‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I stared at Logan for a long moment, words not coming to me to save my life. Grabbing the guitar from his hand, I strummed lightly for a moment. "My grandmother used to sing this to me when I couldn't sleep," I whispered, finding the right chord to start with.

The music went on for a moment before I could bring out the words. I opened my eyes and stared at the ground for a moment before I started to sing.

"Steal away, let's steal away,
No reason left to stay.
For me and you,
Let's start anew,
And darlin' steal away.

Let's steal away and chase our dreams,
And hope they never find us.
The deary days, the empty nights,
We'll leave them all behind us.

Steal away, let's steal away
No reason left to stay.
For me and you,
Let's start anew,
And darlin' steal away.

We'll leave with just our memories,
And make a new beginning.
We have to choose,
To win or lose,
And it's time we started winning.

I felt the tears falling down my cheeks as I finished off the song, the music taking me back to a childhood I wish I could back to -- when times were so much easier, and I didn't have a care in the world.

Flashback -- 20 years before

"Shane, up to bed, deary," the elderly woman said, grabbing the five-year-old boy by his shirt collar and pushing him towards the stairs.

"But granny, do I have to? Mum let's me stay up longer," Shane said, his eyes looking up at his grandmother who just shook her finger at him and playfully smiled.

"I highly doubt that, love. Now, off to bed. I will be up shortly to tuck you in." Shane ran upstairs, his footsteps becoming fainter as he ran towards the spare room in which he slept.

The grandmother, Anya, quickly heated up a cup of water, dropping a tea bag into the water and making her way upstairs to her grandson. Walking into his room, he was laying there looking out at the window with curious eyes.

"So it's one of those nights, is it?" she asked, setting her cup down as she sat in the rocking chair a few feet from the bed. Shane nodded, his eyes meet his granny's. Humming for a moment, the words of the song left Anya's mouth, Shane's eyes never leaving her face.

Current time

The song came to an end, and I sat the guitar down, mindlessly staring at the wall to my left and picking at the hem of my shirt. The tears wouldn't stop falling; they were coming in waterfalls. Shaking my head, I looked at Logan for a moment. "Please don't find me rude, but I really need to be alone right now," I said, standing up and walking towards the back door.

The screen closed behind me and I sat on the porch steps, aware of Logan staring at me through the door. "I'm sorry for everything," I whispered, pulling a picture out of my inside jacket pocket. My grandmother saw the best in me, and I brushed her away as if she were nothing more than a stranger. I stared at her lined face as the tears continued to fall. Knowing she was a night owl, I flipped my cell open and dialed her number, hoping she would pick up.

Right now, I needed her to comfort the pain that was in my chest.
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I know it's a bit confusing, but it'll make sense soon. :)