‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I sat on the back porch, my head resting on my hands and my thoughts wandering. I heard the back door open and tilted my head a bit to the side to see Logan coming towards me. Scooting over, he sat down next to me and smiled weakly.

"I'm going to Ireland next week," I said, causing the smile to leave his face. "I am in desperate need to see my grandmother." Logan looked down at his hands, looking exasperated.

"And you're telling me this now?" he asked, looking up at me. I just laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You're such a dud, love," I said, seeing if he'd remember. I met his gaze and raised an eyebrow, and I saw the wheels turning.

"We're going back?" he asked, and I nodded. "All of us? Including Evelyn?"

"Of course Evelyn's going. You think my grandmother would pass up any chance to meet her great-granddaughter?" I said, causing him to smile lightly. "I know it's a bit hard to think about going back, after all that's happened, but my grandmother lives in Belfast, so we won't really be near where my parents are at."

"What ever happened to Chase?" I was taken aback when he asked this, looking at him as if he had lost his mind.

"He's actually playing for the Lakers, currently the youngest member," I said, causing Logan to smile a bit. I knew he was thinking about all the times he and Chase played one-on-one during the slow days back home.

"He truly was a talented kid, that's for sure," Logan said, leaning on his knees. "Anyways, Ireland. What about work? I've got a game I can't miss next week."

"Well, the band is taking a short hiatus for now; we're having writing blocks for songs at the moment," I said, looking up at the sky. "As for your game, I can get the tickets for the following day. I know you don't have another game for two weeks after that." Logan nodded, looking around the backyard.

A moment later, the back door opened and out came Evelyn. "Daddy, what is Reggie talking about? He says you're going home next week." I looked at her for a long moment before answering her.

"Home for me is a lovely country by the name of Ireland," I replied, causing her to look at me with a look of confusion. "Come on, I'll show you a map." Standing up, I picked up my little girl and went back into the house.

Logan was right on my heels as we made our way into the den. Opening my laptop, I sat on the chair with Evelyn on my lap. Turning the laptop on, I waited for it to warm up and then brought up a map of Ireland. "This is where I'm originally from," I said, pointing to the town of Galway. "This is where we're heading next week," I went on, pointing to the town of Belfast.

"So that's why you sound different from everyone else when you talk?" she asked, looking at me with nothing but sheer curiosity. I nodded, and then something seemed to dawn on her. "Wait, we're going there?" she asked, looking at me with big eyes.

"Yeah. You, me, and Logan," I replied, causing her to mull over it.

"Will I like it there?" she asked, squinting her eyes.

"You'll love it," Logan and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and he smiled weakly.

"You've been there before?" Evy asked, looking at Logan. He nodded before saying anything.

"It's a very lovely place. I truly enjoyed the time I spent over there with your dad." Evy smiled at Logan as she reached for him. He picked her up and she rested her head against his shoulder. I smiled at them, both of them were looking so content at the moment.

I didn't have the heart to break them apart, even though a part of me wants to put some distance between them. I really hope my grandmother will be able to help me figure some things out; I didn't know what to do and knew she could solve anything.

This next week was going to be torture; I was praying that nothing would mess this up.