‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I remember feeling something touching my hand then the bright lights of whatever room I was in blinding me as my eyes slowly fluttered open.

As my eyes adjusted,I heard a voice off to my left causing me to turn my head and find myself staring at a young girl "mom! oh thank god!" she exclaimed and jumped up,running over and grabbing my hand. Furrowing my eyebrows I pulled my hand away only to hear Shane on the right.

"Logan..Logan look at me..honey look at me" I heard him say,causing me to slowly turn my head from the little girl and face Shane "Do you know who I am?" he asked,worry filling his eyes. A small smile lighting my face as I nodded.

"Of course I remember you Shane,how can I not remember the man I've been dating for a few months" I said causing Shane's eyes widen and him to look up at the young women.

"Logan..do you know who she is?" he asked,looking back down at me as I shook my head and looked back at the young women who was now crying.

"Is she..Is she our daughter?" I asked,causing the girl to nod and gripped my hand. I gazed at her intently before looking at Shane. "Just how long was i out..and how much did I forget?" I asked.
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Sorry that it's so super short but there's a reason behind it but I promise that my next chapter will be longer