Status: I shall try to update reguarly.

I Wouldn't Trade it for Anything

Jordan lives in Cali, home of Hollywood and Hollywood effects. So when she gets kidnapped on her way home from a club, she doesn't believe her circumstances are real. A fifty downworlder kidnap's her, and takes her into the darker side of California. She never thought about the Black Market, she never considered magik and its roots, and she sure as hell, never considered what it had to do with her.

DISCLAIMER: I own the characters, the plot, the theme, everything. So, don't steal anything, and don't try and find any loopholes so you can. If you're really that intent on stealing my stuff, it just proves you have no mind of your own and you seriously need to get a life.

WARNING: This story is rated 'R' for a reason, and yes it does contain mature material. It may turn into 'NC-17' material, but don't freak out if it does, because I warned you, so don't say I didn't.

*If you can't handle mature content over 'PG-13' don't read this.*
  1. The Highway
    An introduction to Jordan's day :/