Sequel: Happy 4th
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training time

I awoke to a soft knocking at my bedroom door. “Who is it,” I said groggily, slowly turning my body to face the door. “It is kitty,” I heard a high pitched girly voice sound from the other side of the door. I looked up at the clock and it read 1:00pm. “Come in,” I said not wanting to get up from my cozy slumber. I heard the knob turn and then in stepped kitty, “like come on sleepy head, are you like going to sleep like the entire day away?” I stretched up and my hands hit the head board of my bed, “maybe, what’s it to you.” I was getting a little bit irritated now because she had awoken me from my dream I was having and now she wanted me to get up out of bed. She must have noticed this because she was now giving me the puppy dog face, “pleeeeeaaase,” she whined. I sighed in defeat, “fine, just let me get dressed.” I slowly rolled my body out from under the covers and slid into a pair of black short shorts and a black acdc tank top, along with a pair of black high-top converse. Then I walked out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.

Kitty was leaning against the wall beside my room and she greeted me with a smile. I returned the smile and said, “So what was so important that I had to get out of bed on a Sunday?” I stood there with my hands on my hips waiting for an answer, “I was bored and wanted someone to hang out with.” I ran my hands through my hair and let out a long sigh. We walked down the long maze of hallways and then down the stairs to the kitchen so I could get something to eat. I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured myself some cereal. As I stood at the counter eating my breakfast, kitty sat across from me waiting patiently. Just then I heard footsteps enter the kitchen but I didn’t need to look up to know who it was. “Morning kid,” the gruff voice sent a chill down my spine and I couldn’t help but blush remembering the kiss we shared last night. “Good morning,” I replied.

He stood on the other side of the counter and I couldn’t help but stare at him. His shirt clung tight to his body, showing off every muscle. Just then our eyes met and it made me blush a deep red. He let out a slight chuckle, “so kid, do you want to get in some more training today?” I glanced up at him and a smile slid across my lips and shook my head in agreement. I looked at kitty and frowned, “looks like we’ll have to hang out another time.” I finished my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink, and then I quickly followed Logan to the danger room. We stopped in front of the entrance, but before we entered I said, “Logan…” he stopped and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, “thank you” I said. He smiled down at me and we stepped into the room closing the doors behind us. He stood at the computer punching in the codes to start a simulation and then we headed down to the simulated forest that had appeared in the lower level of the danger room. “OK kid, the name of the game is to not let me catch you,” he smirked and the hunt was on.

I darted into the trees and didn’t look back. My heart was pounding in my chest as I hid behind a tree, hoping that Logan wouldn’t find me (as if that would happen). My mind was racing over every possible option, and I had better come up with something and quick because Logan was closing in on me and fast. I peeked out from behind the tree and saw him standing there, his head snapped in my direction and I quickly darted to another tree. I heard him laugh, “come out come out where ever you are.” I stood as still as I possibly could, concentrating as hard as I could I managed to lift a huge log that was laying on the ground and I tossed it as hard as I could and it managed to hit Logan and slam him into the wall on the other side of the room.

I smirked to myself and did a small victory cheer, but before I knew it he was up and on top of me. He had me pinned to the ground with his claws on either side of my head, he smirked down at me. His eyes were locked with mine, just then he stood up and held his hand out for me to grab it. I looked down at the clock; it was now 5:30pm. I couldn’t believe that we had been training for four hours now. Logan was still holding my hand and he looked into my eyes, he gave me a smile and said “nice job kid, your tougher than you look.” I laughed and said in my mocking tone, “thanks, you’re not so bad yourself.” He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him causing me to blush. Just then our lips were locked together and I couldn’t believe how soft his lips were. I ran my hands through his hair, which was also soft. We parted for air, “so…what does this mean” I questioned him. He sighed, “well I like you… do you like me?” I looked into his eyes and nodded my head yes. He smiled at me, “good, then let’s just take it slow and see where this goes.” I nodded in agreement and he kissed me once more before we exited the room and headed hand in hand back to the house.

I couldn’t believe my luck, I had awesome friends and now I had an amazing guy who actually liked me and tomorrow I would start classes, could this get any better. Once we reached the house, I kissed Logan once more before darting up the stairs to go see the professor. I reached the top of the stairs and turned around to see Logan still standing at the bottom, “where are you going” he said smirking “to see the professor so I can get my schedule for tomorrow, I’ll see you later,” I said and then I was off. As soon as I reached the professors office I heard him say “come on in Rayne.” I thought that was so cool how he automatically knew it was me. I pushed the door open and stepped inside closing it behind me. “Hi professor,” he smiled and motioned for me to sit down. I took a seat across from him and he handed me a piece of paper that had my schedule typed out on it. I just smiled and thanked him, standing I said goodbye and excused myself from his office and headed off to the game room to see if kitty wanted to hand for a bit. Luckily when I got there she was sitting on the couch playing one of my favorite games guitar hero. After she finished the song I placed my hands over her eyes and said, “Guess who.” Removing my hands from her eyes she turned around and greeted me with a hug. “So did you get your schedule yet?” I handed her the piece of paper and she scanned over it with her eyes excitedly she said “we have a few classes together.” We smiled at each other and then continued to play guitar hero until midnight and then it was time for all students under the age of eighteen to go to bed. So kitty said good night and left the room.

I stood up and made my way over to the pool table and set it up to play a round. When in walked Logan, “mind if I join you.” I looked up smiling at him, “hmmmm, let me see,” I said jokingly. He made his way over to the table and grabbed a pool stick, “ha ha very funny” he said sarcastically. We played pool until about 1:30 am and by that time I had lost all five games. “God I suck at this game,” I mumbled under my breath but that didn’t help due to Logan’s super hearing. He laughed and set up the table again for one last game, “want me to help you out” he said as he slid his body behind mine grabbing my arms and placing my body in the right position. He lined up the shot and helped me to get in a few shots, “see its easy.” That sent a shiver up my spine causing me to let out the air I had been holding in. I turned around and closed the distance between us and pulled him into a passionate kiss, then in between breaths I managed to say, “thanks for the lesson babe.” I looked at the clock and moaned at the time it said two in the morning. I sighed and kissed Logan one last time before heading up to bed, but before I exited the room I said, “I guess I’ll see you in the morning babe” and with that I made my way up to my room and switched into my pajamas for a good night’s sleep because tomorrow I started my new schedule, which consisted of a few classes but mainly it was power training with Logan and Jean.
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sorry it took me so long...please feel free to comment, if you have any suggestions to make it better just let me know :D