‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I gazed at Shane then over at my daughter before standing up 'Evy..honey stay here while I talk to Shane" I said softly. Shane stood up and followed me inside,Once we were both in I closed the door and turned to Shane.

"Shane,you know I love you. I'm still in love with you after all these years. Evy can tell you...I've had guys asking me out...even Evy's tried hooking me up but I turned them down each time..because all I want is you" i said,causing Shane to stare at me.

I sighed,leaning against the wall and crossing my arms "Even after all this time you still don't get it.." I whispered before staring strongly into his eyes "I won't be with anyone else Shane,it's either I'm with you..or I die alone" I said. Shane stared at me before sighing.

"Why though..what's so wonderful about me that you'll do that?" he asked,staring down at his feet. I pushed myself from against the wall and walked up to him,laying my hand on his chest.

"Because you saved me...you showed me what real love is..and not the kind where I'm afraid I'll be killed the following day.." I whispered,remembering my last ex. I felt Shane shiver as well,not sure if from anger or what. "Shane...you've had my heart since day one...you need to realize there's a reason we keep meeting back up...it's fate...we are ment to be together..." I said,looking up at him.

"Logan I don't--" Shane went to speak but I stopped him,placing a finger on his lips and shaking my head.

"no,don't stand there and tell me you don't believe in fate because I know you do..something drew you here today. There's a reason you keep coming back to me" I said "Shane..you make me happy..you make me feel like I'm the greatest person in the world and I know I make you happy" I said.

Shane gazed at me before sighing deeply and nodding his head "You do...and I believe that's what's been scaring me away...I'm afraid I'll get to comfortable..do something wrong and you'll leave me..find someone better" he whispered,taking my hands.

I gazed down at his hands before holding them up to my face,closing my eyes when I felt his hands on my skin again "Never...I haven't now and never will" I whispered. I pulled away and smiled softly,calling Evy in for dinner.

We all sat down at the table and made light talk of things before Evy disappeared up to do her homework and get ready for bed "I'll be right back..there's something I have to ask you" I said to Shane before walking upstairs.

I walked into Evy's room and sat on the side of her bed "Evy..can I ask you something?" I asked,taking her hand. Evy turned her head and looked at me.

"of course mom" She smiled,sitting up and gazing at me "What is it?" She asked.

" I was thinking about giving your father a third chance...so maybe the three of us can be a family..what do you think?" I asked,wanting my daughter's thoughts on this more then just my own.

Evy seemed to think deeply on this before nodding her head "I think you should...who knows maybe the third time is the charm" she smiled. I laughed softly and kissed her forehead "I love you mom" she said.

"I love you too..now get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning" I said,covering her up and turning off the lights before walking out and downstairs. It was moments like that when i was most thankful for what Shane had done. I would be alone right now..with no one to love if Shane hadn't given me Evy..my beautiful little Angel.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and watched Shane look over all the pictures of me and Evy "it's amazing how she's grown.." I heard him say,not looking at me. I walked down the last step and over towards him.

"She's amazing Shane...and she is my world" i said honestly,standing beside him "She's my Angel...and I tell her that every day" I smiled,gazing at a picture of Evy and I taken just last year on christmas. I looked at Shane and sighed.

"You have a choice to make Shane...right here and right now. I want to give you another chance" i said "You need to decide on rather your going to stay and be apart of both our lives..or leave. If you decide to leave,Evy is going to stay here with me. I wont let you up root her from the only stable life she's had for almost nine years."

Shane stared at me as he thought and I only prayed he made the right choice