Status: Completed ~Enjoy~

What Lies Beneath

Chapter 27

Felicity looked up to see a bright flash of light in the sky. To those not knowing what to look for, they'd assume a falling star or something. Felicity just saw a moment to breath. Tony landed near where they were, in the ally, hidden from sight. She looked at Fenrir and then over to a very beaten Loki. The demon, as Fenrir called it, had done a number on the demi-god.
“Um...I thought you said his kid was here?”Tony asked as he looked at the wolf that was just staring up at him, almost as if trying to decide whether to eat him or not.
“I did.”Felicity replied, before pointing to Fenrir,”Meet...Loki's son.”
“Should I even broach this subject, or leave it alone?”Tony asked, clear amusement in his voice.
“No Stark, you really shouldn't.”Felicity replied easily, before looking down at Fenrir,”This is a friend, don't worry.”
The wolf nodded and got to it's feet as well, before looking down at Loki, who was breathing, but still not moving around. Felicity looked over to see Steve Rogers slip into the ally, and rubbed her face. Only a few short months ago, she would have felt them to be the last people to call, ever, in the entire world. Now, she was calling them up for help as if they'd been old friends. Her life was messed up.
“Alright, so what happened?”Steve asked as he took in the scene, before pausing on the wolf,”What's that?”
“That,”Felicity proceeded to speak,”Is a he, and his name is Fenrir.”
“Alrighty then,”Steve said, shaking his head,”Anyway, what happened?”
“Long story short, I went to Asgard with Loki and Thor,”Felicity began,”I pissed of Loki's ex, and apparently she has an army and is willing to start a war just to kill me,”
“You just have a way with people don't you?”Tony said sarcastically before looking at Loki,”Well, I suppose we should get him someplace else and clean him up before he bleeds out in an ally, that's a bit of an undignified death.”
“Where are we going?”Felicity asked, wondering where he had planned to hide them out, so that they could get Loki cleaned up.
“Stark Towers,”He replied, shaking his head,”Where else are we going to go?”
“Well since you're about as predictable as any kid with ADHD”She replied, with a shake of her head.
“Don't go there.”Tony said lightly, with a bit of a laugh,”Steve, I'll carry Loki, you get, er, Fenrir and Felicity here back without anyone seeing.”
“Alright, meet you back there in a few minutes.”Steve replied, before looking at the wolf and then to Felicity, wondering exactly how he was going to pull this off without anyone seeing.
Tony scooped Loki up and shot off into the sky without another word, leaving the three of them standing there, Fenrir the wolf, Felicity in her ball gown, and Steve, in this awkward silence. Felicity glanced down to see that the wolf, who claimed to be Loki's son, moved closer to her, as if being protective. Of what? Captain America? That was like protecting her from doughnuts. Harmless. She shrugged the thoughts away before Steve finally turned and started farther into the ally.
“What are you doing?”She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“We're only about ten blocks from Stark Towers,”He explained, looking at her,”If we're careful, we can keep to the ally's and not be seen and cause issues.”
“Well, that's a better plan then what I had.”Felicity said with a sigh before following after.
It wasn't exactly the best trip back to Stark Towers that she'd ever taken, as she was constantly looking around, constantly feeling paranoid that someone would see them. She entered the building and took a moment to breath, before once again following after Steve. They entered the elevator, and she turned and looked at Fenrir, pointing for him to get over here, inside the thing. The wolf shook it's head and Felicity sighed, rubbing her face. Steve only laughed a bit, before leaning against the wall, as if he wasn't overly comfortable himself.
“Come on Fenrir,”She pleaded,”It's safe, I swear.”
“It's a box, you're willing to get into,”Fenrir finally spoke, ignoring the look of shock on Steve Roger's face,”And the doors close, and you can't get out, how might you convince me that this thing is safe?”
“Because they do let you out, however it's an easy way to go up and down.”She explained,”I get in them all the time, and I'm not dead.”
Fenrir just stared at her blankly, not sure if he should actually listen to her or not. Felicity looked annoyed as she stared at the wolf for a moment before shaking her head once more. She almost wanted to tell it to just stay there if it was going to be such a pain. Instead, she looked at Steve and frowned, before stepping off the elevator.
“Fine, we'll walk.”She told Fenrir, as she headed towards the stairs,”But you owe me big time,”
She headed up the stairs with the giant black wolf, glancing around every so often. She knew that where they were headed was all the way to the top. She didn't want to walk that far. She frowned a bit and shook her head, as she continued forward. Stairs were the enemy. She wasn't out of shape by any means, but that didn't meant she wanted to walk up thirty flights of stairs or so either.
Fenrir nudged her towards the doors of the elevator after nearly six flights of stairs. Felicity was worn down, the adrenaline rush from the events that had taken in earlier passing her by now, leaving her wanting to curl up and go to sleep. Felicity looked down at him with almost sad eyes, and raised an eyebrow at what the wolf was doing.
“What about you?”She asked simply.
“I'll walk.”The wolf replied, wagging it's tail just lightly,”You seem tired, mortal woman.”
“Felicity.”She said softly,”My name is Felicity.”
“Ah, I see.”Fenrir said before tilting his head just slightly,”You should still ride that'll be easier for you, I'll meet you up there.”
“You' me up there...”Felicity said with an exhausted giggle,”In what...a year or so?”
“You are with a God, and he has a son who is a wolf...and you question my ability to move quickly?”Fenrir responded, sounding amused.
Felicity pondered that for a moment, before simply hitting the button that would get the elevator to open up and take her to the top of the building. The wolf made a good point, though Felicity still had trouble wrapping her mind around the fact that the creature standing before her was a child of Loki's. Why hadn't it been mentioned before? Probably because she hadn't asked, that and the whole, Loki trying to take over the world and then repent thing, might have gotten in the way.
“I'll see you in a moment, Fenrir.”She said as she stepped into the elevator letting the door shut behind her, as she hit the number for the top floor.
It was a short trip, and Felicity leaned against the wall the whole time. She was beyond exhausted as she stood there, her eyes heavy as her heart right now. She blinked when the doors opened and there stood Fenrir, wagging his tail just slightly as if he'd been waiting on her awhile. She laughed lightly and stepped off of the elevator and started towards the two dark double doors just straight ahead.
Felicity pulled one of the doors open and allowed Fenrir to enter first, before following after him. She continued forward through the large open floor penthouse, looking for something, a sign of life, Loki walking into the room completely okay, she wasn't sure what she was looking for really.
Tony came into the room, having entered through a small hallway, and smiled a bit at Felicity.
“You okay?”He asked her, before looking at Fenrir for a moment, then back to Felicity,”You didn't get hurt did you?”
“No, he pushed me through the portal...thing...before I could get hurt.”She answered with a nod of her head,”Where did you take him?”
“Spare bedroom, he's alright...turned blue on us...but he's alright.”Tony said,”He just needs to rest, I think more then anything.”
“Good.”Felicity said as she wrapped her arms around herself, her exhaustion making her feel cold.
“You look like you need to lay down yourself.”Tony pointed out, raising an eyebrow as if to dare her to challenge him.
“I could probably go for about a weeks worth of sleep right now.”She answered, closing her eyes for a moment, as she took a deep breath,”Mind if I stay here tonight?”
“No, I'd think it best if you did, especially while Loki's pride and joy is visiting.”