Sequel: Happy 4th
Status: Like, Comment, Follow me, any suggestions feel free to say them!


The morning after

The sun was beginning to peak through the blinds that hung over my big bay window in my room. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I felt a warm body pressed up against my own, along with an arm slung over my small frame weighing me down. Then I realized that I had no clothes on and all the memories of last night came flooding back and I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading its way across my face. I slowly removed Logan’s arm from around me and clutched a blanket to myself as I stood from the bed and made my way over to my dresser and picked out my outfit for the day. I chose a black and pink halter top with a pair of neon pink skinny jeans along with my black converse and x-men logo necklace and then proceeded into the bathroom to get dressed for the day. I stepped into the shower and allowed the nearly scalding hot water to cascade down my body taking away all my stress and relaxing all my muscles. After I washed my hair and body I got out and dried off and got dressed then put on some make-up and dried my hair. I peeked into my bedroom and noticed that Logan was still asleep and decided to leave him and go get some breakfast before classes began.

I quietly slunk out of my room and shut the door behind me as to not wake Logan. Turning on my heel as I left I ran straight into something hard and fell to the floor. “Ouch…” I mumbled under my breath as I stared up at who or what I had just ran into it was Kurt. My smile widened as he extended his hand to help me up “you know we really need to stop meeting like this” he smiled back at me. “Soooo what are you up to today” Kurt gave me a quizzical look “vell…I have classes.” I sighed and remembered about classes and thought about how much I just didn’t want to deal with them and since Kurt had all the same classes as me an idea formed in my head. “Hey Kurt…how would you like to do me a huge favor…I would be like your bestest buddy forever” he just stared at me and cocked an eyebrow “vat do you vant me to do?” My smile widened into an evil grin “oh nothing much…just tell all the teachers that I’m not feeling very well and that I won’t be there today.” He just sighed and shook his head in agreement “vat are you planning on really doing” he questioned. I smiled and gave a fake cough “oh nothing much since I am sick” which wasn’t a complete lie, since I planned on lying in my room for a bit and watch movies later tonight but as for today I plan on taking a little joy ride to town and going shopping. Kurt sighed as I pulled him into a bone crushing hug “thank you so much, I will owe you big time for this Kurt.”

I smiled and proceeded down the labyrinth of halls until I finally reached the stairs. My hand touched the smooth polished wood of the banister and an idea popped into my head. It was something that I always wanted to try and with no one around I proceeded to sit on the banister and slid all the way down to the bottom. This made my tummy do back flips and I was smiling inside until I looked up and realized that Logan was standing at the bottom of the stairs. How he got passed me and down the stairs without me noticing is beyond me. He stood there with his arms crossed. I couldn’t help but to smile at him, I mean this is the guy that I was rapidly falling head over heels in love with. I mean he was my first and only and I wanted to keep it that way. I stood in front of him and smiled waiting for him to say something like ‘are you crazy what if the professor or another teacher had caught you’ but all he did was wrap his arms around me and pull me into a tender kiss “I love you so much.” I breathed a sigh of relief and kissed him again “I love you too.”

We proceeded into the kitchen to get something for breakfast. I could feel eyes watching my every movement. Students and teachers were watching us as we entered the kitchen together and all their eyes must have seen Logan’s arm around my waist because you could hear the gossip mill begin to flood with new rumors and idle chatter about a teacher and student being together. I flinched when I heard people whispering to one another and Logan’s grip tightened around my waist and he whispered into my ear “hey its ok…don’t pay them any attention and if anybody gives you a hard time I’ll kick their ass for you.” I looked up into his big warm chocolate eyes and a sense of calm washed over me. I smiled and found my courage. My arms snaked their way around Logan’s neck and I stood on my tip toes and pulled him into a kiss. I mean screw it; if they were going to talk I was going to give them something to really talk about. I pulled out of the kiss and could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I heard cat calls and more whispers as we found every eye upon us. I just smiled and ran a hand through my hair and grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down with Kurt, kitty, rouge, and bobby. I began eating and then looked up to see them all staring at me with questioning looks I let out a deep sigh “what do you want to know?”

They attacked me with tons of questions but then I was saved by the bell which means that they have to go to class, but me on the other hand I was heading to the local mall to do a little shopping spree. I stood from my chair and placed my bowl in the sink and then headed for the garage after I grabbed my backpack that had all of my money and ID’s in it. As soon as I reached the doorway that lead down to the garage Logan was standing in front of it blocking my way. He looked down at me and gave me a quizzical look “where do you think you’re going…don’t you have class?” I sighed “I decided to skip class…sue me” I proceeded to reach for the door handle only to have my wrist grabbed by Logan. I glared up at him doing my best attempt at being scary and intimidating which was not even close to working. Logan pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. I pouted because it was really hard to stay mad at this guy no matter what he did. He sat me back down on my feet and stared back down at me and then he dangled a set of keys in front of my face and I realized that they were the keys I had swiped from Cyclops that went to his motorcycle. He smirked down at me and then pulled out his own keys “let’s go for a little joy ride” a smile spread on my face as we hopped on his bike which was much cooler than Cyclops bike. He revved the engine and the bike sprang to life as it shot down the drive way and out onto the paved street. Today was going to be a blast just me, my baby, and no classes.
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TT___TT I am so very sorry, for my late VERY late update....ill try harder to update faster