

Maeve smirked as she walked past Maya Destery, to have the power felt so good. She sat at her usual lunch table and stared across the room at Tara Skye, everyone had exiled her. She was sitting by herself just nibbling away at her food.

Maeve felt kind of bad about Tara, she was such a nice girl but an easy target. It was her fault that Maya did that, she came in being all nice and sweet. You need backbone. But at the same time, Maeve hated to see a little lie about someone who would make a great accomplice.

Manipulation; was Maeve's middle name. She convinced her friends that Tara was not the Snitch, and only Maeve knew who the real culprit was. She walked over towards Tara's lonely table and picked up her lunch, "Come on, I can't have you sitting all by yourself looking like a loser."

Tara's eyebrow rose, "Why?"

She shrugged, "You look pathetic." She guided Tara over to her table, she introduced her friends. Natalie was dressed in all black and kept scratching at her inner elbow, Hunter was actually a girl with a short haircut, and Molly had a stuck up attitude when Tara arrived.

Tara faced Maeve, "Why are you doing this? We've never talked before."
She shrugged again, "Oh Tara, everyone knows your one of the sweetest girls."

"No, everyone thinks I'm Snitch."

Molly snorted and popped her bubblegum, "Oh please. Like you have the guts and balls to be the almighty Snitch?" She rolled her eyes, she hated Tara's friends from the get go and because Tara was friends with them, she wasn't fond of Tara either.

Tara looked in her lap, "I could have if I wanted to."

Natalie smirked, "Then why didn't you think of it? Only the devious of people could have thought of that."

Like you guys?" Tara narrowed her eyes, they couldn't be that tough.

Molly nodded, "Hell yeah, like us. We were thinking of letting our Burn book get released like Mean Girls, except our burns are hell of a lot meaner."

Hunter chimed in, "Yeah, but the damn Snitch beat us to it."

Tara looked down at her sandwhich, what was she doing with the schools meanest and toughest girls? She quietly ate her lunch while the rest of her new table talked about the latest rude encounter.

Maya's eyes narrowed at the sight of Tara sitting with Maeve Joyce, sure Maeve had cracked her little secret. But, two mean girls could play the game Maeve wanted to play. She scoffed, "Looks like Tara is sitting with Maeve Joyce."

Savannah frowned, "Oh, Tara. She has so much more potential than them. I mean no offense to them, but they're brutally harsh."

Maya kept her narrowed eyes and stared hard at Savannah, "Must I remind you, Tara was the brutal Snitch."

Lilli slouched, "I still don't think she did it, Tara's so nice and stuff."

Hayley nodded, "I agree, but evidence is right there in black and white. Can't get much more than that." She stared over at Maeve, Maeve was gorgeous no doubt. She had piercing gray eyes that matched her unusual lightly tanned complexion, her hair was the perfect factor to her beauty; bright red with pretty sprial curls. The sprial curls that weren't frizzy, the perfect ones.

"Why do you think she's getting involved with Maeve?" Savannah bit her lip, even though she made a promise to Maya; Tara was her friend. And Savannah was not the type of person to forget a friend. She just needed to know why she did it.

Maya bit her carrot stick and rolled her eyes, "Who flipp-in cares."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the late update. It's almost over! :(
I'm smelling a sequel, should I?
Thanks to
Scarlet Knows
Alynn May
Miss Crysta