Cause Sooner or Later Its Over

I Just Don't Wanna Miss You Tonight

My body shivered involuntarily, waking me up much earlier than I would have preferred. Especially since I spent most of the earlier morning hours cleaning after a bachelorette party at the bar. To say I was exhausted was an extreme understatement. I rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling as my eyes blurred in and out of focus. The sun was up and shining through the flimsy shades, casting strange shadows across the walls. Dust particles dancing around, making the air glitter. It was a beautiful morning. Sitting up I rubbed the back of my hands over my eyes, fighting away the urge to crawl back into bed, a yawn splitting my face in two. Glancing at my nightstand, bright red numbers glared back at me. 8:27 am. An exasperated sigh falling out of my mouth.

That’s when I heard it, the floor boards creaked and the soft thud of footsteps came from the hallway. My entire being froze and my hunter instincts kicked in. Tossing the covers off my body and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I reached for my Ivory Colt stashed safely under my pillow. I shivered as my toes touched to cold floor, igniting Goosebumps across my skin. Maybe I should have made an effort to put on actual pjs last night, instead of just striping down to my panties and collapsing into bed. I felt extremely exposed as I tip-toed across the floor, picking up one of the multiple shirts off the ground and quickly wiggling into. Once I had my arms through the sleeves I flicked off the safety and stood my ground, directly opposite the door. My skin crawled and my heart thudded in my ears just as the door knob began to rattle.

My jaw dropped once the door opened, revealing a ragged and exhausted Sam. “Really?” I fumed, “Really, Sam?” I glared at him, flicking the safety back on and tossing the gun at his head. Sam flinched, catching the gun. “Hey Iz.” He mumbled a guilty smile tugging at his mouth. I threw my arms out in frustration and turned away from him. I heard the distinct clank of my gun being set on the dresser, “Go grab the first aid kit,” I encouraged, “then I’ll tend to those cuts.” A soft smile gracing my lips as I glanced over my shoulder at him. His hands already undoing the buttons on his shirt. I took a seat on the side of my bed, my eyes glued to his back while he undressed on his way to the bathroom. Sam really had been working out more lately. I could see it in the way his muscles rippled across his back, how the skin stretched along his shoulders. My tongue unconsciously ran over my lips and my eyes traced down his spine. “You’re staring, Iz.” I watched as his shoulder blades flexed, the muscles and skin pulling taunt. “I know.” I all but moaned, my fingers twisting into the sheets.

His body turned towards me and my eyes instantly traveled down to those v-lines just above his jeans. My mouth slightly parted as my heart sped up. I knew what those lines lead to. I knew very well. My eyes raised back up along his toned stomach, following every line, to the anti-possession tattoo over his heart. His body drew closer to me and we locked eyes. That’s all it took, his eyes pulled me under, and I was lost. On instinct my body launched off the bed, my lips crashing into his. Teeth clashing, hands grabbing, and clothes falling. I couldn’t think straight, my mind was too fogged. Sam. Everything was Sam. My fingers tangled into his long hair, my other hand wrapping around his neck pulling him down closer to me. His arms wrapped around my lower back, lifting me off the ground a couple inches. Pulling away he leaned his forehead against mine, our breath mingling. He tasted so sweet. He tasted like love.

His body hovered over mine, his fingers laced with mine above my head. His skin shone with the sweat that we working up. His hair fell into his face, some strands sticking to his forehead. My hips rolled up to meet his, another moan falling from my lips as yet again he reached just the right places. His shallow breathes filled my lungs; he exhaled, I inhaled. My head fell back as I arched, another wave of pleasure crashing through me. “S-Sam.” I stammered, my chest pressing up against his. Skin on skin. I was on fire. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, sucking and biting at my skin. My ears filled with the sounds he was making, the sounds I was the cause of. My heart swelled with pride knowing I caused him to make these noises, me and only me.

“Izzy.” He growled out, his teeth biting down on my neck a little harder. The moan that escaped my throat was shameful, animalistic. His stopped thrusting, his face pulling back to look down at me. Panting, I watched his face. His eyes had gone almost black, pupils blown out. Lips parted, swollen, and red. He looked gorgeous, like my own personal angel. “Did you like that?” He demanded. I could feel my cheeks heat up, the blush creeping down my neck. “I- uh?” I stuttered, “What?” His right hand moved to pine mine down, and the other cupped my chin. “Did you like that, Iz.” He repeated, his lips turning up in a smirk. How could he expect me answer that, let alone think about it. My brain was toast, filled with nothing but Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam. He was everywhere.

When I first encountered Sam, I’d pegged him for the ‘passionate love making’ kind. He was so sweet and logical, it just fit his personality. I learned quite quickly that I was wrong. Very, very wrong. Sam in bed was nothing like that. Don’t get me wrong there were many times when he could be passionate and take things slow. But sex with Sam was animalistic. And I loved every minute of it. The bruises would last for days, but the things he did to me were totally worth it.

“Iz,” He growled, slamming into my. Another shameful moan fell from my lips, stars dancing across the back of my eyelids. “Yes! Oh fuck yes!” My body was shaking. I tried rolling my hips against his, needing friction again. His free hand held my hip down, stopping my movement. I glared up at him, biting my lip. His smirk growing, “Want me to do it again?” He offered, his lips ghosting over mine as he slowly rolled his hips. My body quivered under him, my back arching off the bed. My lips crashed up against his, tongues fighting. Pulling back I sucked on his bottom lip causing him to thrust into me again. “Fuck me.” I exclaimed.

He kissed me hard, our teeth clinking while he slammed into me over and over. His lips traveled back to my neck, his hands tangling into my hair as his bulging forearms propped his upper body up. Grunts and moans rolled off his tongue. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, my short nails scratching down his back. I could feel the heat spreading through out my body, I was so close. “SAM!” I cried out, my vision going black. He grunted, his breath becoming shallow, his pace speeding up. He picked me up, changed our position so I was basically sitting on his lap. I clung to him, his head pressed against my collarbone and neck. His hands against my back pulling me closer. His hips rocked up as he pulled me down. Stars, all I could see were stars. My head fell back as we both hit our orgasms, his teeth biting down on my collarbone and me crying out his name.

Sam. Sam. Sam. Everything was Sam.

Our energy spent, we collapsed together on the bed in a tangled heap. I ran my fingers through his hair as his head rested over my heart. I loved these moments. We didn’t say a word, just held each other and rested in the feeling of being ‘one.’ He pulled out and grabbed the covers, hiding us. A content sigh escaped my lips as I snuggled closer to Sam, his arms wrapping around me. My brain slowed, sleep taking over. I felt his lips gently kiss the top of my head, his hand rubbing strange patterns on my side. “I love you Iz.” He whispered just before the sleep consume me.

Stretching my arms and curling my toes, I shook away the slumber. The sun was low in the sky, my bedroom walls alit with oranges and purples. The arm around my waist tightened and pulled me flush against his chest. I could feel the groan rumble through his body as he fought the sleep. I could feel him prop him self up on one arm, leaning over my shoulder, and placing small kisses along my skin there. “Morning.” He hummed, pressing his lips against my temple. “Morning, Sammy.” I mewled, my lips connecting with his jaw.

After a rather frisky shower, I settled for letting my hair air-dry and watching Sam dress. He always kept extra clothes here, he was always prepared like that. Sweet, logical, empathic Sammy. His jeans hung low, his toned skin glowing in the light. I smiled at the darker spots of skin along his hip bone, a couple matching marks along his collar bone and neck. My smile faded as I saw all the new scars that riddled his body. “We forgot about the first aid kit.” Sam glanced down at his shirtless torso, biceps and abs flexing. His shoulders lifted and dropped. “I kind of liked what we did instead,” he teased. “Sam,” I grinned, shaking my head. Damp strands of hair stuck to my face. His face almost split in two with that grin. That grin he only used when he was truly happy. For moments like this, when the monsters weren’t hidden around the corner or under the bed. Happy moments.

His fingers traced my face has his tall frame stood over me, his forehead against mine. My fingers gripped his shirt, willing- no praying he could stay a little longer. Praying he was kept safe and whatever angels God had to spare would watch over him. “How long?” my voice barely above a whisper, tears stinging my eyes. His soft, mossy green orbs burned into mine. His eyes starting to tear up as well. His thumb ran over my bottom lip, stopping its trembling. “A few weeks. Dean has a lead on Crowley.” My grip on his shirt tightened and I took a shaky breath.

I hated goodbyes. Hated them with a passion because goodbyes meant he might not come back. And the thought of Sam not coming back made me ill. “Sam,” I cried. His lips covered mine, his calloused hand cupping my cheeks. My hands moved, tangling in his hair, holding him as close to me as physically possible. Sam’s free hand wrapped around my back lifting up, my toes barely touching the ground. I gave everything in that kiss. Gave him my love, my hope, my fears, everything. I could feel the tears streaming down my face but the fuck with crying in front of him. Pulling away I buried my face in the crook of his neck, my hands clinging onto the back of his jacket. “Come back to me Sammy,” I pleaded and prayed. His lips turned up in a small smile, his lips melding with mine again. There weren’t many things I hated in this world, but Sam walking away from me was at the top of the list. The street lamps loomed over him, his shoulders slumped, and yet his stride was so determined. I swore I could see the world he carried on his shoulders.

“God, please keep him safe,” I prayed. “Watch him as he walks along the shadows and guide him back to me.”
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This was a one-shot I wrote for my friend Izzy. Hope you enjoyed it. Comments/suggestions/critiques welcome.