‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I sat in the kitchen with Logan, downing cup after cup of coffee as I watched him down plate after plate of food. I smiled, feeling as if nothing really changed -- although, everything has. It was still a bit strange between everyone -- especially since everyone, aside from Logan, knew about Evelyn. I knew it was taking everything in Smith to keep his mouth shut.

"I'll be right back," I said, setting my cup down and walking out of the kitchen. I jogged upstairs, heading right for where my guitar lay. I stared at the door frame, taking in the slight damage I caused. "I can fix that," I muttered, sighing and picking up my guitar.

I went back downstairs, seeing Logan fidgeting with the camera. "You still have that as a hobby?" I asked, walking over to the couch and leaning against the back.

"Yeah. I suppose it kept me busy on rare occasions," he said, not looking up at me. I smiled, looking down at the floor for a moment before strumming along to the guitar. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Roger walking in. He and Smith had a stare down for a long moment before either of them looked away, both looking as if they were out of place.

"You guys are so obvious," I said, letting out a dramatic sigh. They both flipped me off, giving me identical dirty looks. Setting my guitar down, I returned the gesture. That's when they gave each other that look. "Shit."

I ran for it, although I didn't make it that far. I was on the ground underneath two fully-grown men who I could tell still had the hots for each other. It was then I remembered the times when everything seemed so much easier.

Flashback -- 8 years before

"Shut up, Shane!" Roger said, tackling me at full force. I screamed like a girl for the first time in my life.

"You're on the basketball team! Why and how are you so strong?! You're supposed to be tall and lanky! Not a damn bulldozer!" I yelled, trying to get him off of me and failing.

"That's an insult!" he screamed, smacking my face. "Logan! He's stereotyping us basketball players!"

"No way, girl! Hold my purse!" I heard Logan yell in a rather interesting girly voice before adding his own weight to the pile. After a few minutes, I felt even more weight, realizing Smith had topped off the pile for no reason.

"You all are nuts!" I screamed, wishing I could get all these assholes off of me. We were all laughing so hard that none of us could breathe. The guys eventually rolled off and we were all lying next to each other, staring up at the ceiling, still letting out laughs here and there.

Coming back to the present time, I realized -- again -- the four of us were in the line again, in the same order, chuckles from everyone the only noise in the room. "What happened to us guys? We were all so close," I whispered, causing everyone to become quiet. No one wanted to answer. Whether because no one wanted to be first, or because no one why, I didn't know. "We were the best of friends, living together and doing nothing but having a good time..."

Then it dawned on me. I caused the entire break up of the group. I stood up and walked outside, staring at the sunset. It was me all along, and all because I was a selfish bastard.