Status: Completed ~Enjoy~

What Lies Beneath

Chapter 20

Felicity was nervous. It was time for them to leave Earth, and go to Asgard. Thor was with them, deciding that he needed to guide them back there. She thought it was kind of silly since Loki was very aware of how to get back to his own home, but she wasn't going to argue with someone that could probably beat her like a pinata. She glanced to Loki, who was wearing his Asgardian clothing again, she in the dress that she had picked out. He looked tense, worried, though she couldn't understand why. How could Odin possibly hate her if she stopped his son from doing something else detrimental and stupid? He placed his hand on her back, and moved forward, the biofrost had been completely rebuilt which was going to make going back and forth much easier then using the tesseract which only took one person at a time, and wasn't very specific on where it took you.
Stepping though took Felicity's breath away, and she closed her eyes for a moment, feeling as if she was being sucked into the eye of a hurricane. She bit her lip, feeling hot and cold brushing through her and past her. Loki was still holding on to her, which gave her a moment of comfort as they finally arrived. She had never experienced anything like that in her life. She had been on a hundred different roller coasters, and that was by far, the most intense thing ever. She took a moment to catch her breath, before starting forward. They stepped out of this huge room looking thing, it was round, and it seemed to be always spinning, and it was absolutely beautiful, Felicity trying hard to get a good look at it before Loki led her out. They stepped out and onto what looked to be a rainbow. A crystal rainbow, with lightning in it. She blinked as she stared at it. Holy hell. She could go all adhd here and not feel guilty about it. She glanced up to see that they were being greeted by a group of people on horses, a very tall grizzly looking man and a beautiful, radiant woman leading the pack.
“All Father,”Thor said, slamming his fist over his chest.
“Thor, Loki, my children.”The man called as he climbed off of his horse, moving towards them with a smile.
“Hello children.”The woman spoke as she too, climbed off the horse and made her way to the man's side.
The man had a beard, his face worn and torn, from what Felicity assumed was war. He was adorned in an intricate armor, made of gold, and leather. He looked intimidating with his eye patch, also made of gold, and his bright blue eye that was still good. The woman, her hair long and honey colored, her face aged beautifully, with bright green eyes, smiled sweetly as Thor stepped forward and embraced her, before Loki did the same thing. This must be Odin and Frigga. Felicity was sure of that, because well, All Father, that can only be one person, and the way the woman stood near him, that was clearly a wife, a mother, someone, who also had great power.
“Is this the woman you spoke of?”Odin asked as he moved towards Felicity.
“Yes Father,”Loki spoke, as he stepped back, putting himself at her side.
“Welcome, child.”Odin said as he stopped right in front of Felicity, placing a hand on her shoulder,”Welcome to Asgard,”
“Thank you,”Felicity replied, giving a small nod of her head, not really sure how else she should react to him speaking to her.
“What is your name, maiden?”He asked, as he stepped back, looking at her closely.
“Felicity O' Riley.”She replied, smiling sweetly at him.
“Lovely, Felicity, maiden of Midgard, come now, let us return to the great hall.”Odin said, giving a small nod to Loki, who was looking at Felicity closely.
Loki put his hand on the small of her back and led her forward. There was a horse there, waiting for him and for his brother. He smiled at his eight legged steed, petting the creature lightly, with much affection, before turning to help Felicity onto it. He let out a small laugh at the shock on her face, before motioning for her to come along. The horse, Sleipnir, Loki informed her, snorted and shook it's head at Felicity, as if it didn't appreciate being stared at. She climbed on, and wrapped her arms around Loki once he was as well. Sleipnir then turned and started after the others, heading into the heart of the the city. Felicity was amazed to say the least. This place was utterly fantastic.
All the buildings stood tall and seemed to be built out of stone, crystal and gold, there was splashes of silver in there, and there was just this glow about the place that had Felicity's heart racing. She wasn't sure she'd want to go back to Earth after this trip. She tightened her grip on Loki as the horse picked up speed, keeping up with the others without much worry, as it had eight legs and the others only had four. She loved the black coloring of this horse, it looked like a messed up Clydesdale, it's head held high and proud, it's eyes bright red. They came to this massive gate, it was adorned with carvings, and art, all telling stories, she was sure. She stared almost wildly at it as the gates swung open and they entered into the city.
Loki held a hand out, and helped Felicity off the horse, Sleipnir, before climbing off himself. He stood tall and proud in this place. Felicity stayed by his side, taking everything in the best she could, though she was certain she couldn't remember it all. This was stuff that her wildest dreams couldn't make up.
“Come now, we must head inside.”Loki said to her, putting his hand once again on the low of her back and guiding her forward.
“This place...”She said softly, glancing up at him.
“Magnificent isn't it.”He replied lightly, giving her a smile as he spoke.
“That's a good way to put it.”She agreed with a small nod of her head.
Entering the Great Hall, Felicity watched as Odin swiftly made his way to a throne. A golden throne, and a big one at that. She stared blankly at it for a moment, before shaking her head. She saw Frigga follow, taking a stand next to her husband. Everyone that had been there to greet them, aside from a few guards, had left. She stood with Loki in the center of the room, Thor standing not far from them, closer to the throne.
“Tell me, little mortal, are you the one that redeemed him?”Odin asked, his voice booming through the room.
“Your majesty.”She started, before pausing, and looking at Loki, then returning her attention to Odin,”I can't say that I redeemed anyone, he made that choice, I like to think that I revealed a better path for him to take.”
“You have done something no God could have done, little mortal.”Odin said, before shaking his head,”Something his own mother could not convince him of.”
Felicity looked down for a moment, before glancing to Loki. He was still standing there, watching his father. She could see that he was only slightly nervous. Of what, though? He had been so certain that his father and mother would not have an issue of her. What was going on in that head of his?
“Father...she has done much for me.”Loki finally said, his hands resting behind his back, his head held high, shoulders squared away.
“I can see this....for you have finally returned to us, my son...”Odin answered, before pausing, looking at Felicity again,”You have done these halls a great service.”
Felicity opened her mouth to protest, not really understanding just what all she had done, before Loki gave a short shake of his head, telling her to not go there with Odin. Loki was willing to put up with the fire, the temper, Odin would not be so patient with her.
“We should hold a feast in her honor.”Frigga suggested, giving the woman a warm, welcoming, and very motherly smile.
“I agree.”Thor spoke up, looking at Felicity, noticing that she was growing far more nervous as the moments passed by. She would get adjusted to this world. She had to if she truly loved Loki as she claimed.
Odin stood, raising his hand out towards Felicity, and then looking to Loki, expecting the God to guide the woman forward. Loki did as he was expected, giving her a small nudge so that she would start walking. Felicity looked at him for a moment, before looking at Odin, and doing as she was being requested, because something told her that no was not something you said to this man.
“We shall do so, however I must speak with the mortal alone.”Odin said to them,”You're dismissed my sons.”
Loki hesitated for a moment, before finally doing as was requested of him. He knew that Odin, the All Father, would not hurt her, but Loki didn't like the thought of leaving her alone in this realm. So many others would not hesitate to do her harm, or do something to step on Loki's toes for his misdeeds in the past. He walked down the hall, but did not stray far from the Great Hall, wanting to make sure that when Odin was finished speaking with her, that she would have no trouble finding him.
“Mortal woman....Thor has told me many a things about you.”Odin spoke once they were alone.
“I don't know how much he could have to say, he barely knows me.”She replied, keeping her eyes on the man in front of her.
“My child, you don't see it, do you?”He asked, giving a laugh as he shook his head,”Loki is not normally so kind and concerned.”
“I am aware of this, I've seen it.”She said softly. She had not seen the full extent of his temper, and his hatred and angst, but she was willing to bet, she didn't want to.
“What has he spoken to you of?”Odin asked,”Has he spoke of his past,”
“Some of it, he has taken out a lot of major details, but we have not been...we haven't been together long, and I think that with time and the earning of complete trust, I will find out.”She replied, giving an nod of her head, truly believing what she was saying.
“So you don't know...”Odin asked, looking concerned.
“Know what?”
“What he really is...where he came from.”Odin said softly, looking at the woman with both concern and caution,”I know of the Jotun coming to earth...Thor told me about your bravery and willingness to fight despite your mortal body being so weak compared to ours.”
“I only did what was needed of me,”She said, giving a small smile,”But what do those creatures have to do with any of this?”
“Everything...”Odin said, almost sad sounding as he spoke,”Everything, child.”
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Hope that all the silent readers are really enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it!