‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


It was nearly 10 and Evelyn was still awake. I could hear her reading to herself the next room over. I turned on my side, really wishing to be with Logan at the moment, but knew I couldn't leave Reggie alone with Evy again.

I heard a soft knock on my door and turned to find Reggie leaning against the door frame. "Thought you might have sneaked out by now," he said, walking in and falling back on the bed, his head resting on my stomach.

"I almost did, but I knew it would have been a long shot seeing how I've already asked you to babysit her too much this week," I replied, mindlessly twirling Reggie's curls around my fingers. I heard him let out a sigh, knowing that he loved it when someone played with his hair.

"Why don't you ever read to Evy?" he asked, causing me to look at him, our eyes locking. I stared into his eyes for the longest moment before answering.

"I've tried, but once she was able to read herself, she always took over." Reggie smiled, his hand grabbing mine and our fingers interlocking. Neither of us thought much of it, it was just something we did to keep each other at ease ... something that helped remind us there is someone there.

I let out a sigh as I felt his fingers trace lightly over my hand, sending shivers up my back. "Go to Logan, he needs you. I'll keep an eye on Monster for the night," Reggie said, making me sit up almost immediately.

"Don't kid with me, Reginald Louis," I said, looking at him. He glared at me, his eyes burning through my own.

"Call me that again, and I might just take it back," he replied, the intense glare breaking, causing both of us to cackle. I gave him a quick squeeze and made my way downstairs. Grabbing my jacket and guitar, I ran out the front door hauled ass to Smith's place. Why I didn't drive, I didn't know. I suppose to keep my disappearance a secret from Evelyn.

I cut through the graveyard, jumped a few fences, and set off a few car alarms -- all on purpose, of course -- before finally coming to the steps of Smith's house. I heard him talking with Roger, and was afraid to make them stop.

I walked around the back, knowing there was something I could climb up that would get me to the room in which Logan was in. As cliche and stupid that sounded, I was all for it. I never got to do it before, so I though I'd cross it off my list.

Hanging my guitar on myself that it would hang off the back, I started to climb, hoping to god I wouldn't fall nor make a lot of noise. It was hard, but I managed to get to the rooftop I could walk on that was right under Logan's window. Lightly knocking on it, I heard him shuffling around the room. "Let me in, damn it!" I whispered loud enough so he could hear me through the glass.

"Shane?" I heard him say, opening the curtains and then the window. "What the hell, man?" he said, leaning on the window sill and staring at me like I was a moron -- which I was. I just grinned.

"Morning, lovely," I said, not losing my grin.

"It's nearly 11 in the evening, jackass," he said, a smirk on his face. I just flipped him off and held out a hand.

"Come on, join me. It's nice out," I said, causing him to grab my hand and contort himself enough that he could get out the window. We stood there for just a moment before someone flashed a light up at us.

"We're going to have to take you fellas in," a man said. Shit. Cops.

"I live here," Logan said, staring down at the two officers. "This is, uh..." but I could tell he couldn't tell what to call me, cause neither of us were sure. I felt my heart break a little bit.