‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


Once the doctor looked me over,I was told to rest for a few days before they started tests to make sure everything was right with me before sending me home. Lifting my head,i turned and watched Shane and our daughter walk through the door.

I could tell on their faces that something was wrong,that they weren't telling me something so I spoke up "Your not telling me something Shane...I can tell your not but maybe it's for a reason" I said,reaching over and grabbing his hand. Looking over his skin then up at him,seeing him look me over.

He fell into the chair beside me and sighed softly 'There is but I want to wait on telling you..atleast until your home where you belong" He said,kissing my hand and running the palm along his face 'I'm just so glad your awake..I was so scared I would lose you" he whispered,his eyes closing.

Running my thumb along his cheek,I brought his face foreward and kissed him "Silly boy..haven't you realized that even after all these year,I've always been by your side" I smiled before stopping and looking at my hand,seeing the ring.

"We're married?" I asked,my eyes lighting up in hope but Shane grabbed my hand and held it to his face again.

"No but we're engaged...when you got sick we were still working on the plans" he whispered,staring up at me.

Time Elaspe

As the following weeks went by,I was soon released from the hospital and sent home "Mom..how are you feeling?" Evy asked,looking at me from the back seat. Looking back at her,I smiled warmly.

"I'm feeling Great...Angel.." i said before furrowing my eyesbrows. I remember calling her that,I saw flashes of just me and her causing me to look at Shane "Shane...why do I remember you leaving Evy in my care when she was just a baby?" I asked.

His fingers tightened on the wheel and sighed "I'll explain that later Logan..let's just go home" he said,taking my hand again as I looked back at Evy who took my other hand.

Looking forward I was scared about what I would learn but I knew it was either they tell me or I remember it on my own and start a huge fight.