smile was spreading over my face, yet again.
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next chapter will be more exciting i swear