‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I stood there in shock,my body frozen before I melted into the kiss,the kiss I had missed so much after all these years and returned the kiss. I gripped his shirt and pulled him closer,tears filling my eyes again.

Shane went to pull away but I shook my head and yanked him back,my lips landing against his as I reached up and tangled my fingers in his hair. Shane returned the kiss,I finally felt utterly and wholely complete again,just with a kiss from him.

Shane finally pulled away,I wanted so badly to pull him back but stopped when Reggie came in,his arms carrying bags of food. I backed away,watching them put everything away.

I couldn't keep my eyes off Shane as I hoped and prayed this wasn't a dream,I finally had the nerve to ask 'Am I..dreaming?" I asked.

Shane turned and looked at me before walking away from Reggie and shaking his head,cupping my face again and staring into my eyes 'This isn't a dream" he whispered,that smile crossing his lips which caused me to sigh.

"Then don't leave..please..stay with me tonight..." I begged,laying my hands on his. Shane turned and looked at Reggie who seemed hurt but just nodded his head

"It'll be alright,I'll go handle it" he said before leaving,I didn't know what they were talking about but didn't bother to ask as I stared back at Shane.

"You have to tell me the truth Shane...Do you want me still?" I asked,staring intently into his eyes. Shane seemed to think deeply about this before smiling more.

"Honestly...yes,no one else can replace you and I"m so tried of trying" he whispered,causing me to smile for the first time. A real,reaching the eyes smile.

"that..makes me happy and very hungry" I said,causing Shane to chuckle and move towards the fridge. I wasn't sure how everything was going to go from here..but I hoped it went where I do desperently wanted it to go