Status: Completed ~Enjoy~

What Lies Beneath

Chapter 11

Felicity put herself directly between Thor and Loki, watching as the man came to a stop only about three feet from them. She was nervous to say the least, but there was no other choice. At least she wasn't doing this behind Loki's back. She swallowed hard before glancing back, looking at Loki for a moment before looking back to Thor.
“We need your help.”She finally said after several minutes of silence.
“You said you didn't know where my brother was hiding.”He pointed out and looked right at Loki.
“I didn't....until after ya'll stopped in and said hi last night....I wasn't lying....but that's not the point, Your brother needs your help.”She said, waving her hand at Thor.
“With what?”Thor asked, sounding slightly suspicious of what was going on.
“Brother...”Loki started before looking away.
“What have you done?”Thor asked, sounding concerned now, and less suspicious.
“I have made a grave mistake, and I can not stop what is going to happen....not without your help.”Loki said, as he turned to look at the man before looking down at Felicity, trying very hard not to be angry with her for doing this, whether she was right or not.
“Brother...what have you done?”Thor asked as he took a step towards them, before looking around for a moment.
“Jotun.”Loki said softly,”I am, after all, half Jotun....and I made the mistake of thinking they were really on my side.”
“Loki...”Thor said before shaking his head, taking a deep breath, looking worried.
“Please,”Felicity said softly,”Help.”
Thor looked at her for a moment before looking up at Loki, who had moved closer to Felicity, as if to try and protect her. He made a face before smiling just slightly. He almost wanted to laugh at the site of his brother being attached to anyone. He kept it to himself however, and simply nodded his head.
“I will help you brother, but you must trust me, and trust the ones that I work with.”He said to Loki.
Loki looked surprised for a moment, having been fully prepared for his brother to turn him away. He took a moment before nodding his head, agreeing to what Thor had said. This was not what he had expected. He had planned on going through with what he'd agreed, to keep Felicity alive, to protect himself so that he could stay with her. He stopped his train of thought right there. Now wasn't the time to worry about petty emotional things. He looked down at the woman that was standing between him and his brother as if she could stop the god of thunder or something.
“Come with me brother, I'll take you and your human some place safe.”Thor said to Loki.
“I have a name.”Felicity grumbled, which Loki responded by grabbing her shoulder and giving a squeeze to make her quieten herself.
“I'll follow, Brother.”Loki said, sounding a bit tired, a bit lost.
Thor turned and started across the grass, walking as if he were on a mission. Felicity walked with Loki, they both stayed a bit of a distance behind Thor. She reached over and took Loki's hand for a moment, brushing her thumb over the top of his hand. She just hoped that he wouldn't change his mind last minute, and blow this whole thing up. Loki glanced at her and gave a small nod of his head, as if he were trying to accept that this was the best option.
Thor led them through some trees, and Felicity wondered what they were doing, and where they were heading. When they came out the other side, there stood a ship, or an airplane type thing, she wasn't really sure what to call it, but it looked big and fast. Standing there was Iron man, the red head woman, the man with the bow, the one that turned into a big green thing, and the ultimate patriot. She glanced at Loki again for a moment before looking forward. She tightened her grip on his hand for a moment before letting go completely.
“There is no threat, you may relax.”Thor spoke to the others.
“What's going on?”Iron man asked, as he watched Loki and Felicity carefully.
“They need our help, comrades.”Thor spoke up, wanting to make sure the others understood his brother was not a threat.
“Why should we help?”The woman asked, raising an eyebrow,”I don't know if you recall, but we're not exactly best friends here.”
“Black Widow, relax.”Iron man spoke, looking over at her, before looking past Thor and to Loki and Felicity,”What's going on?”
“I've made a grave mistake, one that I can not correct on my own.”Loki said simply,”I need my brother's help to stop what I've done.”
“Thor,”Iron Man said, looking at the other man,”Are you in?”
“Yes....I told them we should go some place safer....I will help my brother.”
“Okay, then it's settled, everyone get back on board....we've got work to do.”Iron man said before turning and heading into the aircraft without another word.
Felicity felt her heart racing, and tried very hard to calm herself down. She had to believe that this would work, that this was the best option to keep Loki safe, despite the apparent negative history between these individuals and Loki himself. She looked at him for a moment before starting forward, knowing that he was walking beside her. She took a seat once she was aboard, a bit away from the others, glancing to see that Loki had taken a seat next to her. She was worried, she was afraid, but she wasn't going to show it. She knew that she wasn't going to sit back and watch him make a deal with the devil and risk losing his life, over nothing, or at least, in her head it was nothing.
“I hope you know what you're doing.”Loki said softly to her.
“I hope you know that I'm right.”She replied, her voice just as soft.
“I wish that I didn't.”He spoke, before looking down at the floor.
Felicity was certain that they had been on the aircraft for days, and she was starting to feel restless, when the machine jerked just slightly, indicating that they were landing. She looked around for a moment, wondering what they were going to do to stop what Loki had started in his attempt to prove himself. She stood when the others did, and turned towards the back of the aircraft, watching as the hatch opened, creating a ramp in which they could exit. There was a lot to be done in the days to come, because she was certain it wouldn't be long before those creatures, Jotun is what Loki had called them, would be expecting him to release them soon. That left little room for any real planning.
Loki placed his hand on her shoulder as they walked forward. Thor was watching them, thinking to himself about Jane. This was something similar to the human woman that he had become emotionally attached to. He wondered what made this human so special, what about her got through to Loki in ways that even he could not. He shrugged the thoughts away, as they entered this very plain looking building. There were no signs, nothing to say what it was, or wasn't. He knew what this place was, he'd been here several times with Iron Man, Captain America, and the others.
Felicity glanced around, taking in the place as they entered a large room with a long table in the middle of it. The others walked around her and Loki and took their seats. She then started forward and took a seat herself, watching as Loki did the same. There was a silence, a tension filling the room. She swallowed hard as she looked down. She just had to hope this worked. There wasn't many options, right? Other then Loki dying, which in her head, definitely was not an option.
“When are they to arrive?”Thor finally spoke, as he leaned back in his chair.
“I am suppose to release them on to Earth in just a few days time.”Loki answered.
“Some place cold....I had not picked a destination yet.”
“Then we will need to do so....we'll have to drag them out into the open if we are to fight them, because entering their realm prepared for war, will surely mean death for all of us.”
“I agree brother.”
“What about her?”The red head spoke up, pointing to Felicity,”We'll need to keep her from getting anymore involved and getting herself killed.”
“Excuse me...but I am not a child, don't talk to as if I am.”Felicity said, frowning at the woman,”And I have a name....if you'd bothered to ask....stop referring to me as her...”
“Fine.”The woman said simply,”We still need to keep you out of the line of fire.”
Felicity twitched her nose a bit, not liking the idea of hiding away while everyone else did the hard work. She shook her head a bit and opened her mouth to argue with the woman, when Loki held his hand up, telling her to be quiet. She shut her mouth tight and shot him a look that made him laugh just slightly.
“I agree, I do not want harm coming to Felicity.”He said to the red head, Black Widow, is what Iron man had called her.
“But I don't want to hide...”Felicity grumbled, shaking her head.
“This is not the time to rebel,”Loki scorned her lightly, looking concerned and not angry.
“Look....these aren't normal can't just give them your best right hook and expect to walk out on top.”Tony Stark spoke up, as he had quickly got out of his Iron Man suit when they arrived.
“I'm well aware...but I still don't want to hide like some scared child, either.”Felicity replied, as she looked up at the man.
“This is not a matter of choice,”Loki said to her,”I will not allow you to be harmed.”
Felicity paused when he spoke, before looking up at him. She frowned a bit and shook her head. No. She wasn't going to run. She wasn't built like that. She stood from the table after a moment of rolling about these things in her head and simply left the room. She would deal with that later. Let them work out the big plan for saving the world. The only thing she wanted to save was Loki.