The Space Chronicles

Chapter 1 - The Princess of Balconia

On the planet of Balconia, the entire city of Anazonia was once again in celebration of a truly remarkable festival that took place in it every year. Citizens of the city stared up at the planet’s princess Azuka. She was beautiful with large blue eyes and long golden hair that curled at the end where it hit her shoulders. She was wearing a long red robe for the festival.

“Hello citizens of Anazonia,” she spoke with an uproar of the crowd. Azuka then raised her arm high to the sky, “Let the festival of lights begin.”

With her last words huge fireworks were shot up into the sky lighting it up. Citizens merely gazed up in truthful admiration. Each child there was grinning happily.

The city shone very brightly that evening. It was as if the ground was laid with gold. The most beautiful piece was the fountain that lay just behind Azuka. It was huge with a sparkling waterfall which lay in the middle. The edges were made out of solid sliver.

But in all this celebration there lay a shadow in the crowd. A hooded figure was walking through the crowd shortly followed by another couple of hooded figures. At a glimpse you could see under their hoods. They had huge crocodile like jaws and bore their teeth as if growling amidst the crowd.

The princesses look went from enjoyment to disappointment as several ships were spiralling through the sky. The crowd turned round as if looking forward to something enjoyable but their amazement turned to disappointment as explosions spiralled around them.

The princesses guards soon showed up to protect her. The hooded figures made their way onto the stage. One grinned as he took his hood off, he has a huge crocodile snout and a scar down the right side of his face.

“Hello princess,” he said snapping his fingers. The two hooded men following soon engaged the guards in battle, “My name is Rednoth leader of the Ragnors.”

The princess looked at him with a worried look on her face. She held her hands close to her chest and sighed. Rednoth took this as a sign of weakness and moved in closer.

“Now princess you shall die!” said Rednoth beginning to laugh triumphantly. He unsheathed a sword from under his cloak and drew it closer to the princess, “Any last words princess?”

“Stop!” bellowed a voice from on top of the fountain. Rednoth looked up to see a man dressed in light armour. He had a rugged look about and had long black hair, he too had a sword drawn.

“And who my friend are you?” asked Rednoth

“My name is Segmath,” replied the man jumping over the fountain, “I am one of the last of the Crylonians.”

“I am afraid I’ll have to kill you first,” replied Rednoth. Slyly he attacked Segmath who retaliated in force. Both then engaged in sword combat both trying to strike the other. The two other hooded Ragnors began to attack Segmath.

“Dannon!” bellowed Segmath and immediately a black male came to his aid. He carried a blue hilted Katana. He had short black hair and was very young not much older than a teenager.

“Thought you may need some help,” exclaimed Dannon who then began to attack the other guards. Dannon eventually vanquished them and went to the aid of Segmath who was still duelling Rednoth.

“You think you can defeat me!” said Rednoth, “In a few moments this planet will be burnt to death”

Rednoth than disappeared like a coward and gone back to his ship. Ragnor ships then began to fly overhead and tear the city apart with explosions. Segmath grabbed the princess and began to lead her through the city.

“We must head to the library,” said Princess Azuka, Segmath stopped and looked at her.

“There is not much time,” he replied

“Amongst other things my mother left me, she possessed a map that we will need,” replied Azuka.

“Why do we need it?” asked Segmath

“Because it can help restore peace to Balconia,” replied Azuka.

“If it is of importance then we shall navigate the city to find it,” replied Segmath.

“This way,” said Azuka beginning to pick up her pace. Segmath and Dannon followed eagerly. Princess Azuka lead them down roads and across buildings until they had reached a huge golden castle.

“We must get to the library,” said Azuka going up the steps. There was a huge explosion on top of the castle as bits began to fall off. Segmath lunged and knocked the princess out of the way.

“We must hurry,” said Segmath.

Together they all ran inside and along the corridors until they reached the main library. There were stacks and stacks of books all neatly put away. In the corner was a small chest with a keyhole.

Princess Azuka grabbed a key from out of her pocket and opened the small chest. Inside was a small piece of scroll that had been ripped in two. Inside lay one piece to it.

“This is all we need,” spoke Azuka. There was a huge smash from the other corridor as a yellow monkey flew in. It had small bird-like wings and a lions tale. It cuddled up to the princess immediately.

“Zookie,” it said. The princess grew a small smile but Segmath was still looking worried.

“Come along, we do not have time,” said Segmath. The princess nodded and put Zookie on her shoulder.

Another explosion hit the castle and huge parts broke off and barricaded the main doors and the only way out. Segmath turned to the princess.

“Is there any other way out?” he enquired. The princess shook her head. Segmath walked over to a window and saw that the castle was on a cliff’s edge. There appeared to be no way out.

“Dannon grab hold of the princess,” said Segmath and Dannon did it immediately. Segmath then smashed the window with his sword.

There was a long curtain attached to the widow frame that Segmath pulled down. He then tied it to the bottom of the window and the around himself, Segmath then ushered his hand to Princess Azuka.

“Grab my hand,” he said and as Princess Azuka did he dived out of the window with Dannon still attached to the Princess. They swung round at a mighty speed and soon they were flung in the air and safely on the outside of the castle.

Princess Azuka got up and looked in disbelieve that the city lay in ruins. The buildings were scorched and burning. She put a hand over her moth and a single tear fell down her eye.

“Come along princess,” said Segmath ushering her on.

They ran back the way they came and up to a small pier for space craft. Segmaths ship was there smartly labelled ‘The Navigator’ they all jumped aboard and the ship soon took off.

“Thank-you for saving me,” said the princess taking a seat.

“We’re not out of the woods yet,” replied Dannon pointing out of the window. The entire fleet of the Ragnors were beginning to tail them. They open fired upon the ship and damaged it severely.

“We don’t have a chance,” said Segmath. “Luckily we have enough power in the hyper drive to get us to a planet. There was a lever situated on the wall. Segmath walked over and pulled it down.

The ship began to go faster and faster until stars just seemed to whiz past. The ship eventually stopped in front of a planet. They had lost the fleet that had once gained on them.

The planet in front of them appeared to be covered in a thick blue fog. Segmath seemed to know exactly what this planet was.

“Welcome to the planet Theadrix,” he said gazing down at it