‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I knew I was so different then the person Reggie had seen last. My hair gone,my skin bleachy and pale and my body so thin my cloths barely held onto my body. "Why are you here?" I asked,my voice raspy and weak as I slowly made it back to the bed.

"Logan told me what's been going on.." He said,his voice still just a whisper in the air as he slowly walked towards the bed and eased himself down into the chair "Why aren't you at home doing all this...why are you spending it here in the hospital?" he asked,finally looking up at me.

Leaning back against my pillows,I stared at him then back out the window "I haven't been to that house since you left Reggie...before I got cancer I was spending my nights in an apartment across town. I can't bring myself to step foot in that house...not with all those memories of what we use to have...use to be.." I whispered,feeling the tears spring in my eyes. blinking them away,I looked down towards my hands.

"Keegan I..." he stopped,causing me to turn my head and look at him "Why didn't you call me...why didn't you tell me what was going on? I would have came straight back Keegan..stayed here with you" He said only to cause me to scuff

"No you wouldn't have Reggie...You don't remember those words you spoke to me before walking out?" I asked,causing reggie to suddenly look away. I could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke.

"I told you...that I never wanted to see or hear from you again...I didn't want you anymore.." he whispered causing me to nod then look down at his hand,seeing the small paper I gave him that day.

"Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?" I spoke,sending Reggie's head straight up and looking at me "I remember when I gave that to you...just before you walked out on me..I'm surprised you've kept it all these years.." I said.

Reggie looked down at the paper,staring at it intently before he lifted his head and looked back at me again "I know sorry doesn't cover for what I did Keegan but you were right...I do need you..more then I've ever needed anyone. I am so sorry for not listening to you...for leaving you like I did" he said,standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry doesn't cover it Reggie...you have a lot to make up for" I said,reaching and taking his hand in mine 'Starting with getting me from this hospital and taking care of me..as you should have all those years ago"I said,giving him a soft smile.

Time Elapse

I didn't fully forgive Reggie for what he did to me..I wouldn't for a while but I believed that if I gave him a chance just as Logan gave Shane so many chances that perhaps...just maybe Reggie will stay with me. I had almost giving up the fight with cancer before he came in,I was so close to just telling them to stop treatments,send me home and let me die alone and unloved.

I stood at the door of the house,eyeing it carefully before looking at Reggie. I could still see the hurt and pain in his eyes before he took my hand "Your not going in alone...not anymore" he whispered and opened the door,turning the lights on and helping me inside. Staring around,I took in the pictures of Reggie and I..taken when I thought we were most happy..turning out that during that I was the only one truly happy. Looking away from the pictures I pulled myself away from Reggie and went into the kitchen.

"We're going to need to clean this out...I'm sure everything in here is years old.." I remarked quietly before closing the fridge and going downstairs to what use to be mine and Reggies room,hearing him follow me quickly.

I opened the bedroom door and felt the first tears fill my eyes again,all the beautiful memories of Reggie and I screaming through my brain. "Why Reggie...why did you do this to me" I choked out,closing my eyes and staring at the floor "I loved you so much...so damn much and you tore my heart out...made me feel like I was just the ugly ground you walked upon" I cried.