Status: Active for the Summer

Heartbreak Warfare

Chapter Six

Laur90210: zipper my mouth and throw away the key.

I closed my own door and quickly ripped off my alcohol reeking clothes. I rushed to the bathroom and peed and brushed my teeth quickly, washed my “pounds of makeup” off on my face as I replayed our conversation from the way home in my drunken mind.

“Hey” I heard a girl say as she walked by. “Hey Chrissie” “Is everything okay? We heard yelling.” She said using the sink beside me. “Oh yea, just fighting with an ex.” “Wait, Nick Jonas is your ex?” She said. “Yea, and he was annoying enough to follow me all the way across the country to torment me.” I needed to stop. I was drunk. “That’s so cute!” She said and I shook my head. Why does everyone say that?

I gathered my things and made my way back to my dorm. His door was still shut as I opened mine. It was almost three, Shelby would be back soon, if she came home tonight. I’m sorry, but I can’t just not know someone who was my life for three years. That line was rounding through my mind. If I was his life, why didn’t he fight for me? Why didn’t he come after me?

I opened my door and walked the three steps to his door and banged on it, exactly where the construction papered football was that had his name scrolled across it. I heard creaking and some stumbling, finally the door opened. There he stood, sweat pants and beater. His hair slightly messed up like he had been rolling around in bed. “Can I help you?” He asked closing his door behind him. His roommate was snoring. I knew the other girls were listening in the hall since my conversation with Chrissie in the bathroom so I pulled him into my room and shut the door.

“You said I was your life for three years, and you couldn’t just forget about me.” I stated. “Yea.” He said with a yawn. “Nick then why didn’t you care!? Why didn’t you fight to stay together? Why didn’t you come after me!?” I said frustrated. I shouldn’t have had that third jungle juice cup. “Laur,” He said rubbing his hands over his face, something he only did when he was frustrated or upset.

“You wanna know why I didn’t say anything that night? Because you cried Lauren. I knew what you were saying and doing was serious because you cried, you aren’t one for crying.” I didn’t say anything, I just sat down on my bed. He walked over and hesitated before sitting down on the pink comforter. “Lauren the things you said, I knew you meant them, how are you supposed to respond when the person who was your everything said they wanted to be your nothing. Hell, I thought I was going to cry that night, but I waited until you left for that.”

“Nick, you should have said something.” I said and he scoffed at me. “You think I didn’t care about you because we didn’t talk that summer? Lauren I wasn't there. I had to leave. I spent that summer in Texas with family and you know why? Because California was yours. Everything reminded me of you. So when I came back and found out you were at school out here, I knew I had to chase you. I’m sorry it took five months.” He said softly. “You were in Texas?” I asked not sure I believed him. I knew I had seen Joe over that summer multiple times. “Yea. It was me Elvis and my parents. I stayed at their house.” He said clarifying.

I slouched down to lay next to him. Letting everything sink in. We sat there in silence for a while. I counted the ceiling tiles. “Lauren?” Nick asked and I didn’t respond. “Well, I’m going back to bed if this conversation is done.” He said yawning. “Nick?” I asked suddenly feeling a lump in my throat. “Yea?” He asked caught off guard. “Would you mind sleeping in here tonight?” I asked trying my hardest not to become upset. “La, you’re drunk, I’m drunk, it’s late. Shelby could be coming in any second. It won’t turn out good.” I nodded my head yes because if I spoke I’d cry.

All of the sudden I was very homesick and wishing it was 5 months ago when I was sure of everything. He reached the door and turned around when I sniffed. I heard him sigh before he turned off the lights and came back to the bed. “Move over La.” He said quietly and I did. He let me cry on him until I fell asleep.

I woke up with arms wrapped around me. Everything about last night came washing over me like a tidal wave and I instantly shot up gasping for air that I couldn’t catch. “La, what’s wrong?” he groggily asked. I quick snapped over to Shelby’s side of the room and saw an empty bed and finally caught my breath. “Nothing. I’m sorry for making you stay with me last night.” I apologized quickly while climbing out of the cramped twin bed. “No, it’s fine. I shouldn’t have stayed but you seemed really upset.” He said sitting up. “I was homesick, you reminded me of home.” I answered being honest.

“Well, I’m going back across the hall and showering, do you want to go grab breakfast with me after?” He asked and I groaned to myself. “Nick, I know we talked last night. I know you stayed here. But I, I can’t.” he looked me in the eye, “Can’t or won’t?” “Won’t.” I answered and he shook his head before walking out.

He stopped at his door and turned around. “You know Lauren I refuse to be toyed with. So tell me right now if I should start looking else where for a girl I can really trust.” “Did I ever say you couldn’t trust me?” I asked a little taken back. “No but if I can’t even hang out with you, talk to you, or even know you, I clearly can’t trust you. So don’t get pissed when you see me with another girl.” “Did I care last night Nick? Stop being so full of yourself. You can do whatever you want here. I broke up with you remember?” Both boys and girls on their way to the bathroom were starting to stare.

He only shook his head before closing his door behind him.