Sequel: Happy 4th
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I awoke inside of the med lab at the mansion. The lights were dimmed to a soft florescent glow and it was quiet. My head was pounding and my body ached…how long have I been in here I asked myself as I noticed my slightly protruding tummy. I shrugged it off and scanned the room for any signs of people that I would know. Upon seeing no one I made myself sit up which was harder than you would think. My arms felt like jello along with the rest of my body. Just then the machines went off and started beeping erratically and made my head start to throb even more. The doors swung open to reveal Hank, Professor X, and Logan and upon seeing them I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on my face. They all returned the smile, but Logan’s was the biggest of them all as he ran to my bedside and engulfed me in a hug. God I missed this…his smell, touch, and voice. “Hey there kid…how you feeling” I smiled at him “oh well…sore and…well how long have I been in here and what caused it in the first place?” Hank stopped from checking the machines beside me that I was hooked up to and looked over to Logan to do the explaining. Logan nodded at Hank and let out a long sigh “well…you’ve been unconscious for about two weeks” my eyes widened at the thought of being out for that long “d-do you know w-what caused it?” panic filled my voice as my body tensed and I prepared myself for the worse. Logan shot Hank a you-take-it-from-here look and Hank stopped what he was doing and sat on my bedside with me as he took my hand “now don’t freak out when I tell you this…” he sighed letting out a shaky breath “well you see…you’re pregnant.”

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat when I heard those two little words…you’re pregnant. I felt a pair of strong arms coil around my body pulling me into a hug. I looked up into a pair of warm, loving brown eyes it was Logan. How could I be pregnant…I mean the doctors always told me I couldn’t have a baby…that it was impossible. I have always wanted to be a mother and now I was getting my wish and it was with a man that I loved more than life itself. I smiled up at Logan as tears pricked my eyes as I allowed them to fall down my face staining my white tee-shirt. Logan looked a little concerned when I started to sob uncontrollably “a-are you alright…d-d-do you not want this child” he looked at me with such hurt in his eyes. I glared at him “n-n-no you idiot…I’m n-n-not c-crying because I d-d-don’t w-want this c-child…I’m c-crying because I’m beyond h-happy” I managed to get out in between sobs. As soon as I said that his eyes lit up “good because I couldn’t be happier either” that phrase made my heart skip a beat. Logan hugged me once more before speaking again “you should get some rest…the both of you” he said as he gently rubbed my tummy. I shook my head at him “nope” I said popping the ‘p’ “I have been unconscious for two weeks…that’s enough sleep for me.” Logan just shook his head because he knew there would be no arguing with me. I slid out of the bed and tried to stand up only to fall to the ground…I grumbled under my breath “stupid floor…stupid legs” Logan chuckled as he helped me back up “looks like you’ll be needing these” he said as he handed me a pair of crutches “thanks” I mumbled as I took the crutches from him. This was going to be just great…stupid legs had better heal and I mean fast.

------Time skip to Halloween dance------

It has now been another two weeks since I found out I was preggers and I was no longer on the crutches due to me working my legs out like crazy. Tonight was the night of the dance and since I was preggers I decided to change my outfit and I was now going as Anna Valerious from Van Helsing and of course Logan was going as Van Helsing. I was now just a little over a month pregnant and I was starting to get my baby bump…so this would be one of the last sexy outfits I could wear until after I give birth. I put on the whole outfit and stood in front of the full length mirror admiring myself. I was snapped back to the world around me when I heard a knock on my…scratch that our room. That’s right Logan and I share a room now…we moved in together once we found out that I was with child. “come in” I yelled towards the door still not taking my eyes off of the mirror. I smiled as I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist “shouldn’t you be getting dressed” I questioned while fixing my wig. Logan let out a small chuckle “I’m already ready” he said motioning to himself…god I felt stupid now. I turned around to face him and I had to admit he looked amazing in his outfit “you know…if they ever make a Van Helsing movie…you would be perfect for the part” I said giving him a kiss before pulling back to look at him once more. He smiled down at me as he took my hand in his pulling me towards the door “come on I’ve got a surprise for you.” I smiled to myself as I followed him through the halls and down the stairs to the main room where we held all of our parties. My mouth formed into a small ‘o’ shape as I looked around at all of the decorations “oh my god…it’s beautiful.” I turned around as soon as the music started to play to see Logan down on one knee with a small silk box in his hands and all of the other house mates behind him. Most of the other girls were already beginning to cry. I looked back to Logan as tears began to flow freely from my eyes “Rayne Winters will you make me the happiest guy on earth and become my wife” he opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond engagement ring. I couldn’t speak all I could do was shake my head yes as I wrapped my arms around Logan’s neck pulling him into a passionate kiss. The sound of ‘awwws’ filled the air as I broke the kiss I could feel the heat rush to my face as Logan slipped the ring onto my finger. My life was absolutely perfect now…I was marrying the man of my dreams and we were having a child together. Logan pulled me close to his body and swayed us back and forth as the music began to play “I love you so much Rayne” he whispered into my ear as we danced the night away in each other’s arms.
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Hope everyone likes it :D