‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


My hand hit the alarm clock so hard I cursed. I heard a gasp to my right and glanced over to see a set of bright blue eyes staring at me in the doorway of my room. Eveyln.. I stared at her sleepily and smiled. "Oops," I said, sitting up and stretching as I yawned. I glanced back over at her to see her glaring at me and shaking her finger.

"Daddy, you said you'd stop!" she said, crossing her arms for a brief moment before running over to my bed, jumping up on it, and smacking my hand.

"Sorry, Evy," I said, pulling her into my lap. "Sometimes I can't stop myself." I kissed her forehead before telling her to go downstairs.

I got out of bed, walked into the attached bathroom, and started the shower. Grabbing a pair of boxers, semi-tight jeans, and a clean Led Zeppelin shirt, I went back into the bathroom and undressed. Closing the shower curtain after I stepped into the shower, I took the quickest shower of my life.

Time Elapse

By the time I was dressed and downstairs, everything I needed to make waffles was on the counter and my helper was seated on the stool in front of it all. "I have to make time for waffles, huh?" I asked, smiling as I ruffled up Evy's hair.

"It's Wednesday, Daddy. It's our ritual, remember?" she said, giving me a huge smile. For being three years old, she was a very bright girl. She put sentences together like a pro, and was very clear when she spoke, so it was super easy to understand her.

"Oh, yeah," I said, picking up a spoon. "Let's get to it, then, Chief."

Time Elapse

I was currently dropping Evelyn off at preschool. We walked into the classroom where she was greeted by the teacher and a few of the other students who had taken a like to her. That's when I heard my phone blaring out "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister. I quickly hugged and kissed Evy goodbye before walking out of the room.

Snagging my phone from my jacket pocket, I flipped it open and put it to my ear. "Yo!" I said into the receiver, pushing the front door of the school open and walking for my car.

"Dude, where the hell are you?" It was Reggie, the rhythm guitarist of the band. I chuckled as I unlocked my car door and slid in, slamming the door behind me.

"Dude, I was dropping your god-daughter off at school. Moron," I retorted, starting the car and putting into reverse. I pulled out of the parking space just as someone was pulling out directly behind me. "I'll be there in ten. Twenty at most," I said, closing the phone and honking the horn.

The guy honked right back, but I took that moment to finish backing up and head out to Reggie's. As I hit the highway, I rolled the top down and smiled. It was good to be back in the States.

I flew back not long after high school -- probably seven months afterward. Logan had flown back almost immediately after graduating, so he had no idea I was back in the country. Last I heard, he was the point guard on the Chicago Bulls. I was proud of him.

I looked up at the rear-view mirror, seeing the ruby ring dangle from the golden chain. I gently grabbed it between two fingers and rubbed it for a moment. I felt the tears fall as I remembered the night he gave it back. I had thrown everything away that night.

I've regretted it ever since.

I don't recall what happened when I looked forward again.