Status: Completed ~Enjoy~

What Lies Beneath

Chapter 10

The next morning, Felicity awoke in her bed, and she rolled over to yank the covers over head when she realized that she was in fact not alone. She was wide awake now, and staring at Loki, who was just laying there, staring up at the ceiling, with no clothing on. She went red in the face. He couldn't even use the covers and be slightly modest...really? She then looked down at herself. Well, at least she was aware that last night wasn't a dream of any sort. It actually happened, and it was beyond fantastic. She almost wished she'd found a God to have sex with before now. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she slowly pulled her covers up, and sat up in bed, before looking over at Loki. He looked calm, but he was thinking. She was pretty sure when the God of Mischief had time to think, that was a bad thing.
“You're awake.”Loki said as he looked at her.
“Yes...very much so now.”She replied, trying hard not to pay attention to the fact that he was just letting it all hang out like it was nothing.
“Did you know that you speak in your sleep?”He asked, letting a small smile play across his face.
“Until now....I was living in pure bliss about it.”She said, blushing again and shaking her head, trying very hard not to laugh.
Loki sat up after a moment, and Felicity was working very hard not to pay attention to anything but his face. She was completely relaxed, no tense muscles, and her brain was still partially in sleep mode. Last night had definitely been something else. She just hoped that it didn't break her in the end. She couldn't risk losing herself in all this. Whatever this was.
“We should get ourselves moving.”Loki said before reaching over to turn her face up towards his, planting a small kiss on her lips, then getting up to get himself dressed.
Felicity waited until he'd left the room to get up, and step into the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom. She turned on the hot water and quickly stepped under it, wanting to wash herself off before she got dressed and faced the world around her this morning. Nothing about last night was what she had expected. In fact, she was terrified now that she was alone. She was going to end up hurt or dead, because she let her emotions take over and threw common sense out the window. She bit her lip as she rinsed the last bit of soap off of her and turned the water off. She would simply have to deal with the consequences of what happened, good or bad.
Felicity quickly brushed her hair, and pulled it up into a pony tail, before getting herself dressed. She was nervous about what was ahead of her. The challenges were going to be far more intense then anything she'd ever faced in her life, but she would just have to take things in stride. She had no choice. She wasn't going to just run from Loki, or the decisions he had made, she would simply do what she could to fix the damage that would be done. She walked back into her room and pulled on her shoes, before slipping out of the room and down the hallway to the living room where Loki was waiting for her.
“Where are we going?”She asked, tilting her head curiously.
“There are people that we need to meet up with.”He answered her, as he held out his hand for her to take.
“Okay.”She said simply, not wanting to start her morning off with an argument about what's right and wrong.
She took Loki's hand and let him pull her to him, his arms going around her to hold her to him as he did whatever it was that allowed them to basically travel through time and space to their next destination. They arrived in a desert, and she was a bit surprised by that. She almost wished that he had warned her, because it was hot, and she wished that she had worn shorts. Loki looked nervous as he let go of her and started forward. She took no time following him, and before long they came to this cave in the side of a hill. She studied it for a moment, before tilting her head, wanting to ask what the point was of coming here.
“You may come out.”Loki called into the cave.
“You're late, God of Mischief.”A rough graveled voice called back, as three creatures stepped out of the cave, though hesitating to leave the shadows that seemed to almost protect them.
“You'll simply have to forgive me for that.”Loki called back, as he moved towards them.
Felicity was in shock at the site of these creatures, to say the least. They were terrifying, standing at least ten foot tall, their skin blue, and covered in what looked to be armor, but that was just part of their bone structure. These were clearly creatures made for fighting and warfare. She blinked before slowly following after Loki, wondering if these were the ones that basically made this a no option situation for him.
“Who is she?”The leader of the three asked, standing straight, bracing himself as if waiting for something to happen.
“She is nothing to you, so worry not about her presence.”Loki snapped, raising an eyebrow as he watched the three carefully, seeming to also be waiting for them to move, act on whatever was driving them.
“ Loki, you know that we'll need some place cool to bring the rest of us out....we can not stand this heat.”The leader said, his hands clenched into fists.
“I'm well aware, and I do have a place,”Loki said with a nod of his head,”We'll need to act fast, as Thor is well aware that I've returned.”
“Let him try, he is outmatched this time.”
“He is still my brother, he will not die.”Loki warned, narrowing his eyes at the men standing there,”Is that understood.”
“You're not our leader, Loki Laufeyson, so do not try to order us about.”
Felicity glanced at Loki for a moment. This was his plan? Use a bunch of miscreants to do his dirty work, and then hope that they back down when all is finished and let him take the throne. Oh god. She almost wanted to smack him for that. Clearly these individuals found no issue in telling him to screw off, what was going to happen if they won. He had really fucked himself over with this one. She looked around for a moment, pretending that she wasn't paying attention to what was going on, trying to play stupid to keep from raising suspicion with the three that stood very much taller then her and Loki.
“Remember who is giving you this opportunity, Jotun....I will not hesitate to throw you back into the pit you rose from.”Loki snapped back, snarling his lip just slightly.
The leader of the three just laughed, and shook his head. The other two were standing straight now, as if ready to pounce and kill Loki where he stood. Felicity turned and looked at them for a moment, before looking towards the cave. What was Loki going to do if they threw him into the very pit he just threatened them with? He was playing with fire, and he wasn't even hesitating to burn himself here. She bit her lip just slightly and took a step back, before turning, facing away from all of them, wanting to stare out into the desert for a moment.
“Human girl...why do you turn your back on us?”The leader spoke to Felicity, causing her to pause for a moment before turning her gaze towards him,
“Because I see nothing of interest where I was looking, thought I'd find a new point of view.”She replied lightly, giving a small smile.
“Do you follow Loki?”
“Why do you care?”She answered the man with a question of her own.
“Because I will not allow anyone, even a mere human, to stand here if I suspect them a spy.”
“Well I'm not that....though I must's cute to try and threaten me,”
“You're terrified human girl, I see it in your eyes, as well you should be, now, answer me, do you follow the God before you?”
“To the ends of the earth.”She finally said before looking at Loki.
What had she just said? That was going to open a serious can of worms she wasn't sure she wanted to deal with right now. Loki seemed pleased by how she answered. Whether it was because of last night, or because she had just saved her skin, Felicity wasn't sure. She looked away from Loki and back to the giant that was staring her down like a dog after a bone.
“You're intelligent to say such things,”He said after a moment of silence.
“I only speak the truth with those larger then me, because I'm not looking to get my ass kicked.”
“I told you before, she was nothing to worry about, now would be a good time to leave her alone.”Loki finally spoke up.
“You should watch your tone with those more powerful then you.”
“You should return to your realm, I will call you all when I'm ready to move forward.”Loki said, nodding his head towards the cave.
“We shall, we're not made for places such as this, but do not forget, you owe us, and you will call us when the time is near.”The creature said, before turning with the other two, and heading back into the cave, disappearing from sight.
Felicity quickly moved back over to where Loki was after she was certain those things were no long near them. She stared at him for a long moment, disappointment clear on her face. She wasn't going to bother hiding anything emotionally right now. She gritted her teeth and reached out, smacking him hard across his face. Loki flinched as his head jerked with the motion of her hand, and then he looked at her after a moment, his eyes reflecting her own anger and disappointment.
“Do you feel better?”He asked, almost mocking her.
“No.”She snapped,”You're such an idiot.”
“I am doing what I must,”He growled back at her.
“So....doing what you must huh?”She snapped, scoffing at him, shaking her head,”You owe a bunch of scary giants...what....blood, your life....all for a moment of power....if they give you that much, because it's oh so very obvious that they aren't the least bit scared of you.”
Loki actually paused at what she said, before looking away, his face tight with tension. Felicity sighed and looked back towards the cave and then to Loki again. She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for him to throw some line about her just being a human at him or something.
“Felicity, there are many things I can not explain to you, because I, myself am not quite sure of what to do with the knowledge, however, you're very right....blood is in this promise I've made with them,”Loki finally spoke after several moments of silence.
“Who's blood?”She asked, as she watched him closely.
“Mine if this fails.”He replied, before looking away,”But that is something that will be dealt with at another time.”
“You've made a mistake.”She said to him, her voice stern,”You can't guarantee that you'll win, and you know that.”
“I will win, because I wont let them take my life for nothing.”Loki replied to her statement, as he looked towards her.
Felicity bit her lip. He was in over his head, and something told her that he already knew that. She shook her head after a moment and sighed as she looked up at the sky. She had to figure out a way to help him out of this. She was certain that she could get him to change this, but he had to want to more then her wanting him to. She finally looked at him again.
“We should go.”She said simply. She wasn't going to say anything else, however, she was sure that she could talk to someone. He wouldn't like it, he wouldn't trust he if she did, but she wondered idly if Thor could help. They were brothers after all.
Loki reached out his hand, and Felicity took it without hesitation, and let him pull her close as he'd done a few times before. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and before she knew it, they were back in New York City. She looked around and saw they were in Central Park. She glanced over at him for a moment, wondering why he had brought her here, instead of some place that was covered better.
“Do whatever it is you were thinking about.”Loki said simply, looking down at her.
“Why do you assume this is the best place to do it?”She asked simply.
“I know what's going through your head, and it isn't going to work.”
“Please, oh great one, tell me what was going through my head.”She snipped lightly.
“Call for him...but I know he will not help.”
“He's your brother, Loki, I'm sure he'd rather help you do the right thing, then hurt you.”
“Your childish innocents to how Gods work, is almost amazing.”
Felicity just shook her head and scoffed at him lightly, before turning and stepping a bit away from him. She wasn't really sure how she was suppose to call Thor here, but she'd give it a shot. She tilted her head up and then glanced back at Loki, who was once again, looking slightly nervous. She wasn't going to let them take him again. She was going to try and stop this mess he was creating. She called for Thor, wondering if it would work. She yelled his name to the high heavens and then just waited.
She was about to give up when dark clouds began to surround them, thunder rumbling through the sky and lightning cracking, lighting up the sky like the fourth of July. The wind started to pick up, and Felicity's hair began to blow all around her, almost making it hard to see. She however did not miss as the tall blond man landed with hammer in hand, and then started walking towards them. Her heart was racing. This had to work. She didn't know what else to do at this point.