‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I stared at him for a long moment before answering. "You were out for a month." Logan looked down at his hands. "What do you remember?" I asked, grabbing his hand and rubbing my thumb on the back of it.

Logan looked at our joined hands for a moment before answering. "I remember the first time we kissed. Not the drunken kiss, but the our first real kiss. I remember our trips to Ireland, how happy we were." He went on, and I realized he didn't remember any of the bad things that happened between us. As I thought about that, I didn't realize he stopped talking. I looked up at him and smiled warmly. "Am I missing anything?" I considered telling him, but then shook my head.

"That sounds about right," I said, just over a whisper. I met Evelyn's gaze and I could tell she wanted me to explain what he missed. "Hey, I'm going to let the doctor's look over you for a while, I need to talk alone with Evelyn right now. Alright?" Logan nodded, resting against the pillows.

Standing up, I reached out and grabbed Evy's hand. Walking out of the room, I closed the door behind us and we made our way towards the vending machines. "Why didn't you tell him the truth?" she asked almost immediately.

I looked at her and studied her for a few moments. Letting out a sigh, I said, "I thought it would be best if I held off telling him for a while. Right now, I want him to get better. Not to mention, it might be better that's he's forgotten half of it -- the bad half, anyway."

"What have we talked about? You can't be lying to him. You know it makes you guys fight. I don't think I can take you walking out a third time, Daddy," she said, her eyes watering. I pulled her into a tight hug, and kissed her head.

"I'm never leaving, baby. Not this time," I said, staring at the wall. I felt scared, and I knew deep down Evelyn was right. I knew I was going to have to tell him soon, I just didn't want to.