‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I looked up at Shane then down at the papers laid before me,the papers stating that Evy would become mine until Shane felt ready to take her back. I grabbed the pen 'Are you sure about this?" I asked once more,looking up at him.

"No..but it's something I need to do. Evy is better off in your care then mine" He said,sitting down at the table and sighing softly. I looked at him and nodded,looking down and signing the papers before sliding them back to him.

"She's mine.." I said softly. Shane gazed at the papers before standing up and walking out,returning with a sleeping Evy and her things. "I'll have a friend go to your place and get her things.." I said,standing up and following him as he laid her down.

"Remember..I'll always be here..even if things do work out between you and Reggie.." I said,fighting back the pain in my chest,that feeling of old wounds tearing open. Shane looked at me and nodded before grabbing the papers and walking out.

I looked at Evy before walking towards the window,watching Shane get into the car and drive off. I heard moving around and looked behind me,seeing Evy up and looking around "M-Mom..where's daddy?" she asked,looking over at me.

I sighed and walked over,sitting down and pulling her into my lap "He went away for a little while...daddy's got a lot going so he left you with me until he get things fixed" I said,stroking her hair 'I'm sure he'll be back soon sweetie" I said,looking out the window.

If I had only known just how big of a lie that was to tell a three year old,I never would have said it.

Time Elaspe-Eight Years

"Mom..Mom wake up" Evy said,shaking my shoulders. I rolled over and gazed at my twelve year old daughter and sighed,smiling warmly and sitting up. We had returned to the states a few days after Shane had given her over to me and we had been living in my house for the last eight years.

"Yes Angel?" I asked,causing her to beam at her nickname I had given her. She smiled and helpped me up since I had injured my back during a game.

"I'm hungry and school starts in a hour" She said,walking me towards the bedroom. I laughed and nodded,shoohing her away before going into the bathroom. As I did what I needed too,I started thinking about her thirteen birthday coming up...a full nine years since either of us seen Shane.

I knew she missed her father greatly but didn't let it affect her life,making straight A's in school and being on honor role..probably because each time she made anything lower then a C in school,I punished her.

She didn't like it but learned that it was because I wanted her to be her best and soon she just started on her own,no more help from dear old mom.

"MOM!" She yelled,causing me to laugh again and walk out towards the kitchen,seeing what she wanted for breakfast laid out on the counter.

I started cooking and made her plate,handing it to her "Your still wanting me to take you out for your birthday right?" I asked,hopeful she didn't change her mind. Evy shook her head and swollowed her food before looking at me.

"Yes,i told you i just wanted to spend the day with you" she smiled,her eyes bright. I nodded my head and cleaned up the kitchen before sending her off to the bus,

Once she was on,she waved out the window and blew me a kiss before the bus took off. I smiled warmly as i watched the bus leave and went to turn to go back inside the house when I heard a car pull up.

I turned around and stood there in shock,watching Shane climb out and stand there,staring at me. "I'm still welcome...right?" He asked. I couldnt' believe he was here..the last I heard of him was a month ago when apperently him and Reggie ended their relationship.

I gazed at him before opening the door,staring back at him "Always.." I said. Shane smiled softly and started towards the door "But you have a lot to explain to me...such as why after almost nine years you decide to appear in my and my daughters...excuse me..our daughter's life" i said.

Shane shook his head,sighing "I gave up being in her life long ago..I shouldnt' be considered her father" He said before walking inside and sitting at the table. I sat across from him and awaited a response.