‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go



I laid in the bed,half way between zombie and happiness. Shane and I made love,just once but once was enough to light the fire inside me again. I dragged myself from the bed and dressed,skipping down the stairs and over to the kitchen.

"You better" Smith said behind me,causing me to turn and looked at him with a smile.

"I'm am..not completely but ten times better then before" I said,grabbing a large thing of food and started eating,filling my stomach again.

"That's good" he said,sitting down and sighing. I gazed at him before sitting down.

"Smith..what's wrong?" I asked,munching happily on the food. Smith sighed and leaned back in the chair before he started talking.


"Roger and I talked while you were out with Shane...we realized a lot of stuff in the period of time." I said,gazing at him "the reason why I never stayed with anyone long is because I'm still in love with Roger" I sighed.

Logan put down his food "So your in the same rut Shane and i are in...still in love but unsure of how things will go" he said,gazing at me calmly. I sighed and nodded my head.

"That's excatly how it is between us" I said,causing Logan to nod and stand up,putting the food away.

'Then call him and tell him to come over,talk with him more Smith. Work out what you need too" he said,smiling before heading up the stairs. I watched him go before bitting my lip. I pulled out my phone and called Roger who agreed to come over.