‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


It was exactly one week until Logan and Shane's big day, and everyone was frantic, even me. "Let's go, let's go! We've got three hours to get to the airport, get through security, and get on the plane!" Keegan said, pushing everyone in his path out the door.

Once everyone was in the car, we sped out of the driveway and towards the airport. Madrid, Spain, here we come.

Time Elapse

Once everyone was settled and strapped in, the tense air among us, for the most part, lifted. I could tell Logan and Shane were currently whispering about something. Whatever it was caused Logan to laugh like mad. Shane was grinning, and when he looked up at me, his eyes softened and then he winked. I smiled back and then rested my head against the seat. Before I knew it, we were in the air, and I was asleep.

Time Elapse -- Shane

After an hour of delay and a seven hour flight, we finally landed in Spain, all of us tired, and very hungry. Once we were situated in two separate cabs, we set off to the hotel. Luckily Reggie and I were fluent in Spanish. Logan knew a handful of phrases, but that was it. He would have known more but with missing so much school all those years ago, he never really was able to become fluent.

"Estamos aquí," the driver said, then told us the fair. Paying him, I thanked him and he popped the trunk. Grabbing our bags, Logan and I made our way to the lobby and waited for the other three. Once they came in, we got our room keys and headed for the elevator.

"I can't believe we're getting married in Spain of all places!" Logan said, squealing excited. "You've definitely outdone yourself this time, Shane."

"I sure hope so, but just wait until our honeymoon, love," I said, pressing a kiss on his neck. He shivered as he looked at me curiously. Bringing my mouth to his ear, I whispered, "Venice, baby."

"No way?!" he said, louder than expected. I nodded and did the eyebrow thing which made him get irritated. "I hate you!" he said, storming off. I laughed huskily before running after him.

Time Elapse

Once everyone got settled in, everyone decided to explore. Reggie and Keegan went to check out the bistros and Evelyn wanted to check out the bookstores. Luckily, Reggie had made her fluent in Spanish so she'd be able to communicate with the locals. Never thought it would be put to use. As we walked around Madrid, I stared around in as the city lit up as night descended. This was going to be the best wedding and vacation ever.


As I walked about the bookstore, I stared around in excitement. It was absolutely huge and I feel like I've died and went to bookworm heaven. Apparently, I was so awe-struck, I ran into a local and fell on my side. I looked up to see a boy about my age looking worried. "Lo siento mucho. ¿Estás bien?" he asked, reaching for my hand.

Grabbing his hand and standing up, I replied, "Estoy bien. Lo siento. No estaba prestando atención." He looked physically relieved and smiled at me.

"Do you speak English?" he asked, his Spanish accent a bit thicker than before.

"Yes," I replied, smiling at him. "My name's Evelyn." At that, I stuck my hand out. He smiled again and shook my hand.

"I'm Miguel. Would you like to look around together?" he asked, offering his arm. I giggled, causing him to blush a little.

"I'd love to," I replied, tucking my arm into his. Little did I know, he wasn't as good as he seemed to be.