Run Away


I walk down the stairs of my house, 13, and going to my friend, Alec's, end of summer party. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a dark blue tank top, a black jean jacket, blue converse, a few band braclets, and a Avenged Sevenfold necklace. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I notice that my father is on the couch, a beer in hand, watching the football game. Knowing that this can't be good, I try to sneak past him and to the door so I could leave.
"Where do you think you're going you emo slut?" my father calls after me. Crap, I was caught!
"I'm going to Alec's end of summer party at his house, father", I swallow down any rude comments I had and ask this instead,"Do you need anything before I go? A drink? Food?" He takes a gulp of his beer before he replys.
"I've told I didn't like that Alec boy! he's a bad influence", he scolds at me. I couldn't take it any longer.
"Why? Because he stands up to my terrible father?' I retort, balling my fists up. this seems to have set off my dad, for he stands up and walks over to me while raising his hand to hit me. I kinda deserved this one, I think to myself. He brinds his hand down to my face, moving quickly.
I launch up gasping fo air and cold sweat rolling down the back of my neck. Morning light pours through the window over my bed. I grab some clothes from my drawer and head over to the bathroom to take a shower. Luckily, this house had running water.
I've had that dream-i mean nightmare- since it happened a month before I ran away. I remember it crystal clear and it haunts my dreams. I became accoustomed to it after a couple of weeks but it would be nice if I could dream of something different.
Walking down the stairs after showering aand dressing in my black skinny jeans, a purple and plaid tank top, purple converse, and a Falling In Reverse bracelet. A waft of a delicious smell hits me as I open the door to the kitchen. At the stove is James, putting some pancakes on a plate. His black hair was still damp from a shower, black skinny jeas hung loosely around his waist, and he wore a plain dark blue shirt, the same band bracelets from yesterday- or today because it was one in the morning- and black converse.
"You're lucky you can cook or else I would have kicked you out today", I joke with him, smiling. Andy looks over, faking a hurt look,"You would never do that! I'm way to good looking for you to just throw me out", he says, faking his voice to sound hurt. I laugh and grab the plate of pancakes out of his hand and sit down at the table.
"You wish," I say while taking a bite of the pancake.
"Come on, I know you think I'm amazingly handsome", he says with a smug smile across his face.
"Oh, so now you're a cook and have an ego the size of Jupiter?" I ask, trying to change the subject. James sits down next to me with his own plate of pancakes.
"Isn't the phrase 'an ego the size of Texas'?" he asks with a confused look on his face.
"Texas wasn't big enough", I reply simply, James smiling at me. The rest of breakfast went by with small talk and silences.
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Anyone out there reading this story, comment so I know I have people reading. And I know I probably have grammer errors but get over it, kay?