Status: Completed ~Enjoy~

What Lies Beneath

Chapter 17

Felicity knew that it was going to be more then just a couple of hours before Loki returned. Time in Asgard wasn't the same as it was here in Earth, she was sure of it, because when things were mentioned, Loki had always looked confused. She was up and walking now, it having been nearly three weeks since she'd last seen him. Tony Stark had helped her get a place, saying that if she came to work for him, even if it was just part time, that he would help her pay for the apartment. She was grateful for that. The others came and checked on her when they could. She was glad that she was not alone in all of this. She missed Loki, though she didn't speak much of it, because she didn't want them thinking she was going to do anything stupid. Not that she could, how the hell was she suppose to get to Asgard anyway? Fly? Not likely. She snorted a bit at herself as she pulled on her t-shirt.
This place as much bigger then any other home she'd ever had. She was almost unsure what to do with all the space, and constantly tried to argue with the always so sure of himself, Tony Stark, that she did in fact not need this much space. Tony was having none of it. She brushed out her long dark hair, before putting on just a little make up. Not much, some foundation, eyeliner, just something to make her sparkle just a little bit. She then turned and slipped out of her bedroom and headed down the hall. She wondered how much longer Loki would be gone, or Thor. She wondered what could be going on that was taking so long. She grumbled to herself as she grabbed her wallet that had all her things, like her I.d., and her debit card in it. She was going to head out, maybe find some place to eat. She wanted to just enjoy that she was alive for a couple of hours, instead of staying holed up in this place.
Now, it wasn't anyone's fault but her own that she hadn't gone out more in the last weeks. She had been healing, wanting to take it easy. She had been busy moping around because she was by herself so much, and eating a lot more ice cream then usual. She was over doing that now. She wasn't going to let herself go. The thought of putting on anymore weight then needed made her cringe a little. It took her a long time to get to where she was, and she wasn't going to lose it over some Ben and Jerry's.
Heading out the door of her lovely little abode, Felicity looked around for a moment, before taking off towards the elevator. She was thinking about where she wanted to go eat, or if she wanted to see a movie. She hadn't quite made up her mind yet. Maybe she'd go hit a few of the little book stores around. She bit her lip lightly, finding it amusing that she was worried about such mundane things. Only weeks ago, she was fighting next to two demi-gods, a super soldier, Iron Man, the ultimate sniper, and a fighting master, and they were taking on other worldly creatures. Now that was something to worry about. She giggled to herself and shook the thoughts away, needing to decide what to do.
She stepped onto the elevator and looked down at the buttons, hitting the number one, that would take her to the ground floor. She glanced around for a moment, before leaning against one of the walls, closing her eyes and sighing softly. She was glad that things were semi-normal again, or at least as normal as they would ever be for her again. She heard the ding and stood up straight as the doors open, and started forward. She made a face when she saw Tony Stark walking in, and made her way towards him. He had this goofy grin on his face, and she wondered what he was up to.
“Oh good.”He said as he got to her,”You're ready to come on.”
“Um...I don't remember telling you that I was going to the movies tonight.”She said as she raised an eyebrow, following after him.
“You didn't....but your changing your plans.”He explained, giving a small shrug.
“Glad to know this ahead of time.”She said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at him.
“Trust want to change your plans tonight.”He retorted as he walked her outside to his limo. Pepper rolled down the window and smiled at Felicity before opening the door so that she and Tony could get inside.
“Okay....what's going on?”Felicity asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked between the two of them.
“Patience.”Tony replied lightly.
“Yes....because you're one to talk about patience.”Felicity mumbled, and shook her head, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at him again.
“Don't argue with me, I'm rich and famous.”Tony retorted, giving a grin as he did so.
Pepper smacked his arm lightly and rolled her eyes at him, before looking at Felicity, who was staring out the window, trying to figure out where they were headed. This was going to be interesting to see played out. Pepper knew what had happened with Loki, what was going on between him and this girl, because Tony had told her. She thought it was cute, but she wouldn't say so because Tony was still slightly, but only slightly, hesitant of the God.
“Close your eyes.”Tony instructed Felicity when they got to Stark Towers.
“Why...then I wont be able to see to walk forward.”
“Just...close your eyes, and Pepper wont let you fall.”He told her, waving his hands at her, as if telling her to get a move on it.
Felicity huffed lightly, and closed her eyes, feeling both Tony and Pepper take her arms and leading her out of the vehicle. She had the urge to sneak a peak, and figure out what was going on, but she didn't. She'd play along, for now anyway. If this, however, involved huge bugs and or a surprise anything that would scare her, she was going to nail Tony right where it hurt. She doubted though, from what little contact she'd had with Pepper, that the woman would let that happen, but there was always that worry that Felicity could be wrong about it.
She felt them step inside, and the cool air inside the building almost made her shiver, as it was hot and fairly humid outside. She wanted so badly to open her eyes, figure out what was going on, before she was surprised and had a heart attack of sorts. She grumbled at Tony about hating surprises and all that she got in response was a laugh from both Tony and Pepper. She wasn't sure where they were, but a ding told her they were getting ready to step off an elevator. Great. Now she was going to be surprised, at the top of the building, where she knew his condo was. Awesome. Fantastic. No way of escaping should it involve bugs or anything of the sort.
“ your eyes.”Tony said after a moment, once he was ready for her to do so.
Felicity did as she was instructed and nearly choked when she saw the cake, and there was a few gifts sitting around. She looked over at Pepper and Tony, and then back to where Steve and Natasha was standing, as well as a few others that she'd befriended since moving here, against her will, she might add. She started forward and shook her head, trying to figure out how they knew.
“Happy Birthday.”Tony called out, giving a laugh,”Let's drink!”
“How did you guys...even...”She asked, looking surprised, as she smiled a bit.
“Not hard to figure out when you have access to everything.”Tony replied lightly as he headed towards his private bar to get some Champagne.
“You have me there.”Felicity said, giving a small laugh. She had forgot it was her birthday. She didn't celebrate anymore, hadn't in a while, so to see that someone else was willing to give her a surprise party, even if it was just a small one, that made her happy.
“We have a few more guests arriving soon, so don't go eating all the cake.”Tony warned, pointing at Felicity, before bringing the Champagne over to everyone, pouring each person a glass.
“You assume that I can eat the whole cake.”
“I've seen how you eat, I don't assume, I know.”Tony retorted lightly.
“Why don't you go f-.”Felicity started to reply when there was a sound behind her, and she turned to see what was going on. Tony and the others were also looking.”Oh my damn.”
Standing in the door way was Loki and Thor, both in Asgardian clothing, however, they looked more formal then ready to go to war with something. Loki wearing his colors, gold and green, and Thor in his, red and blue. Felicity felt her heart jump a bit as she smiled brightly at Loki. It was a sight for sore eyes, that was for certain.
“I assume we made it in time?”Thor asked, before looking around,”Why is there no said we were celebrating.”
“ long have you known they were coming back?”Felicity asked, her eyes never leaving Loki's.
“Um...a week or so...”Tony answered, giving a shrug,”Thought it would be fun to surprise you though.”
“Really?”She asked, laughing a bit, as she shook her head and started forward.
“Yes really...they came back, and we decided that you needed a party or something....I just wanted to drink without feeling guilty.”Tony replied, grinning a bit as he lifted his glass and gulped down the contents inside.
“That's not funny, Tony.”Pepper chided, a small smile on her face.
“I think I'm hilarious, thank you.”Tony retorted.
Felicity walked up to Loki and Thor, though her full attention was on Loki. He'd been back a week, and instead of jumping up to come find her, he'd gone along with the others to surprise her. There was a small smile on his face as he held his arms out to her. She made a quick movement, jumping into his arms, feeling them tighten around her, embracing her.
“I have missed you,”Loki said lightly.
“I've missed you too.”Felicity replied as he set her back down on the ground, almost against her will.
“Can we drink and celebrate now?”Thor asked as he started towards the others, leaving Loki and Felicity where they stood.
“I'm all for that.”Tony replied, grinning as he poured himself another glass.
The evening went on, Loki and Felicity staying close as Tony Stark proceeded to challenge Thor to a drinking game, the cake was devoured, and everything was as normal as it could be for the people standing in the room. It was starting to get late, and Natasha had already excused herself, and Thor, as well as Tony, were on the verge of too drunk to stay awake. Pepper was starting to clean up, and Steve was helping her, though there wasn't much to be done this evening, it hadn't been completely out of control or anything.
“Are you ready to depart?”Loki asked Felicity, as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I think it might be a good idea.”She answered lightly.
“You two have a good night,”Pepper called over to them,”Don't get into to much trouble.”
“Thank you Pepper.”Felicity called back, grinning,”And how much trouble could I really cause with the God of mischief by my side?”
“Oh...I'm sure you two could find something.”Pepper teased, rolling her eyes and laughing before she went back to what little bit of straightening up there was left to do.
Felicity let out a laugh as she slipped through the door of Tony's condo, and started down the hallway. She glanced over at Loki who was walking beside her quietly, looking thoughtful for a moment. She tilted her head a bit, wondering what he was thinking about.
“Felicity.”He said after a moment, looking over at her,”All Father wants me to take you back....he wants to see you.”
“ what?”She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Odin...the All Father....He is the King of Asgard.”He explained,”He wants to see you face to face.”
“Why....what did you tell him?”Felicity asked, looking worried, but not scared.
“I didn't tell him anything,”Loki stated lightly,”It was my loving brother Thor that opened his mouth.”
“Okay....then what did he say to Odin?”Felicity asked.
“Basically....without overstepping in the court....and getting himself in trouble....”Loki started, scrunching his nose just slightly,”He teased me...and attempted to provoke me....and simply informed Odin of my relations with you....claiming that's why I was not being myself.”
“So....he basically played big brother?”Felicity asked, letting out a small laugh,”And now daddy wants to meet the girlfriend?”
“In so many words yes.”Loki replied, giving a small smile.
“When is this going to happen?”She asked, tilting her head slightly.
“When you're ready.”He replied easily,”I wasn't even sure how much healing you'd done in my absence.”
“Thank you for that, however I've completely healed, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health.”She said to him, as she reached over and brushed her hand along his arm.
“Then it shall wait until we've had time to enjoy each other's company.”Loki replied with his trademark devilish smirk.
“That....I like the sound of that.”
“Good....because I have many plans for us.”He said lightly. They were almost back to where Tony had demanded she live, rent free, and Felicity turned to face Loki, bringing her hands up to his face for a moment, bringing him down so that her lips could brush his.
Loki returned the kiss without hesitation, and slowly wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close. Felicity enjoyed the coolness of his skin, even in the terrible summer heat. She felt a stir of emotions in the pit of her stomach, and had to fight off the urge to let this go any farther then a kiss in the street like this. It was dark, there was no people around, but damn it, she had her pride. She slowly pulled away and took his hand, leading him inside, where they could finally be alone.