Sequel: Happy 4th
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Professor X

We made our way to the school and parked in the driveway. I hopped off and looked around, my eyes darted all around me, and I just couldn’t believe that this was where I would be staying. The house was huge, and it was surrounded by tall trees that seemed to never end. The branches seemed to be waving to the sky, almost reaching out for a hand shake. The walls of the school were covered with a thick layer of ivy and some small white flowers. I just couldn’t help but smile, I looked over at Logan standing by his bike, and he had a small smirk on his face. “Come on,” he gestured with a wave of his hand. “I will introduce you to the professor, and some of the other students.”

He started for the door and I was quick to follow him, I stayed right on his heels. The inside of the house was even more immaculate than the outside. My jaw about hit the floor, Logan led me up a flight of stairs and down a couple hallways. He only glanced back a couple times to see if I was still with him. Eventually we reached the professors office. Logan pushed open the big oak doors and walked right inside, I quickly followed him. There we stood in front of an older gentlemen, he was bald and rode in a wheel chair. He slowly turned and his eyes met mine. He had a kind face, like that of a grandfather. “Hello, Rayne,” I heard a voice inside my head. Was I going crazy, “No you’re not, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Professor Xavier, and just like you I am a telepath.”

I stood staring into his eyes and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t move. I just couldn’t believe that there were others like me. Just then he spoke, “We would like for you to stay here and become a part of the X-men. That would mean training both physically, and mentally. Wolverine will help you to do the physical training and Jean will help you to do your mental training. You’ve already met Wolverine,” he gestured to Logan who was leaning in the door way. “Now, he will show you to your room and then give you a tour of the school, and I will talk to you later.”

I turned and followed Wolverine out of the office and down a couple hallways, until finally we stopped in front of a large wooden door with a brass knob. “This is your room,” he grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. I took a step into the room and looked around in awe at the place I was going to be sleeping. The room was huge; it had a queen sized bed with a large canopy surrounding the bed. On the other wall were two doors, one was a walk in closet and the other was a bathroom. I looked at Wolverine who was just standing in the door way, then he spoke, “Hey, if you want we can finish the tour tomorrow when you’re better rested.” I nodded in agreement and sat down on my bed. “Good night,” he said in the same rough voice he had spoken in before. But before he could leave I said one more thing, “Thank you Logan.” Just then he shut the door, and slumber swept over me as I slid down under my comforter and settled in for a good night’s sleep.