‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


All I ever knew was the road, or the air, never really knew solid ground. "As long as we don't stay long in Ireland," I said, causing a look of shock cross Logan's face. "Have you ever realized that both times in which we were in Ireland, things fell apart?"

"I've noticed," Logan said, a smile coming to his face and a laugh escaping his mouth. "That place is bad luck for us." He then broke out in a complete fit of laughter, causing me to join in. We both covered our mouths for fear of waking up Evelyn.

After a good solid few minutes of laughter, we calmed down enough to talk like two adults. "It's been too long since I've had a good laugh," I said, looking over at Logan as we made our way to the front porch. "Every time I did, I just didn't feel it. Wonder what was so funny about bad luck Ireland that made me want to laugh."

"Your stupidity," Logan said, causing me to bump into him. "What? It's true." I nodded in agreement as we sat down on the front steps, looking up at the night sky. Neither of us talked, just sat there enjoying one another's company for the moment.

Logan stood up, walked down a couple stairs, and then made himself comfortable between my legs. He used my thighs for arm rests and my stomach for a head rest. I smiled, looking back up at the night sky. "Shane, I hate having to break you out of this happy moment, but it looks as if someone is trying to break in your car."

Looking over there, I saw the silhouette circling the car and trying the doors. "Get inside to Evy. Lock every door behind you on your way up," I said, causing Logan to nod and slowly get up. He quickly went inside and locked the door as I casually made my way over to my car. "Nice car, isn't it?" I said, causing the man to jump.

"It's weird seeing a car this nice in this kind of neighborhood. The nicest you'd probably find around here on any night is a Saturn," he said, patting the crowbar in his hand on this leg. "Wonder how much this goes for."

"Just over 30,000," I said, making the man do a double take. He brought up the crowbar and started swinging at me, and me being rusty, I got hit every other swing. Thinking wasn't my friend at the moment, but I decided to do what came to mind first: press the car alarm button.

As the noise started, the man ran off and I immediately turned it off once he was out of sight. Opening the driver's side door, I got in and opened the glove box. Grabbing the small parcel and opening it, I let out a breathy sigh. It was still here.

I quickly got out and closed the door, locking it and making my way back inside. Both Evy and Logan were on the landing, looking worried. "I'm just gonna have a few bruises. Nothing else," I said, causing them both to come down all the way and wrap their arms around me.

"You're such a dud," Evy said, causing the both of us to look at her. "I remember you saying that to mom before we went to Ireland," she went on, causing Logan and I to look at one another.

"Go back to bed, Evelyn," I said, squeezing her real quick and kissing her forehead. She said her goodnight's to us and made her way back upstairs. "Remember that promise I made when we were seventeen?" I asked, looking down at Logan who was deep in thought.

"I've never forgotten it. Why?" he asked, looking at me with a bit of confusion.

"I'm wanting to make it a pact." At that, I pulled out the box I got from my car, bent down on one knee and opened it, revealing a ring. "Logan Michael Reese, would you do me the honor of being the greatest partner on earth and give Evelyn the two parents she needs?"
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Never thought we'd get to this point xD
