‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


"Logan..you ok?" My fellow teammate asked me,walking up and turning me to face him. My face carrying the latest black and blue eye. I shoved his hand away and turned back to my locker,I hated when people asked me that,it was a stupid question.

"I'm fine,don't worry about me just focus on the game" I said,removing my shirt and pulling on my team shirt. I found everyone staring at me again,sadness in their eyes causing me to glare and slam my locker "Look,just quite staring at me alright! I know what's going on,I don't need you guys staring at me and pitying me...frankly...I deserve this" I muttered and headed off to practice before the game three days away.

Ever since Shane and I broke up all those years ago,I could never find the right guy again. Sure I met some good guys,until they to left me or I found someone like my newest boyfriend..who used me as a punching bag. I know abuse isn't right,but I couldn't help but think I deserved it,I deserved to be treated like that,I mean..the only man who I ever truly loved left me,so why not? if I wasn't good enough for him then I wasn't good enough for anyone.

I stopped in the middle of the court,tears filling my eyes before I clenched my teeth and wipped them away,gripping the ball and continued practice,I hated myself because i could never get him out of my head.

Time Elaspe

I shoved eveything into the backseat of my car before driving home after praticed. I had showered and cleaned up before leaving. I leaned back in the seat and turned on the radio but shut it off quickly,his band was playing again and I couldn't listen to his voice again.

Once at my house,I walked through the door and set my keys down before making sure everything in the house was in perfect order 'Maybe tonight will be a good night.." I said thoughtfully as I cooked his favorite meal. I flinched when I heard his car door slam shut and closed my eyes,knowing tonight was going to be a bad night.

I just didn't know how bad.