‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I walked into the house,still fumming over what had happened in town "Logan.." Shane said from the kitchen,I stared at him before looking away and passing him completely and headed towards our room and started packing my things "Logan where are you going?" Shane asked,staring at me with wide eyes.

"Back home. It's perfectly clear I'm not wanted so why stay?" I asked,fighting back the tears that wanted to escape. I felt Shane lay a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off "Don't touch me" I said,backing away from him.

"Logan please..." Shane said,looking at me sadly. I stopped and stared at him,anger and pain fresh in my eyes as this tore old wounds open again.

"No...Don't you dare look at me like that" I said,walking up to him 'You failed to realize something Shane! You failed to realize that as soon as I learned about Evy it wasn't just you and me anymore! I wasn't just your boyfriend Shane. I became like a mother to her! You weren't there when she threw her tantums which if you noticed she had stopped because of ME! I know how to disapline a child Shane" I said angrily.

"You can't just give her what--" Shane went to speak but I stopped,pushing him back a little.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do Shane! your are her father yes,but I became her mother not by blood but by the fact that I look at her like my own and you stepping on my feet like you did today wasn't right" I said,grabbing my bags and turned to the door,stopping when I saw Evy.

"Why are you two fighting?" she asked,rubbing her eyes as she sniffled. I gripped the bag tightly before sighing and walking over to her,kneeling down and setting down the bag. I pulled her into my arms and held her close.

"Don't worry sweetie..everything will be alright I promise" I said but Evy had nothing of it,pulling away and turning to her father fresh tears in her eyes.

"Your making him leave aren't you? LIke you said before...I don't want him to leave!" she cried,clenching her tiny hands. I quickly grabbed them and stared at her

"Evy,honey look at me...daddy isn't making me do anything..I'm leaving on my own but I'll be back" I said "Daddy and I just need some space from eachother" I whispered,tucking some hair behind her ear. Evy sniffled and relaxed her hands,breaking that tantum she was going to throw.

"You'll come back?" she asked,looking at me. I smiled softly and nodded kissing her forehead.

"I'll come back. I love you sweetie" i said before standing up. I turned and looked at Shane "I hope you figure out what you want Shane...because my heart can't take it much longer.." I said softly before walking out the door.