‹ Prequel: One More Weekend

Just Can't Let You Go


I stood there beside the bed,staring into the hallway where I knew Shane was standing "Sounds like you had it pretty damn easy compared to me Shane" I said,staring at the floor

'For the last three years...I've become nothing but someones punching bag...yea,I met a good guy here and there but it never lasted long...they were never you" I said,tears of anger and sadness filling my eyes.

"You haven't a clue how badly you hurt me Shane,to hear you speak those words after I fell so fucking deeply in love with you. For years I thought I was nothing,just another one of your toys."I spoke,my voice choking on the tears as I cleared my throat.

"Before you came into my life Shane,I had nothing...was nothing..basketball was all I had..All I was until you came into it. I finally had something else to live for" I cried,my legs giving out and I fell to my knees on the floor,my hands clenched in fists.

"You became my world...all I cared about..all i wanted..I would have given anything and everything up to be with you..even basketball if that's what you wanted" I choked out,my eyes blurring as the tears continued to fill them.

"I'm so sorry Logan..so so sorry" Shane spoke from the hall,I could hear his voice break and knew he was crying as well "I never wanted this to happen," he added,his voice breaking even more.

"All i wanted was you Shane...Your still all I want..I'm not completely myself without you...basketball is only half of who I am...you took the other half when you left me...I've tried so hard getting it back but it's pointless.." I cried,lifting my head and staring at the door.

I prayed strongly that he'd enter the room,that I'd finally feel his embrace after all these years even if it was simple and brief..it was something...something I needed and wanted so badly for the last eight years...I wanted to feel safe again.