Sequel: Happy 4th
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I have the power

I was buried deep beneath my blankets when I heard the annoying buzz of the alarm clock. I dug my hand out from its warmth and smacked it down on top of the alarm causing the noise to end. “Stupid alarm” I grumbled under my breath as I slid out from my warm cocoon. The floor was icy to the touch causing me to let out a small shriek as chills raced down my spine. I arched my back hearing each vertebra crack back into place. I rummaged around in my closet until I found the perfect outfit. Flipping the lights on as I entered the bathroom I laid my clothes on the counter top and turned the hot water on with just a smidge of cold water. When the temperature was finally perfect I slipped in and allowed the water to do its work. My muscles finally started to un-knot and relax. Then I proceeded to wash my body with a vanilla scented body wash and then scrubbed my hair with a white chocolate shampoo/conditioner. After I was satisfied I turned the water off and slipped into my clothes, a pair of purple skinny jeans, a black Sabbath tee-shirt, and my red and black converse. Once my hair was dried and brushed out, I decided to head downstairs to the kitchen and get some breakfast before I started my training with Logan.

I stepped out into the hallway and closed the door shut behind me and preceded to leisurely stroll down the hallway not really paying attention to my surroundings. I got about ten steps from my door and walked into someone. “Sorry” I mumbled as I looked up at who I had bumped into. He was blue like hank, but he was smaller and had these angelic runes that looked to be carved into his skin. I took his outstretched hand and stood up “I am so very sorry miss I should have been paying attention to vhere I vas going” he spoke with a thick German accent and seemed really nice. I smiled warmly at him “no it was my fault…my mind was somewhere else. Well I don’t think we have met before my names Rayne” I shook his hand and waited for his name. “Oh…um my name vis Kurt” I smiled again and remembered what I was supposed to be doing “Well it is nice to meet you Kurt, but I was just on my way to eat breakfast before I start my training with Logan do you want to join me?” He shook his head in agreement and then grabbed onto my arm and then we were in the kitchen. Smiling I asked “teleporter?” He shook his head yes “awesome” I stated as we both grabbed some food and took a seat at a nearby table.

We sat at the small table and exchanged our stories as we ate breakfast. As we were eating I heard someone walk into the kitchen without even having to turn around. This was going to be very interesting. I inhaled deep breaths taking in the scent of the person who was now standing behind me they smelled of beer, cigars, and pine trees. I smiled in victory because I knew exactly who this was “Logan…I know that it is you.” He chuckled lightly and wrapped his big strong arms around me giving me a kiss on the head “I came to tell you that training started thirty minutes ago.” I flipped open my cell phone and gasped Kurt and I had been talking for forty minutes. I chuckled nervously because I knew he was going to make me pay for this some way “sorry Kurt I have to go train but I will talk to you later.” Kurt nodded and I stood from the table and placed my dishes in the sink. Logan draped his arm around my shoulders and walked me to the danger room. “So what are we doing today” I asked slightly curious and slightly worried too. He gave me a devilish grin and said “strength and endurance…oh and speed.” I gulped as he entered in some kind of code into the machine and set it on a rather high level. Just then the danger room changed from its normally plain walls to a lush thick forest.

I darted into the brush and hid behind a tree and allowed my finger nails to slowly grow into ten sharp talons. I raked them down the side of the tree I was hiding behind and it sliced through it like butter. I smirked to myself and started to smell the air around me until I locked onto Logan’s scent. Letting my speed and reflexes take over I darted into the forest and began the hunt for Logan. I finally came upon him he was just below the tree I was crouching in, so I lunged out of the tree and on top of him pinning him to the ground “found you” I said in the most innocent tone I could think of. He rolled me over and now was lying on top of me smirking down at me his face got even closer to mine until our lips touched. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled myself even closer to him deepening the kiss our lips moving in perfect sync together. This moment was perfect and I didn’t want it to end but sadly all amazing things must come to an end. We were interrupted when the computer said “end of simulation” we stopped moving when we heard footsteps around us. We broke apart and slowly looked up to find a bunch of students for Logan’s class were standing around us snickering and whispering. This made me blush a deep red as we both stood up. I am sure Logan was just as embarrassed about this situation as I am but I couldn’t force myself to look at him just yet. I hid my face and darted for the door and I didn’t stop until I reached my room.

I was forced out of my room when I had to go to my other classes, but as soon as those were over I grabbed a bag of chips and ran back to my room. I was humiliated and didn’t want to show my face again. I mean I know that everyone knows about me and Logan, but still PDA was awkward for me since Logan is only my second boyfriend. After about an hour and a half of me just lying in my bed I heard a small knock at my door “go away” I demanded I just wanted to be left alone. They knocked again and I threw the closest thing by me at the door which just happened to be a book. I buried my face into my pillow and listened as the door creaked open and the footsteps approached my bed. “Look I thought I said go away” I stated without removing my head from my pillow. “It’s not that easy to get rid of me kid” it was Logan. This made me smile as I rolled over and looked up into his deep brown eyes. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck “I’m sorry…I thought you were a student” he chuckled softly and pulled me away so he could look into my eyes “I’m a little old to be a student.” I smirked as I pulled him down on top of me and began kissing him. I pulled off his shirt and then did the same to mine, “are you sure you want to do this” he said as he looked down at me. I just shook my head and continued on with what I had been doing before he stopped me. After a couple hours of “fun” we ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms and I couldn’t have been happier than I was right then and there.