Status: Completed ~Enjoy~

What Lies Beneath

Chapter 29

Thor sat, watching her eat, not looking at all pleased. She'd made it very clear that he had no choice but to take her back to Asgard once she had finished with her meal, either that, or she was going alone. Odin would have a small cow. He was sure of it, if the woman just strolled into Asgard alone, and then demanded to see the nymph that tried to kill her. Then there was Loki, how were they going to keep Loki at bay long enough for Felicity to do this? Thor was not at all happy right now about this situation. It was frustrating.
Felicity finished her meal, before getting to her feet, crossing her arms over her chest, staring down at Thor. Fenrir was standing not far off, still looking completely amused at the whole situation as his uncle also got to his feet. Thor shook his head, opening his mouth to protest yet again, and Felicity held up her pointer finger, daring him to say a word. He was not going to talk her out of this. Nope. Nada. Not happening. Thor rolled his eyes before looking towards Tony Stark, almost pleading for help with his eyes.
“Lets go, Thor.”Felicity said, frowning at him,”You're not going to win this one.”
“This is a terrible idea.”Thor argued once more.
“Fenrir will stop Loki for a minute or two...I wont take's going to be just fine.”Felicity said impatiently,”I'm not going to just sit back and pretend that bitch isn't psycho.”
“Fine.”Thor snapped, unhappy with the fact that the little mortal woman wouldn't just let things be.
He had used the Tesseract to travel this time, instead of the bifrost, and he picked the thing up, holding it out so that Felicity could grab the other end of it. She did so without question, and waited, knowing that trip was going to be about as pleasant as before. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she and Thor were sucked through the portal that seemed to open around them, landing firmly in the halls of Asgard, well, in the castle to which Odin, Frigga, and other royals lived. She turned and looked around, before looking at Thor, who was placing the Tesseract in something, watching as rock seemed to surround it, hiding it. That was nifty. She then looked down the long, almost sad looking hallway. Where in the castle was she?
“Let's go, before Father finds us and ships you right back to Midgard.”Thor said, still sounding slightly butt hurt that she wouldn't listen to him in the slightest.
“Good plan, Scrappy.”Felicity replied, as she started forward, keeping herself just a few paces behind Thor.
They slipped down a large stair case that curved against the wall, it was dark and damp where they were heading, and something in the back of Felicity's mind said she wasn't going to like what she saw. She didn't like all the shadows, the lack of lighting in this place, it was as if they didn't really care if you could see where you were going in this part of the castle. Once they were at the bottom of the stairs, Thor looked around for a moment before moving towards the right. Felicity instantly followed, taking in the long corridor of large wooden doors, some having small barred windows, others were completely solid, as if cutting whatever was behind them, off from the world outside. She frowned a bit, her heart racing now. This was the dungeon, and it was an ugly place. She almost wanted to turn back, almost wanted to run from this place. It left her hair standing up straight on the back of her neck, and it left her feeling scared.
“We've arrived.”Thor announced, as he came to a stop in front of one of the doors that did have a small window.
“Alright, let me in, then.”Felicity said, mustering up, the best that she could, something that sounded almost like bravery.
“Are you certain of this, Felicity, because if something were to happen to you...”Thor trailed off, looking worried for the woman that his brother so dearly adored.
“As long as you don't go anywhere, I'll be safe, and Loki wont have a reason to flip shit.”She said, as she touched his arm,”Don't worry about me...worry about what I'm going to do to that whore.”
Thor let out a small, though nervous sounding laugh, as he opened the door and Felicity slipped inside. It was dark in the room, though there was light shining from out in the hallway. She could see Sigyn sitting in the corner of the room, her long, beautiful hair hiding her face, her body curled away from the door. Felicity smirked just slightly as she took a step forward.
“You don't put up much of a fight.”Felicity said lightly, as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“You should not have come back, little mortal.”Sigyn replied as she turned to look at Felicity.
“Why?”Felicity asked, swallowing hard at the sight before her. Someone had burned one of Sigyn's eyes out, and her face was tore up, almost as if one of those creatures had attacked her before she was brought in here. There was blood covering the woman's dress, and it was torn up the side, leaving bare skin, that was covered in dirt and blood as well. This woman was a mess, and it made Felicity cringe.
“You have stolen from me, the one thing that I love...the one thing that I wanted.”Sigyn hissed as she slowly stood up, her frail frame almost unable to hold itself up.
“I didn't steal anything.”Felicity corrected,”In fact...I didn't expect to even care anything about him when we first me...I suppose time changes everything.”
“No...I was his, for a thousand years...I was the one that warmed his bed, that aided him in so much, what have you got that I could not dream of possessing?”Sigyn cried out, baring her now pointed teeth at Felicity, showing that her true nymph form had in a sense taken over.
“''re beautiful...and you've got power...”Felicity answered honestly, shaking her head, a small laugh slipping through her lips,”I have nothing that you've got, I'm mortal...I'm okay looking for my race...I'm short tempered, and stubborn...and I like to fight to much...I'm really not fit to marry a prince, much less let him look at me the way he does.”
“Why is it then, that he loves you so?”Sigyn snapped, raising an eyebrow,”Are you easy to sway, easy to seduce?”
“No, I'm a fighter...I don't let him get his way every time, I showed him something more then that destructive path that he was on, going a hundred miles an hour, screaming for vengeance...I gave him something more, something he so desperately needed.”Felicity said, a cruel smirk on her face.
“What is that?”
“I showed him that he's more then what he assumes, I showed him that he's loved, wanted, I showed him that...that he is as good as his brother, if he wants to be, he can be Thor's equal.”Felicity answered with a solid nod,”That's all he wanted...still to be equal to his brother, and after our visit, he sees that he has that now, with me.”
Sigyn just stared at Felicity for a long moment, her bright golden eyes seething, rage filling her as her face twisted. There were tears there, Felicity saw them, and for a moment, she felt bad for Sigyn, though it was only for a moment. She stood her ground, refusing to back down from this woman, and she would prove that she wasn't just some throw away human that was being played with.
“You think you're so special?”Sigyn started as she moved towards Felicity,”You can die, you can suffer so easily...your mind can be broken...what makes you so special?”
“You only see my weaknesses.”Felicity stated,”I'm a fighter, I challenge everything, when something or someone knocks me down, I get back up, I know how to love, I keep my mind and my heart open, and I sure as hell, don't back down.”
“Ah but you see, you'll eventually die, fade into the dirt, be nothing more then a memory, then where does that leave the god who so casually falls for you?”Sigyn hissed angrily, taking a few more steps towards Felicity.
“I don't know, where does that leave him?”She responded easily,”Alone...probably not...hurt by the loss, I can imagine, but he'd move on, and in the end, be something so much better.”
“You'll be nothing more then a faded memory, one day, and I'll return to his bed, just as it was always meant to be.”Sigyn said with a cold laugh.
“No, you wont.”
“How would you prevent such things?”
“I wont allow you to leave this place alive.”Felicity said simply, smiling sweetly,”I'm going to make sure that you bleed, that you die, that you suffer so terribly for the things that you've done to the Asgardians, I will speak personally to Odin, and hope that he hears my plea to put your miserable life to an end, in the slowest, most painful way possible.”
“I doubt that darling,”Sigyn hissed, still moving forward, while Felicity stayed put, anger raging behind her golden eyes.
“You shouldn't.”Felicity said simply,”You pissed off the wrong mortal, I don't take lightly to people crossing into my territory.”
“Oh little mortal, you think that you can just waltz out of here and speak to the All Father as if you matter?”Sigyn asked, shaking her head,”That would require you walking out of here, though.”
“This is assuming you'll do anything, knowing that Thor is standing right outside,”Felicity challenged, a small smirk on her face,”You're not that stupid, especially if you're so desperate to get Loki's attention once more, do you think that will happen by killing something he loves?”
“He's mourning and alone, how could that not work out well for me?”Sigyn replied, that hiss still in her voice.
“He'd certainly not turn to you, he'd know the truth, and hate you for it.”Felicity retorted with a snort.
“All the same...”Sigyn said and launched herself at Felicity, her hands outstretched, long talon like nails on the end.
Felicity moved to get out of the way, regretting now that she had stood her ground and not moved back as Sigyn moved forward. She let out a small cry, as she grabbed Sigyn's wrists and they both fell to the ground with a loud thud. Felicity grunted as she struggled against the strength of the woman, trying hard to avoid teeth and claws. She glanced over to see Thor entering the room, his eyes wide as he tried to figure out how to stop Sigyn without hurting Felicity.
After a moment of struggling, Felicity suddenly didn't care that she was in a dress. She brought her foot up against her body, pressing it against Sigyn's stomach, and with a grunt, kicked with everything she had. That shoved the woman off of her, and away just enough for Felicity to get to her feet, her hands clenched in fists and she snarled her lip. She was panting and her hair was all over the place, though she didn't care anymore. This wasn't like with the Frost Giants, when Loki had watched her fall, she knew that if this woman got to her, there would be no wounds to tend, there would be a funeral to plan. She breathed heavily. Sigyn would have to die first. That was the plan, kill the bitch.
“Felicity, leave this place, now.”Thor called to her, as he too, started towards Sigyn, as if he was going to try and subdue her for a moment.
Felicity only shook her head. She was mad, angrier then she'd ever been in her life. She wasn't going to let this creature that was once such a beautiful woman, take her out, she wasn't going to let Sigyn win through fear. No. She wasn't going to simply walk away like someone smart would do. Loki was hers, and she dared anyone else to say otherwise. She'd kill them too.
Sigyn had recovered only a moment later, and started towards Felicity again before Thor could do anything. Felicity brought her fist up and smashed it into Sigyn's face, hard, and the nymph let out a cry of pain, before thrusting forward. Felicity wasn't sure at first what had happened. This wasn't like before, this was something so much worst. It started in her chest, and spread, like wildfire. She looked down to see that Sigyn had dug her talons deep into the flesh of her chest. Felicity blinked for a moment, before looking up once again at the woman, a snarl on her lip. She wasn't dead yet. She moved, to try and get away, when something stopped her, this aching, this burning. Something wasn't right. The nymph had missed her heart, she'd be okay, right? She looked down again to see that her veins seemed to show through her skin, turning black, as if something was traveling through her blood stream. Oh this wasn't good. She winced a bit as she felt her chest getting heavy, her mind fuzzy. Poison. There was poison on those claws. The bitch cheated.
“Felicity!”Thor called out, pain etched in his voice, as Sigyn moved away.
Felicity slumped to the ground, her eyes glassy, blank, and Thor landed on his knees in front of her, shaking her just lightly, looking over the wound before him. He turned and looked at Sigyn who was laughing, enjoying the moment. Thor stood, and reached for his hammer, bringing it up, and in a moment, was swinging at the nymph. He heard the crunch of bones, he watched as her body seemed to be thrown through the air like a rag doll, slumping to the ground, bloody and broken. He then turned back to Felicity. Loki was going to hate him for all eternity for this. He brought himself back to his knees, and touched her face, which was growing cool to the touch, her chest no longer rising and falling. She was truly gone this time.
“No...”Thor whispered softly, as he brushed the hair out of her face,”No.”
Loki awoke back in Tony's apartment with a sudden pain in his chest. He sat up and looked around, Felicity was not in his room. Instead Fenrir sat there, looking up at his father, as if curious to why the God was suddenly so lively. There was that pain again, almost crippling. Loki felt a knot in his throat. Something was very wrong. Very very wrong. He gasped for breath as he climbed out of bed, rushing towards the door, stumbling as his body was still healing. Where was she? Why had he been dreaming of her? What was going on? He needed answers, he had to have answers, his mind needed to be at ease.
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I just killed myself writing this...