‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I currently sat on the grass with Evy,playing hand games with her and laughing "I hope you and daddy stay together forever" she said,looking up at me. I looked down at her and sighed,pulling her into my lap.

"I know sweetie...so do I but that's your daddy's choise...it's up to him if he wants me or not Evy" i said,stroking her hair. She became quiet before climbing out of my lap and walking up to her father with an air of determation as she stared up at him.

"You and Logan are to stay together" she said,placing her hands on her hip. Shane raised an eyebrow at her "I want him to stay and I won't be happy if you make him leave" she said before turning and walking back towards me.

I looked at Shane with wide eyes and laughed softly as Evy climbed back into my lap and snuggled back against me. I saw his grandmother whispering something to him before Shane looked at us and nodded but didn't say anything it seemed.

Time elaspe

I sat down on the couch,watching Shane and Evy before I turned and gazed out the window,losing myself in thought before I felt Evy tug on my pant leg,causing me to look down at her "yes sweetie?" I asked,picking her up and setting her on my leg.

"I want you to tuck me in and read me a story" she said,hugging my neck. i smiled and nodded,standing up and carrying her up to the room and laid her down. I tucked her in and read her her favorite story as she fell asleep.

Once she was asleep,i walked downstairs towards the kitchen but stopped when I heard talking. "I love Logan,don't get me wrong but I feel..I feel he's staying now so he doesn't hurt evelyn" I heard Shane say to his grandmother.

I didn't want to in the dark anymore so I walked out and over to them "Not true" I said,causing Anya and Shane to look at me "I'm here because I love you Shane,I've always loved you. Evy just makes me love you even more because I feel like we're a family...I feel like she's a child of my own even if she isn't by blood." I said,walking up and taking his hand.

"She's apart of you Shane...a part of the man I'd give my life too if the time came and I would do the same for her" I said,cupping his face and kissing him before I pulled away 'Good night Anya" i said,turning and heading back upstairs and to the bedroom.

I laid in bed,hoping that Shane knew that I wasn't leaving this time unless he kicked me out himself. I was here to stay both for him and evy. I wasn't going to leave my family.