Status: Active!



Loki slowly approached the cell, eyes staying steady on the girl before him. It was Taryn, but she was... different. Her appearance had changed from earlier that morning to this moment. She was noticeably more pale as opposed to the soft porcelain her skin usually was. Her naturally shining forest green eyes looked as if all the light and life had been stolen from them. Even the little golden flecks had lost their luster. Around her eyes were prominent dark circles. She looked ill. Whatever it was that had control of her was taking a toll on her body already.
"Taryn," Loki managed to whisper as he reached the transparent wall.
"They deserved it," she said flatly. Even her voice had changed. Instead of the smooth, musical chime Loki had grown accustomed to, there was a crazed, gravelly tone too evil to belong to the Taryn he knew.
"Who deserved what?" Loki asked softly, placing his fingertips gingerly on the wall separating them.
"The people here that decided they were better than me.They thought I was nothing. I'm not nothing. I'm more than they ever were. I'm stronger. I have more power than they could ever hope for. They deserved what I did to them. They're lucky I didn't just kill them," she explained. Loki had to hold back the urge to flinch at the words, so foreign coming from her lips with such deranged ferocity.
"You are not yourself, Taryn. You are ill," he spoke quietly. His chest grew tighter the longer he watched the girl on the other side, and eventually he had to force himself to leave. He couldn't stand being in there any longer. Anything he would have said to her would fall upon deaf ears. He wasn't speaking to Taryn. He was speaking to her monster, and the look on her face made it clear that his words wouldn't have any effect on her. If she was anywhere inside that monster, Loki doubted she was strong enough to break through for even a moment. He left the room and was heading back to his own to be alone with his thoughts when he was approached by Thor.
"What news is there, Brother?" the blonde god asked. Loki looked up and gave a small shake of his head.
"She was caught, and she's being contained in the same place I was. She is not herself," he spoke solemnly. Thor was quiet for a moment. He saw fear and worry on Loki's face that he had never seen before. He placed a hand on Loki's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze.
"Taryn is a strong girl. I'm certain she will pull through. Just as you did," Thor said. Loki cast Thor a tight jawed glance.
"She may not be strong enough," he mumbled before stalking away. He made his way to his chambers at a cautious pace, all of his concentration on keeping his composure. Once he stepped foot into his bedroom and the door was shut, however, the panicking began. Try as he might to stop it, Loki began to hyperventilate, pacing back and forth quickly, fingers tangled in his hair. He was so terrified and angry that a few tears leaked out of his still blue eyes. His hands shook. His heart raced. He was falling apart. He didn't want to lose her.
He was eventually able to contain his emotions, and was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, completely unable to think. His legs had grown too unsteady to hold him up after his sudden nervous breakdown. The only thing that was able to reach his mind was Taryn's smile. Her radiant, innocent, glowing smile and how he may not ever see it again. Even if she did somehow break free of her monster, her smile would probably never be the same. She would never be the same.
Loki knew it was a terrible idea to visit her each day. It would only make himself feel worse, knowing he was unable to do anything but watch her fall deeper and deeper into that abyss. Her appearance grew worse each day. The dark circles of her eyes grew darker, her skin paler. She looked thinner. She looked sicker. He was able to convince the guards to provide her better clothes, but not even that made him feel any better. Most times she would just sit against the wall, not acknowledging Loki's presence whatsoever. He would talk to her, though he knew he would get no response. He only spoke in hopes that Taryn could hear him underneath all that darkness and chaos overpowering her mind. He wanted her to know he hadn't abandoned her. On occasion she would watch him rather than staring off into nothingness. It was rather nerve wracking when she would watch him. She wouldn't move a muscle, but her lifeless, dull eyes would rest on him throughout the duration of his visit. He couldn't tell what was going through her head. He didn't know if she was plotting anything, or if it was just pure chaos.
Loki was not aware of it, but Thor had found him a number of times in the room. Loki would be sitting on the ground just before the clear wall separating them, legs crossed. He would sometimes speak calmly and soothingly to her. If it weren't for the circumstances, Thor would have found himself smiling each time he witnessed it. Loki did not know what it felt like to be in love, Thor knew that. The thought probably terrified the god into denial. Loki didn't like vulnerability, and if he were to ever consider the possibility that he may be in love, that would mean being vulnerable. Thor knew his brother loved her, even if Loki didn't. As happy as Thor was that Loki found a companion, it was heart breaking that the girl he fell in love with had fallen prey to such a terrible force.
Thor wished Loki would cease his bitter behavior toward him. He wished Loki would call him brother again. He hated seeing that glint of anger in those troubled green hues. He missed how everything used to be. As much as he wanted Loki to smile at him again, the mischief maker had enough to worry about. The last thing he needed was more of Thor's pleads. What Loki did need was support, and Thor was going to give him that.
Loki finally had fallen asleep after several days of hardly shutting his eyes. It was a restless sleep, but sleep nonetheless. Unfortunately, he was woken up by a firm hand shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes in the dark, and after a hazy moment, he realized Thor had woken him. He gave the blonde god an irritated glare.
"I'm sorry to wake you, Brother, but you need to come with me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliffhanger after cliffhanger, mwahahaha.
I still love you guys, forgive me.
Your comments make my day, thank you:)