‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


Days seemed to blend together, and as they went on, Logan was still in the coma. I rarely left his side, which meant I was hardly eating. Evelyn was doing everything in her power for me to go home, eat, and get some sleep, but I couldn't move. I lost some weight since he entered the coma, and I was becoming rather weak.

I watched Logan, praying each and every day that he would wake up. Some days, I found myself talking to his unresponsive body, and sometimes, I could hear how he would respond. I would laugh at the thought, which would make me cry immediately after.

One day, it hurt so much I curled up into fetal position on the floor and just let it all out, not caring about the doctors, the nurses, or any visitors who saw. I was hurting ... and hurting badly. I was ready to end everything right then and there.

Time Elapse -- Two Weeks

"Dad, please eat," Evy said to me one day, which is the same thing she said every day she came in. I looked into the blue eyes of my daughter for a long moment.

"Bring me something small," I said as I played with the ring on Logan's finger. "And sweet, please. Maybe some pop-tarts or a candy bar." She nodded and walked out of the room. "If you can hear me, Logan, I'm so sorry. Sorry for every single thing I've ever done to hurt you. Please, please wake up. Evelyn needs you, I need you. I don't want what we now have to fall apart."

The tears fell as I stared down at Logan. "I'm just now getting into a good thing with you and Evy and ... and I fear that I'm losing it." I barely registered Evelyn walking back in the room.

"It's been three weeks, Dad. Are you sure he's going to wake up?" she asked, although I could hear her voice cracking. I swallowed hard before looking at her.

"He has to, Evelyn. Otherwise, I'm done for," I whispered, causing her to shake her head.

"Don't say that, I need you! I've spent so much of my life without you! I'm not going to let you walk out of my life again!" she said, her voice raising an octave after every word.

I looked back at Logan, and for the first time in my life, I almost wished I'd never met him. That I'd never met Lauren. That Evelyn was never born.

That I'd never left Ireland all those years ago.

I wanted to be that little boy back at his grandmother's house listening to her sing and tell stories about the days when she was a little girl. Now, in just over 20 years, I've lost everything. The only good thing I still had -- aside from Evelyn -- was laying unresponsive in a hospital bed before me.

It was that moment I realized him waking up or not would cause either great happiness or great pain for me and Evelyn ... and I was scared.